10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

from what Toine posted, storylines in the game > current storylines on tv
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.
A storyline or legitimate conspiracy against Jeribkmac

Spoiler [+]
*Ponders for a moment....*


If it gets me airtime, let's roll with it.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.

I was just thinking about how this can easily be turned into a storyline
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

BTW I've never been a Beth fan.. but SWEET BABY JESUS I SHE would
Are you kidding me? 4W I'm starting to think you're afraid of women with some %$+ and mass. Someone would have to be a scrawny 5'5 155 to not see the appeal of the Beth, Natty, and Kaitlyn body types. *shrugs*

Keep the teeny boppers. I'll take a fit women.

don't talk to the messiah of attractive females like that, lobo.

dude only knows quality females whether they be a generic looking barbie dolls dying a slow death of aggressive anorexia or grotesquely charming ogres with man-like features.

don't hate on the man congratulate him with some pics that he can quote with smoking hat smileys.





hombrelobo wrote:
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi


In preparation for our match with GHIMS as the special guest referee me and my old taggin' buddy JNSQ looked up some of GHIMS' past history. Ya know, cause we want to be sure that we are having a match with an accredited individual who can handle the task at hand. Well, to say the least, we found some interesting footage from his days in the independents as the "Freight Train".

Johnny in the back...

ROLL THE CLIP! (Skip to 00:26)

See you at the SuperShow sockeyboy!



what the HELL did I just watch?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.

so basically the angle is kayfabe to go along with the fact that he's boring and dull with lackluster promos.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.

I was just thinking about how this can easily be turned into a storyline

*Looks up*

I like what I hear DEEK, pitch the idea.

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

so basically the angle is kayfabe to go along with the fact that he's boring and dull with lackluster promos.

Surely you can't be serious, yet again, calling me out on my promos. Are you even on the card for NTSeries? I may not be as of right now, but at least I am being mentioned in the **NTWE News & Notes**. There is plenty of room for Jeribkmac on the card, and that spot will be filled and I will change the face of NTWE for the good, and for the future.

What you don't understand is, you little dweeb, is that you have no real place in NTWE. You are here as a filler, as a jobber. JSNQs dismembered testicle > you, hell his remaining testicle > you. 4Wrestlings cats > you. YUKU > you. For #%#%* sake, GHIMS' imposter > you.


Do > you get my point? NTWE is not the place for you. Go to NTna, just anywhere that isn't here. You are a waste of space, wasting bandwidth, wasting posts that could be working if YUKU didn't have its way with NT.

If you want to settle this once and for all, I'm here kiddo. I'm ready.

Are you?


And this is for the rest of NTWE.

I may be a proud member of NTDown, despite being ignored (but that hopefully appears to be changing), but I need the entire federation to know that I am not just THE main attraction of NTDown, but also...


Jeriholics, have no fear. I am hear to SAVE  YOU.

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Only 4 pages? 

that's how bad RAW was. i'm glad i watched paranormal activity 2 and piped wifey's cheeks instead.
- Matches for today's WWE NXT include: 

* Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyler Reks 

* Kaitlyn vs. Maxine

* Titus O'Neill and Percy Watson vs. JTG and Derrick Bateman 

Kaitlyn vs Maxine

Originally Posted by theDEEK

is that vicki pic legit?!

 @ this Scott Hall piece.

Did not know he killed someone.

Hopefully his son can bring some sanity into his life.

I'm not a heartless person by nature but seeing Scott hall wrestle that messed up was 
I know I'm wrong but still...
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Wow...this Scott Hall story is very sad, especially being a long-time fan of his.

The part where Waltman said he was wishing for Hall to die for over a year was very telling.

brasilianmdon't talk to the messiah of attractive females like that, lobo.
dude only knows quality females whether they be a generic looking barbie dolls dying a slow death of aggressive anorexia or grotesquely charming ogres with man-like features.

don't hate on the man congratulate him with some pics that he can quote with smoking hat smileys.

Well, damn!

Kelly kelly, though, player...
Okay, let's be honest. If KK was around these parts pretty much everyone would have already hit that.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


- Sources close to the situation are now confirming that the NTWE arena color scheme will be pink and yellow. When GHIMS was asked why did officials choose the colors, he said it was homage to The Macho Man Randy Savage.

- Apparently officials are messing with the idea of putting Dragonfly and 3dgarFly in a tag team.

- Hymen_Man will now be paired up with a heel valet to get him over with the crowd.

- Word going around is that JNSQ will be given a gimmick where he walks out to the arena with his testicles in a can, similar to how Paul Bearer would carry the urn for the Undertaker.

- The whole BKMac being ignored situation going on will now be part of a storyline, although it wasn't clear where it would lead to.
Future Tag Champs
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