12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Wow, didn't think WWE would have a PPV without Cena on it.

If only they would've kept Cena off TV when he was "fired" a few months back.
NTWT Presents...

NT Survivor Series

The event will be commentated by Mark Wong and Gerald Walters. The official working tonight is Harold Flipper.

FlyMen vs. NobleHymens (Tag-Team Championship)

Gerald Walters - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the Tag-Team Championship titles. On there way to the ring at this time, FlyMen!!!

[FlyMen come to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - and their opponents, the team of NobleHymens.

[NobleHymens walk to the ring. Harold Flipper is the referee for this match. 3dgarFly walks around the ring.
3dgarFly gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from HymenMan.
(the bell rings) 3dgarFly punches HymenMan repeatedly.
DragonFly tagged in by 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly with a takeover suplex on HymenMan.
DragonFly suplexes HymenMan.
3dgarFly delivers a spinning backbreak to HymenMan.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! HymenMan is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly hiptosses HymenMan.
3dgarFly hits HymenMan with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Now 3dgarFly standing.
3dgarFly applies an arm wrench to HymenMan.

Gerald Walters - arm wrench!

[DragonFly makes the tag to 3dgarFly.
DragonFly clotheslines HymenMan.
DragonFly sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.
3dgarFly leg drops HymenMan.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! HymenMan is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly hits HymenMan with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
3dgarFly covers HymenMan.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
HymenMan escapes.

Gerald Walters - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like HymenMan.

[HymenMan moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly applies the clawhold on HymenMan.

Mark Wong - clawhold!

[HymenMan is hit with a backward kick.
3dgarFly goes for a pin.
Referee Harold Flipper makes the count.
...1 ...2
HymenMan escapes.

Mark Wong - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like HymenMan.

[HymenMan is back on his feet.
HymenMan bounces 3dgarFly off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop.
3dgarFly tags in DragonFly.
DragonFly sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.
DragonFly sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.
DragonFly suplexes HymenMan.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! HymenMan is being double teamed!

[HymenMan puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
HymenMan makes the tag to NobleKane.
NobleKane punches DragonFly repeatedly.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! DragonFly is being double teamed!

[NobleKane gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker.
NobleKane moves back to his feet.
NobleKane makes the tag to HymenMan.
DragonFly gets hit with a diving elbow smash from HymenMan.
HymenMan moves back to his feet.
DragonFly tags in 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly sets HymenMan up DDTs him into the mat.
They lockup. 3dgarFly sends HymenMan to the corner of the ring.
3dgarFly suplexes HymenMan.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! HymenMan is being double teamed!

[Now 3dgarFly standing.
3dgarFly knifehand chops HymenMan.
3dgarFly tags in DragonFly.
3dgarFly pins HymenMan against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

Mark Wong - HymenMan is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly punches HymenMan in the gut.

Gerald Walters - HymenMan takes a fist to midsection.

[HymenMan makes the tag to NobleKane.
NobleKane grabs DragonFly and applies an arm wrench.
DragonFly makes the tag to 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly gets hit with a dragon scerw from NobleKane.
NobleKane moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly hits NobleKane with a heart punch.
3dgarFly grabs NobleKane and applies an arm wrench.
3dgarFly hits NobleKane with an elbowdrop.
3dgarFly is back on his feet.
3dgarFly gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Mark Wong - NobleKane with a corkscrew armdrag.

[3dgarFly is back on his feet.
3dgarFly makes the tag to DragonFly.
NobleKane executes a corkscrew legdrop on DragonFly.

Gerald Walters - DragonFly takes a corkscrew legdrop.

[NobleKane is up again.
NobleKane makes the tag to HymenMan.
HymenMan measures DragonFly up and drops a closed fist.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
HymenMan tags NobleKane.
NobleKane executes a corkscrew legdrop on DragonFly.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from NobleKane.
The ref starts the count.
DragonFly kicks out.

Mark Wong - NobleKane should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but NobleKane dodges the attack.
Kneelock submission applied by DragonFly.
Harold Flipper asks NobleKane if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... ... NobleKane is fighting the hold. ... NobleKane escapes.
NobleKane get whipped into the corner and DragonFly follows himin with an avalanche.
DragonFly sends NobleKane to ringside.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
DragonFly pokes NobleKane in the eyes.
DragonFly superkicks NobleKane.
DragonFly gets thrown into the turnbuckle. NobleKane comes over and smashes DragonFly's head into it.
DragonFly and NobleKane move back into the ring.
DragonFly tackles NobleKane to the mat.
DragonFly stands up.
HymenMan tagged in by NobleKane.
HymenMan short-arm clotheslines DragonFly to the mat.
HymenMan fist drops DragonFly on the mat.

Gerald Walters - fist drop!

[HymenMan climbs to his feet.
DragonFly executes the front-layout suplex on HymenMan.
DragonFly is up again.
HymenMan gets back to his feet.

Mark Wong - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[HymenMan uses a running lariat to take DragonFly down.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly dropkicks HymenMan.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly sends HymenMan to ringside.

Gerald Walters - HymenMan will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
DragonFly rolls onto HymenMan connecting with a knee.
HymenMan climbs to his feet.
HymenMan hiptosses DragonFly.
HymenMan puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.
They head back into the ring.
DragonFly gets hit with a diving elbow smash from HymenMan.
HymenMan gets up.
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly lifts HymenMan into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Now HymenMan standing.
DragonFly sends HymenMan to ringside.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
DragonFly kicks HymenMan in the head.
HymenMan climbs to his feet.
HymenMan knifehand chops DragonFly.
DragonFly spinning mule kicks HymenMan.

Gerald Walters - spinning mule kick!

DragonFly takes HymenMan into the ring.
DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop on HymenMan.
Now DragonFly standing.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
HymenMan dropkicks DragonFly.
HymenMan gets up.
DragonFly is locked in the elbow submission by HymenMan.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... ... DragonFly is fighting the hold. DragonFly escapes.

Mark Wong - HymenMan's momma would be proud!

[NobleKane tagged in by HymenMan.
NobleKane clotheslines DragonFly.
NobleKane punches DragonFly repeatedly.
NobleKane punches DragonFly repeatedly.

Gerald Walters - DragonFly is being double teamed!

[DragonFly clotheslines NobleKane.
3dgarFly tagged in by DragonFly.
NobleKane with a high crossbody on 3dgarFly.
NobleKane stands up.
3dgarFly brings in DragonFly for FlyMen.
3dgarFly piledrives NobleKane.
3dgarFly punches NobleKane repeatedly.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! NobleKane is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
NobleKane with a jumping DDT on 3dgarFly.

Gerald Walters - That jumping DDT was very good.

[NobleKane gets back to his feet.
3dgarFly picks up NobleKane and hits him with a Back Suplex.
3dgarFly chants start.

Mark Wong - Good back suplex by 3dgarFly.

[3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
NobleKane gets up.
NobleKane makes the tag to HymenMan.
HymenMan gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DragonFly.
HymenMan tags NobleKane.
DragonFly kicks NobleKane in the groin.
NobleKane brings in HymenMan for NobleHymens.
HymenMan clotheslines DragonFly.
They lockup. HymenMan sends DragonFly to the corner of the ring.
HymenMan clotheslines DragonFly.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! DragonFly is being double teamed!

[DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop on HymenMan.

Mark Wong - DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly tags in 3dgarFly.
HymenMan climbs to his feet.
3dgarFly gets elbowed to his midsection by 3dgarFly.
HymenMan delivers a spinning backbreak to 3dgarFly.
Now 3dgarFly standing.
HymenMan tags NobleKane.
NobleKane drives a forearm into the head of 3dgarFly.
NobleKane bites 3dgarFly's arm out of desparation.

Gerald Walters - 3dgarFly takes a arm bite.

[NobleKane spinning mule kicks 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly climbs to his feet.
NobleKane tags HymenMan.
Spinning neck-breaker from HymenMan takes 3dgarFly down.

Mark Wong - 3dgarFly is being double teamed!

[HymenMan hits a jumping elbow hrust on 3dgarFly.

Gerald Walters - HymenMan executes a jumping elbow thrust.

[3dgarFly tags DragonFly.
DragonFly with an Aztecan suplex on HymenMan sends him to the mat.
HymenMan brings in NobleKane for NobleHymens.
NobleKane bounces DragonFly off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
NobleKane gets up.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from NobleKane.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
...1 ...2
DragonFly escapes.

Mark Wong - Not even close!

[Now DragonFly standing.
NobleKane grabs DragonFly's head and hites him in the face.
NobleKane executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
Now NobleKane standing.
DragonFly makes the tag to 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly hits NobleKane with a single arm DDT.
3dgarFly moves back to his feet.
3dgarFly drags NobleKane to the floor.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)

Gerald Walters - 3dgarFly's momma would be proud!

NobleKane executes a headlock takedown.
3dgarFly gets back to his feet.
3dgarFly legsweeps NobleKane.

Mark Wong - NobleKane takes a legsweep.

[NobleKane stands up.
NobleKane rakes the face of 3dgarFly in attempt to make a come back.
NobleKane takes 3dgarFly into the ring.
NobleKane mule kicks 3dgarFly.

Gerald Walters - mule kick!

[3dgarFly stands up.
3dgarFly tags DragonFly.
NobleKane applies an arm wrench to DragonFly.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from NobleKane.
The ref starts the count.
DragonFly kicks out.

Mark Wong - NobleKane should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[DragonFly stands up.
NobleKane slaps the face of DragonFly.
NobleKane stands up.
NobleKane nails DragonFly with a belly-to-back suplex.
NobleKane is back on his feet.
3dgarFly tagged in by DragonFly.
3dgarFly picks NobleKane up and side suplexes him to the mat.
3dgarFly chants start.
3dgarFly gets up.
3dgarFly and NobleKane go to the floor

Gerald Walters - NobleKane will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
3dgarFly applies an arm wrench to NobleKane.

Mark Wong - NobleKane takes a arm wrench.

3dgarFly short lariats NobleKane.

Gerald Walters - 3dgarFly with a short lariat.

NobleKane kicks 3dgarFly in the stomach.

Mark Wong - NobleKane with a kick.

[3dgarFly gets back to his feet.
NobleKane takes 3dgarFly into the ring.
NobleKane applies the clawhold on 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly tags DragonFly.
DragonFly piledrives NobleKane.
3dgarFly chops NobleKane.

Gerald Walters - NobleKane is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly with a huge super fisherman buster, driving NobleKane into the mat.

Mark Wong - That super fisherman buster was very good.

[3dgarFly is up again.
NobleKane makes the tag to HymenMan.
HymenMan clotheslines DragonFly.
HymenMan suplexes DragonFly.
NobleKane clotheslines DragonFly.

Gerald Walters - DragonFly is being double teamed!

[They lockup. DragonFly sends NobleKane to the corner of the ring.
HymenMan makes the tag to NobleKane.
DragonFly kicks NobleKane in the stomach.

Mark Wong - DragonFly executes a kick.

[DragonFly makes the tag to 3dgarFly.
3dgarFly knee drops NobleKane.
3dgarFly leg drops NobleKane.
3dgarFly grabs NobleKane and applies an arm wrench.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! NobleKane is being double teamed!

[3dgarFly is hit with a backward kick.
Now 3dgarFly standing.
3dgarFly picks up NobleKane and executes the cradle DDT.

Gerald Walters - That cradle DDT was very good.

[3dgarFly knee drops NobleKane.

Mark Wong - 3dgarFly executes a knee drop.

[3dgarFly stands up.
Now NobleKane standing.
3dgarFly puts NobleKane in the double reverse chinlock.
Referee Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... NobleKane is fighting the hold. ... ... NobleKane is fighting the hold. 3dgarFly breaks the hold.
3dgarFly drags NobleKane to the floor.

Gerald Walters - 3dgarFly can't get a pin at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)

Mark Wong - 3dgarFly's momma would be proud!

3dgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on NobleKane.

Gerald Walters - 3dgarFly executes a jumping neck snap.

3dgarFly superkicks NobleKane.
3dgarFly kicks NobleKane in the stomach.

Gerald Walters - NobleKane takes a kick.

[NobleKane moves back to his feet.
NobleKane takes 3dgarFly into the ring.
3dgarFly gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
3dgarFly makes the tag to DragonFly.
NobleKane with an illegal chokehold on DragonFly.
NobleKane tags HymenMan.
NobleKane executes a piledriver on DragonFly.
HymenMan punches DragonFly repeatedly.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! DragonFly is being double teamed!

[They lockup. DragonFly sends HymenMan to the corner of the ring.
NobleKane tagged in by HymenMan.
DragonFly hits him with a back fist.
DragonFly uses a snap mare takeover on NobleKane.
Now NobleKane standing.
DragonFly hits a running forearm smash on NobleKane's face.
DragonFly chants start.

Gerald Walters - DragonFly's momma would be proud!

[DragonFly tags in 3dgarFly.
They lockup. NobleKane sends 3dgarFly to the corner of the ring.

Mark Wong - weak move!

[NobleKane brings in HymenMan for NobleHymens.
HymenMan gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
HymenMan picks 3dgarFly up and side suplexes him to the mat.
HymenMan gets back to his feet.
HymenMan climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on 3dgarFly.
HymenMan is back on his feet.
HymenMan with a falling splash on 3dgarFly.
HymenMan moves back to his feet.
HymenMan puts 3dgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
3dgarFly gets hit with a diving elbow smash from HymenMan.
HymenMan gets up.
HymenMan thrust kicks 3dgarFly in the head.
3dgarFly gets hit with the shooting star press from HymenMan.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gerald Walters - The winners of this match, and new Tag-Team Championship champions, NobleHymens!!!

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Copyright 2000​
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]F'n Yes. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And i just got home in time for the important stuff. [/color]
ok just got in the car with my TLC chair that i took from some dude and now let the real ppv begin
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