12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Can we call this match a no contest should it not happen...

A HHH match not going on before the main event of the evening. Interesting...
No brasil, it's not just you. When Ricardo was out for a while a few months back it really showed me how terrible Del Rio really is on the mix and without Ricardo to back em up for some support.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

am i the only one slowly starting to dislike del rio in the wwe.
he'll always be a great wrestler, but his character is awful.
his mic skills are awful. he has the charisma of Chyna circa 1996.
i've slowly begun despising seeing him on my tv.
From a character standpoint, he got stale VERY fast. I know the WWE overly scripts nearly every promo, but
damn, it's like Del Rio says everything verbatim, but just changes up the names based on who he's facing.
this match is going to be straight comedy

i wonder how many rest spots nash/hhh are going to need during this match.
Hopefully Da Big Homie can make it through this ladder match without ending his career.
Originally Posted by masondid

The only thing Ziggler should be talking about on Raw tomorrow is how he's entering the Rumble he's stealing the show and winning the Rumble. #Heel...

damn right
Originally Posted by Mister916

This should be interesting.

like i said earlier, the only way this match would be interesting is if nash/hhh had to climb a sledgehammer to retrieve a ladder.
i'm expecting a disaster of a brawl with hardly any wrestling.
Nash climbing a ladder will bring enough lulz to fill his drained kneecaps.

Who uses more hair-dye? Nash or the ref for his bleach blonde hair?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

am i the only one slowly starting to dislike del rio in the wwe.
he'll always be a great wrestler, but his character is awful.
his mic skills are awful. he has the charisma of Chyna circa 1996.
i've slowly begun despising seeing him on my tv.
You don't like anything...ever.

It's bad that del Rio's character has no depth though. I don't think he's awful on the mic, he's shown the capability of holding his own with the other talkers. He's just not gonna blow you away with any promo work. And he's a good in-ring worker with a good look. The problem falls squarely on the shoulders of the creative writers...they gave him a dope debut and he was on fire his first couple of months but they kept re-using the same material and he's not bringing anything new to the table now.
Swagberto is still my guy but his character is being wasted.
"I don't know if HHH has ever looked better!"
Lines like this from Lawler make him sound like such a moron.
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