10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

@ Nash behind Vader

Why is Husky Harris even on there???

Edge knocked out backstage
Im at work right now but trust me there will be a party tommarow for the newest edition to team NTRaw.......wont let u down 4w 
Originally Posted by toine2983

How the hell did he get into the ring in a wheelchair though?

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMyShoes

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Oh and also, regarding the JNSQ/HombreLobo match with me as referee....

i want no ooutside interference, so i got me a special enforcer to be outside

Spoiler [+]


Tell me you did not just say that...
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

TNA just got my attention again. Might have to set the dvr thurs, always was a james storm fan

thats what im saying. people just hatin on tna for the hell of it.

They finally do something right... im sorry but storm > roode as far as charisma amd character.... much better champion...
Complete Detailed Impact Spoilers for this Thursday
Spoiler [+]
Elijah Nadir was at the Impact Wrestling Zone at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida for the tapings for the episode of Impact that will air on Thursday October 20, 2011:
Impact started off with Sting coming to the ring. He talked about how he vowed to do two things when Hogan and Bischoff came into power in TNA 18 months ago. One was to put the company back in Dixie Carter’s hands. The second was to bring back the ‘real Hulk Hogan’. Sting talked about one defining moment at Bound for Glory on Sunday night. There was someone who decided to do the right thing and he wants that person to come to the ring.

Hulk Hogan comes to the ring and he gets a ‘Welcome Back’ chant. Hogan says that he has been in a bad place for the last year and Bischoff helped him through many things and Hogan followed what Bischoff did. Hogan says that Bischoff made some bad decisions and Hogan was a follower when he should have been a leader. Hogan says that he has one person to thank and that is Sting.

Hogan asks ‘What ya gonna do when Hulk Hogan and Sting come running after you?’

Dixie Carter comes out to the ring and Hogan leaves. Sting tells Dixie that this doesn’t erase what happened 18 months ago but Sting mentioned that Dixie gave him a home to come to and he loves TNA. He tells Dixie that now that she is back in charge, there is no room for error.

Dixie tells Sting that he was right all along and she apologizes to him and mentions that this will not happen again. Dixie tells Sting that she wants him to be responsible for all of the day to day decisions when it comes to Impact.

Kurt Angle interrupts things and he says that not only is there one superhero in the ring, there are two. He wonders if this was for him or Robert Roode. Angle says that he realizes that Dixie is in charge and Sting is running things from the Impact Zone, but Angle will be running things since he is the champion. Angle says that he made Roode look like a loser during their match on Sunday and he is the better man.

Bobby Roode comes to the ring. He calls Angle pathetic and mentions that Angle screwed him on Sunday night by holding the ropes to get the victory. Roode says that what happened at Bound for Glory was bulls***.

Sting says that he has an idea for tonight’s episode of Impact. Why not have a rematch with Bobby Roode facing Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Angle tells Sting that match cannot happen because the contract that him and Roode signed for Bound for Glory had a few provisions that Hogan and Bischoff suggested. Bobby Roode can only wrestle Kurt Angle once. Angle says that Roode is the real deal, but he has screwed Roode. He starts to mention Roode’s tag team partner’s catchphrase and we hear ‘Sorry ‘bout your damn luck’.

James Storm comes to the ring and he introduces himself to Kurt Angle. He says that the contract does not say that James Storm cannot wrestle Kurt Angle. Storm says that at Bound for Glory Kurt Angle screwed the fans, Impact Wrestling, and Bobby Roode. He says that the fans still want to see a title match even if they cannot see Roode versus Angle.

Sting makes an executive decision that Kurt Angle will face James Storm tonight for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

[This segment went for at least a half hour at the tapings].

Match Number One: TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions Brooke Tessmacher and Tara defeated Winter and Angelina Love to retain the TNA Knockout Tag Team Titles after Tessmacher hit a cross body off the top turnbuckles and pinned Winter.

Jeff and Karen Jarrett comes out to the ring and Jeff calls out Jeff Hardy to finish what was started on Sunday night at Bound for Glory. Hardy comes to the ring and Jarrett mentions that Victory Road was not the first time that Hardy screwed over the company and he reminds Jeff about the time that Jeff no showed a pay per view.

Jarrett gives Hardy two options. He can either drop the mic and walk away, never to be heard from again; or Hardy can face the founder.

Hardy says that the people want him and that Jarrett is the only one who is *****ing. Hardy says that Jarrett cannot stand the way that the fans react to him.

Hardy and Jarrett brawl in the ring and security and officials come to the ring to try to separate them. They break free of security a few times and some of the agents come into the ring. While they try to get Jarrett out of the ring, Al Snow and D’Lo Brown argue and while this happens, Hardy sneaks over and attacks Jarrett. While the mayhem ensues, Jarrett kicks Hardy in the groin before leaving the ring.

After Jarrett leaves the ring, Hardy has enough strength to throw his shirt into the crowd, but the fan who caught it must not have been a Hardy fan and he threw the shirt back to Hardy in the ring.

Gunner came to the ring and he talked about what happened last week when Immortal took care of Abyss. Gunner calls out Abyss for their match.

Match Number Two: Abyss defeats Gunner by count out. Gunner spent most of the match trying to avoid Abyss and he eventually ran out of the building to get counted out.

The new TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky came to the ring and she talked about what it meant for her to become the Knockouts Champion. She talked about being bullied as a kid. The crowd chants ‘You Deserve It’ during the segment.

Karen Jarrett comes to the ring with Traci Brooks and Karen berates Traci and then tells Velvet that she wanted to strip Velvet of the title last night but she decided to do something else. Karen continues to bully Velvet and then she brings out Madison Rayne. While Madison stands at ringside and Velvet focuses on Madison, someone comes through the crowd and it is the return of Gail Kim.

Gail attacks Velvet and Madison joins in. Karen, Madison, and Gail stand over Velvet.

They show footage from the end of the Hulk Hogan/Sting match from Bound for Glory and what happened with Eric Bischoff and Jackson James.

Eric Bischoff comes to the ring with Bully Ray, Gunner, and Scott Steiner. Bischoff talks about his ingrate of a son and that he will settle his issues with his son in private. Eric says that he is not done dealing with Garrett (Since the ‘illusion’ has been removed, he can go with the Bischoff name) Eric says that he expected that Hulk Hogan would come to the ring and explain what he did to his face. Hulk Hogan comes to the ring and he talks about how Garrett Bischoff did a brave thing on Sunday night.

The members of Immortal come into the ring and they surround Hogan. Before they can do anything to Hogan, Sting comes through the crowd with a few baseball bats. Sting gives Hogan a bat and Immortal leaves the ring.

As Immortal goes up the ramp, they do not realize that Garrett Bischoff has come out and he attacks his father.

They show a segment in the back with James Storm doubting whether he deserves the title shot. Roode gives Storm a pep talk and tells James that he has been working his whole career for this moment and to take advantage of what has been given him.

Match Number Three: James Storm defeats Kurt Angle to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion after a super kick. This was a very short match with Angle punching Storm for about forty-five seconds to a minute. The referee stopped Angle and then Angle and the referee had a brief argument. Angle went back to the corner but Storm hit Angle with the super kick and got the pinfall.

After the match, Bobby Roode came to the ring to celebrate with his tag team partner. Fellow Fortune members A.J. Styles and Frankie Kazarian came to the ring with beer to join in the celebration.

Storm got on the mic and he talked about how honored he was to win the title and he hands the belt to Bobby Roode. Roode tells Storm that he appreciates the gesture, but the fans are right that Storm deserves this title. The celebration continues with Storm going into the crowd to celebrate with the fans.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Robbie E (with Rob Terry)
wwe '12 graphics are not impressive.

- Sources report that WWE’s Vengeance pay-per-view will be the event where John Cena finally breaks away from the WWE Title picture. Cena will be facing Alberto Del Rio in a Last Man Standing Match for Del Rio’s WWE Title.

This would indicate that Del Rio is retaining the title. After Vengeance, Cena will begin the build for Survivor Series and further his feud with The Rock. Del Rio is scheduled to go into a feud with CM Punk.
so now i'm hearing backstage that jnsq and lobo are crying about how im going to screw one of them over since i'm the special ref. at their match at the NTRaw super go home show.

i have a score to settle with both of u so i really am not going to play favorites.

jnsq, i would worry about your opponent at NTSeries being outside though.
Not sure at all how Raw stayed above a 3 this week. I know the Jets played the Dolphins, but wow.
WWE '12 RTWM video:

R.I.P. Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio.


And Wade Barrett.
WWE Universe 2.0:  Last year's introduction of WWE Universe was huge.  Finally, gamers had the proverbial keys to the toy store, and could customize the entire WWE storyline universe they way they see fit.  If you didn't like a wrestler on one show, you could switch him to the other, or write him off altogether.  While this was a great start, there were a few complaints.  Firstly, it was too hard to set up title shots.  There was a fairly complex logarithm that only listened to certain rules, where only certain title contenders could get shots at certain times.  This has been amended for you to set up shots whenever you want.  Not only that, but if you're sick of WWE's sets, you can import your arenas and have your own Universe with whichever shows you feel like - WCW Nitro, Thunder, ECW - anything you can think of can be put into the Universe.  You can even defend and issue your choice of 22 different title belts, and have the ability to interfere yourself in all AI matches where you could not before.  Forget the keys to the toy store.  THQ has given you keys to the entire mall in Universe 2.0.

Fighters now carry momentum meters, and their attributes rise and fall depending on the momentum (or lack thereof) they possess.  This is not a new feature to sports games, as this has been in other franchises as far back as 1995.  However, this will allow you to pull up the attributes of the Superstars you choose to have compete for your titles.  Zack Ryder, for example, has recently taken his career from near-obscurity into the top 10 of popularity and merchandise sales.  Ryder's fans unhappy with his in-game ratings can push him toward the top, and see huge increases to his attributes with severely increased momentum.

With dozens of huge changes made, and hundreds of little tweaks made, THQ's attempt to continue improving the WWE universe, and bringing the experience closer to an interactive program (rather than a video game) is sure to be nothing short of amazing.  Gamers wary of the fact that this is a yearly franchise should come in with an open mind, as there are many twists, turns and surprised yet to be revealed, and that only you can experience.  Be ready in understanding that this is going to be a different game than last year.  This game aims to prove that THQ is constantly thinking forward, and I can say with certainty that the changes will not be for naught.

For gamers seeking the extra bragging rights of being "The" WWE gamer, THQ is taking pre-orders for a "People's Edition" with the Rock on the cover available only through their website, and in limited quantities.  Otherwise, the game drops November 22nd for Region 1, November 24th in Australia (where it's sure to cost twice US retail since that's the way Australian gaming rolls), and the 25th everywhere else.  With so much in store for gamers this November, THQ is sure to send the gaming holiday season into a frenzy.  Check back here at XBox Addict for our review of the next installment of the WWE Universe.


Via Games Radar:

[h2]WWE '12 preview: hands-on with Road to WrestleMania and WWE Universe[/h2] [h2]The wrassler’s single player action gets redone as well[/h2]
WWE SmackDown vs Raw is no more, and in its place is the new and easy to remember title WWE '12. After years of dominating the world of wrestling games, THQ is out to make a fresh start, though the publisher and the Yuke's development team aren't forgetting what made SmackDown so huge. Not too long ago we saw the gameplay tweaks and creation suite updates, and now we've seen the single player offerings. Fan favorite modes Road to WrestleMania and WWE Universe are back, but just how much have they changed for this new era?

Ever since Road to WrestleMania was introduced in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, we've been big fans of the dedicated campaign mode and its stories worthy of appearing on actual episodes of Raw. Over the years RtWM has focused on stars as diverse as CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, even the Divas, but the biggest shake up this year is how complete a story it is. There are three separate campaigns with one leading directly to the other, the overall story spanning a much longer period of time than the mere months between Royal Rumble and WrestleMania.

The mode begins with John Cena getting ready for a match against The Undertaker as you walk with the unbeatable hero to the ring. Then out of nowhere Cena is jumped by Sheamus and you realize Cena isn't the star of this mode, it's the Great White Irishman of the WWE that‘s taking the spotlight. It was a pleasant surprise to see the devs taking a break from Cena and giving a shot to the greatest Ginger in WWE history.


As his story continues, the plot plays up to Sheamus' background, as he forms a stable with other stars from across the pond. Sheamus builds a team with William Regal, Aaron Riley and Wade Barret to form a United Kingdom of villains. Soon they’re dominating the entire WWE, snatching all the titles from the promotion. At the demo event for this preview, we met with Sheamus in person and he mentioned that the plot is similar to one he and the Brits tried to start up in the real promotion but it never got going, so it’s nice to see the story find a place in WWE ‘12.

Eventually group turmoil disrupts the stable as Wade Barret challenges Sheamus for dominance and they ultimately square off in a match for all the gold. As you can see from the shot above Sheamus ends it in a dramatic fashion by throwing Barret into a spotlight, seemingly killing the Englishman. That’s when we found out how the second of the three Road to WrestleMania modes starts, as Sheamus’ Villain campaign leads immediately into the Outsider campaign featuring Triple H.


Hunter’s plot revolves around him making one more play for the championship, trying to top Ric Flair’s record for most world title victories. HHH is out to dominate like never before, but he also has no friends backing him up this time, which leads the story to some strange places. At one point he battles Rated-R Superstar Edge, which shows how WWE games can sometimes beat the real thing, as Edge retired very suddenly and permanently due to health issues earlier this year, something fans can (temporarily) ignore in WWE ‘12.

Once Triple H’s tale is over the focus moves pretty suddenly into the final third of Road to WrestleMania, the hero campaign. Though we wondered just who the hero would be (Daniel Bryan? Cover star Randy Orton?), THQ instead is giving us the first ever full Road to WrestleMania storyline that stars a created wrestler. You make the character at the start of the mode, and in the cutscenes he goes by the nickname Cass (shorthand for Create-A-Superstar mode), as you follow his trip to the top.


Your created wrestler begins his career on Raw as the winner of WWE’s up-and-coming talent competition NXT and immediately gets into a feud with fellow NXT star Husky Harris. Later on it involves the addition of Kevin Nash, as Big Sexy has become the General Manager of Raw in the storyline. Despite the main character of this section being “made up,

The voice acting work was horrible in the last SvR game too.

The lip syncing was horrible.
Originally Posted by solidsnake

We doing Vengeance predictions? I need to be first on that list...

Any chance this can get set up before Saturday 4w?

I'll be out of town and I've missed the last two.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by solidsnake

We doing Vengeance predictions? I need to be first on that list...

Any chance this can get set up before Saturday 4w?

I'll be out of town and I've missed the last two.
I'll do my best to have it posted by tomorrow night.  If anyone has any question suggestions, post them by tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Only 4 pages? 

that's how bad RAW was. i'm glad i watched paranormal activity 2 and piped wifey's cheeks instead.
heard mnf was garbage too.  

The October 17th edition of Raw did a 3.1 rating, with 4,475,000 viewers. 

The show did hours of 3.05 in the first and 3.2 in the second half.

Spoiler [+]
- Matches for today's WWE NXT include: 

* Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyler Reks 

* Kaitlyn vs. Maxine 

* Titus O'Neill and Percy Watson vs. JTG and Derrick Bateman 

what times does NXT start on WWE.com?!?! 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I miss Create-a-title Mode... wish that would be brought back.Especially since create an arena (brand) is in the game. [/color]

- Sources close to the situation are now confirming that the NTWE arena color scheme will be pink and yellow. When GHIMS was asked why did officials choose the colors, he said it was homage to The Macho Man Randy Savage.

- Apparently officials are messing with the idea of putting Dragonfly and 3dgarFly in a tag team.

- Hymen_Man will now be paired up with a heel valet to get him over with the crowd.

- Word going around is that JNSQ will be given a gimmick where he walks out to the arena with his testicles in a can, similar to how Paul Bearer would carry the urn for the Undertaker.

- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.
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