10 Tips Rappers Need To Know

Jan 21, 2007
Thought this was a cool read I could share with some of the NT artists.


GIVE US CLEAVAGE OR GIVE US DEATH: Let’s start with the first impression. Your artwork represents you and the music you’re outputting. I’m talking mix-tape, EP, LP, singles; it’s what bloggers and potential listeners see before anything else. It shouldn’t be rushed or sloppily put together because I’m left with the assumption that is how your music will sound. A song ghost written by Jesus would get over looked if your artwork looks done by a baby in a manger. Make it visually stimulating; draw me into your artistry before even pressing play. It doesn’t have to be professional, just eye catching,like cleavage.

HAND JOBS WILL COME BEFORE HAND OUTS: Hey guy that starting rapping two weeks ago, news flash you aren’t entitled to anything. No producer owes you beats, no blog owes you post, and no fellow rapper owes you a verse. Don’t even get me started on labels. It’s actually more likely that Megan Fox clutches a handful of your man-hood before a paper plane falls from the sky with a 6 figure record deal. Put in the work, humble yourself and with a little bit of luck things will move in a positive direction for you. Don’t start rapping and expect to be an overnight celebrity. Unless you play something these %%#* will like and drive whips you know they like.

SPAMMING WILL LOWER YOUR LIFE EXPECTANCY RATE: Spamming famous people-rappers-bloggers and regular folk with your music might get you a few more listeners and twice the amount of death threats. Focus that time building a rapport with people that you have any sort of interest in. Allow them to get to know you before attempting to force feed your music. That’s the opportunity that social media allows you and you should use it. Not everyone will like your music, sometimes because you suck, or it might just not be their cup of joe. Have tough skin and through that you’ll build more of an avid listening/ supporter relationship than a one time listening soiree.

BE ORIGINAL WITH ORIGINAL PRODUCTION: Rap has changed greatly in just a few years. You can’t rap over Lord Knows, I’m On One, I’m A Boss,*insert more cliché beats new rappers love*, and expect for people to hail you as the next Hov. Production is an important part of the musical experience. Having original production allows you to craft a sound that represents you. I know producers over-charge, have egos, and can be difficult but if you want to rap then you need them far more than they need you. I pray to the hip-hop gods you all stay far away from that “Recipe

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Seemed like an interesting topic too, until the wall of text came crashing down upon me
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