12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

yeah cole, they were the best of friends even though they were tearing each others heads off for the duration of 2006.
What took HHH so long to wear black wrist tape. Looks cool.

I keep looking for Nash to slip into a ligament tear. #Shame on NT for planting that seed.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I keep looking for Nash to slip into a ligament tear.  
i figure this is the only reason anyone would actually purchase this event
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

what's with the elboy pads and the hand glove things for HHH he never wore those before
he almost always tapes his hands in some way. just not with black tape.
and he's worn elbow pads before.

its just random. i don't know why.

 @ dsk.

i feel like a bitter old man when i watch wwe.
I never thought I'd see the day that Kevin Nash wrestled on another WWE PPV
he looks my grandfather trying to put in the air conditioner 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

"I don't know if HHH has ever looked better!"
Lines like this from Lawler make him sound like such a moron.

king must have forgot about HGH..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

"I don't know if HHH has ever looked better!"
Lines like this from Lawler make him sound like such a moron.

Thank you! Does Lawler not remember how jacked H was back around 2000-2002?


Triple H looks like cookie dough now compared to those days.
But isnt the point of this match to get the sledge hammer? Neither has tried so far in like 15 minutes.
Good lord if this match is 15, the Punk/Miz/Rio match better go like 30, I feel like Im bout to nosedive in that contest
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