10 observations after standing in line for the first time in years, waiting for BIN IXs...

Dec 12, 1999
Scenario : Friend of mine and former co-worker is in the hospital, desperately wanted these. Asked me to try and cop. The last time I stood in line for AJs was the black/red XIIIs in late 2004. I've learned to go online and have also made good connections over the past decade. I did not end up getting a pair because I showed up too late.


1. I'm old. I was literally the 3rd oldest dude in line (I'm 24) out of like 60 dudes. The kid right in front of me was 14, meaning he was 2 when Jordan hit the last shot.

2. I missed the release of the "all-white Spacejams" according to a kid a few people behind me, referring to the Aniversary XIs. Yup, all XIs are now Spacejams.
 Another kid says" The Spacejams was good shoes to start out with in this shoe game". Shoes are now a game. Same kids comment on how one of their schoolmates has a bunch of older retros in perfect condition. They are dumbfounded how anyone has shoes from the early 2000s in mint condition, as if Jordan just recently began putting out retros.

3. I was the tallest person in the line compared to everyone in front of me. I'm 5'11".

4. 90% of the line (literally) looked like they hadn't picked up a basketball in years. Actually, most of them appeared to have not taken part in any athletic activity. Frail and pleasantly plump was the theme of the line. Yes I judged based upon looks and body types. Ok I'll say no $@%!.

5. Almost everyone gave me the size up when I got there (I had some Griffeys on, I mean it's only appropriate given the sudden news of a legend retiring). No one said whats up or looked friendly enough to even say hi. I guess the hatred and e-gangster persona on the internet does translate to real life. No one talks to one another. The tension if somewhat high, almost like everyone thinks the guy in front of them is gonna rob em after they get the kicks. Reseller tells everyone around him he has the Infrared pack right now for $500 if anyone wants em. No one says a word. No one calls him out for being a greedy re-seller. I tell him I respect his hustle and have no problems with it. We are one of the few people actually talking.

6. I was one of 3 white guys there. This has always been consistent since I was a kid. I should have worn some Sperry top-siders to look the part.

7. Line jumpers thought they were slick. Dude in line saw what was happening, started yelling. Line jumpers cursed and started yelling back. Dude gets in their faces (one of the non-frail or plump dudes in line). Line jumpers back down because they weighed about 150 combined and didn't end up getting the shoes anyway.

8. Everyone becomes upset when employees say they sold out. Everyone in line becomes mad and starts hating on the employees, not Jordan who only put out 1331 pairs. Employees had held several pairs for friends and bought some themselves. This has been going on for years.

9. Jordan Brand is genius. They slap a limited tag on a pair of 9s that would probably sit for a while if they were a GR. Everyone goes crazy for them. Those who come out empty handed decide to settle for those awful Spizikes that released the same day. JB wins and still gets their money.

10. Wearing socks with slip-on sandals is straight dumb. I don't care if it's morning time, you use them as your house shoes, they have Jordan logo on them, etc. It's still just dumb.

Getting back to #4, I am still confused as to how someone becomes interested in athletic shoes without actually playing sports or even watching them. My friends, schoolmates and I liked Jordans, Pennys, Griffeys, Deions, etc in the 90s because we played sports and sports was a part of our lives, as it still is for me. My theory : Atheltic shoes are just part of pop culture now. Someone give me a late pass.

i agree with everything you said except #10.
i do that #@+% all the time
Originally Posted by Cookie

i agree with everything you said except #10.
i do that #@+% all the time
was just about to post this. Adidas sandals with white mid cut socks
Originally Posted by Cookie

i agree with everything you said except #10.
i do that #@+% all the time
What I thought, I don't have any slides yet but when I get some, I'll do the same
Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Getting back to #4, I am still confused as to how someone becomes interested in athletic shoes without actually playing sports or even watching them. My friends, schoolmates and I liked Jordans, Pennys, Griffeys, Deions, etc in the 90s because we played sports and sports was a part of our lives, as it still is for me. My theory : Atheltic shoes are just part of pop culture now. Someone give me a late pass.

Not that I didn't find the whole OP despicable, but I just wanna address this part. Aside from the lames you pointed out, there are other people that just genuinely like the look of athletic shoes. If it's all you're used to wearing and seeing, AND it looks good, well damn. There you have it. I mean, I've never owned loafers, or boat shoes, or moccasins. When I think "shoes", I think "forces" mostly.  That's the generic default style I guess. When I think "fancy shoes" I think about when I used to care, and when I used to buy JB. I'm cool with plain Forces, white or black, or maybe a casual shoe now. But back when I was 14 (I admit, seeing MJ go HAM makes a huge difference) I was tryna buy me some Jays like errbody else.
Did you run into that, "I didn't get to get some Jordan's today, but I'll do anything for some Jordan's, ANYTHING" Dominican chic from the last NTer's waiting in line video he uploaded? She sounded like she just wanted to suck a @%+% anyways.
Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

You suck. at life.

According to your sig, it looks like you are from Houston. Were you one of the frails standing in line not wanting to say a word?
so with #4 you saying fat people can't rock air maxes cause they obviosly don't run? C'mon son.

And smh at you for being 24 and still camping out. You mean to tell me in all your years of buy jordans you still haven't Ben able to come up with a solid connect?
Yeah i see alot of young people refer to all XI as Spacejams. I try and spread some education to them and tell them that all XI are not nickname the spacejams only the black and blue XI are nickname that. Kids at my job miss the good days when all the Bulls home games came on WGN and you could watch them no matter were you live.
HOOPSboy wrote:

4. 90% of the line (literally) looked like they hadn't picked up a basketball in years. Actually, most of them appeared to have not taken part in any athletic activity. Frail and pleasantly plump was the theme of the line. Yes I judged based upon looks and body types. Ok I'll say no $@%!.
Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

You suck. at life.

According to your sig, it looks like you are from Houston. Were you one of the frails standing in line not wanting to say a word?
1. You never said you were in Houston or what mall you went to so how would I know who you are?
2. I don't stand in line/ camp out for sneakers.
3. Those 9's are horrendous.
4. I put "You suck. at life." because you thoroughly observing these kids who are minding their own business to make a thread on NT about it.
Originally Posted by ajrocka

Kids at my job miss the good days when all the Bulls home games came on WGN and you could watch them no matter were you live.
You still can.
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