11/17 TNF (Week 11) J-E-T-S (5-4) @ Broncos (4-5) Vol. Avoid getting Tebowned

Wish he wasn't in our division, but i love to see him succeed.

Tebow's on some Angels In The Outfield #%##. i'm fully expecting to see one of his errant passes stop in mid air and re-direct into the arms of one of his receivers at some point this year
Remind me to never put a 'Vol.' in the thread title ever again 

What a letdown. Typical SOJ-type game. I swear we are going to have to win out to make the playoffs.
Ibeen saying it all year. The Jets are overrated and overhyped. But what else do you expect from a team from New York?
TEBOW the God.

Revis wiffed on Tebow a few plays earlier. Then Cromartie held onto Decker to make sure he didnt have to tackle Tebow.

+@#@ just defies logic....he's a quarterback you don't want on your team, but you want him on your team.

I don't get it. AT ALL.

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Vince Young was Tim Tebow before Tim Tebow was Tim Tebow.

how quickly people forget 

I mean, they are similar in the way that win unconventionally, but even at his worst, I don't think that Vince Young looked as bad as Tebow does when he is bad. On the other hand, VY turned the ball over more than Tebow has in this stretch, so maybe that evens it out? Either way, I don't want either of them as my QB.
Tebow is just a damn football player, not afraid of contact, plays physical.

Not a very good QB at all but I swear he can do everything else on that field, I'm sure he can kick field goals if needed.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Tebow is just a damn football player, not afraid of contact, plays physical.

Not a very good QB at all but I swear he can do everything else on that field, I'm sure he can kick field goals if needed.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Tebow is just a damn football player, not afraid of contact, plays physical.

Not a very good QB at all but I swear he can do everything else on that field, I'm sure he can kick field goals if needed.

I'm sure he can punt it inside the 10 at any time with an 8 second hang time.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Mez 0ne wrote:

Tebow is just a damn football player, not afraid of contact, plays physical.

Not a very good QB at all but I swear he can do everything else on that field, I'm sure he can kick field goals if needed.

I'm sure he can punt it inside the 10 at any time with an 8 second hang time.

u just know it would land horizontal to the goal line just inside the 1
Tebow is 10x the quarterback Vince Young ever was and ever will be. Vince Young threw pick after pick after pick.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Tebow is 10x the quarterback Vince Young ever was and ever will be. Vince Young threw pick after pick after pick.

its obvious you never watch the games VY played in
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