12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

i still think the Fly's have a shot of being this generations Too Cool



I like how I started getting over towards the end though.
GHIMShoes vs. JDCurt vs. JNSQ (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match) If JNSQ wins he is entered into the IC Title Match

Gerald Walters - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds,, GHIMShoes!!! (crowd boos )

[GHIMShoes comes to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 260 pounds,, JDCurt!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[JDCurt walks to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - And third, weighing in at 200 pounds,, JNSQ!!! (crowd cheers )

[JNSQ walks to the ring. Harold Flipper is the referee for this contest. GHIMShoes checks his boots.
JDCurt drops JNSQ with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
JNSQ drops GHIMShoes with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(the bell rings) GHIMShoes gets elbowed to his midsection by GHIMShoes.
GHIMShoes pokes JNSQ in the eye with his thumb.
GHIMShoes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Mark Wong - JNSQ with a elbowsmash.

[GHIMShoes uses a closed fist on JNSQ.
GHIMShoes mule kicks JNSQ.
GHIMShoes fist drops JNSQ on the mat.

Gerald Walters - fist drop!

[GHIMShoes gets up.
JNSQ climbs to his feet.
GHIMShoes hits JNSQ with the back of his elbow.
JNSQ is hit with a backward kick.
JNSQ is back on his feet.
JNSQ hits GHIMShoes with a slingshot bodyblock.
JNSQ gets back to his feet.
GHIMShoes is up again.
JDCurt goes for a power slam but JNSQ dodges the attack.
JDCurt drags JNSQ to the floor.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
JDCurt hits JNSQ with the back of his elbow.
JNSQ mule kicks JDCurt.
JNSQ fist drops JDCurt on the floor.

Mark Wong - JDCurt takes a fist drop.

[JNSQ gets up.
JNSQ takes JDCurt into the ring.
JNSQ fist drops JDCurt on the mat.
Now JNSQ standing.
JDCurt stands up.
JNSQ punches JDCurt in the gut.

Gerald Walters - JDCurt takes a fist to midsection.

[JDCurt picks JNSQ up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
JDCurt chants start.
JDCurt is up again.
JDCurt piledrives JNSQ into the mat.
JDCurt chants start.

Mark Wong - Good piledriver by JDCurt.

[JDCurt hits the fallaway slam on JNSQ.
JDCurt knees JNSQ and rolls back to his feet.
JNSQ stands up.
JDCurt with an illegal chokehold on JNSQ.
JNSQ bounces JDCurt off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JDCurt moves back to his feet.
JNSQ uses a snap mare takeover on JDCurt.

Gerald Walters - JNSQ with a snap mare.

[JDCurt stands up.
JNSQ legsweeps JDCurt.
JNSQ measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist.
JNSQ measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist.

Mark Wong - JNSQ with a fist drop.

[JNSQ measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist.
Now JNSQ standing.
JDCurt climbs to his feet.
GHIMShoes goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but JDCurt dodges the attack.
JDCurt gets locked into the headscissors submission by GHIMShoes.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... JDCurt trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) JNSQ attacks GHIMShoes breaking the hold.
GHIMShoes and JDCurt go to the floor

Gerald Walters - If JDCurt or GHIMShoes could get a weapon it would change the course of this match.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
GHIMShoes throws a chair at JDCurt.
JNSQ with a takeover suplex on JDCurt.
JNSQ stands up.
JNSQ leg drops the throat of JDCurt.
JNSQ takes JDCurt into the ring.

Mark Wong - They're moving back to the ring. JNSQ can get the pinfall at the ring.

Gerald Walters - What an outstanding match!

[JNSQ measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist.
JNSQ stands up.
JNSQ is hit with a backward kick.
JNSQ gets up.
JNSQ pokes JDCurt in the eyes.
JNSQ hits a jumping elbow hrust on JDCurt.
JDCurt gets up.
JDCurt slaps JNSQ.
JDCurt with a high crossbody on JNSQ.
JDCurt is back on his feet.
JNSQ gets back to his feet.
JNSQ tackles JDCurt.
JNSQ is back on his feet.
JNSQ covers JDCurt hooking the leg.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
...1 ...2
GHIMShoes kicks JNSQ off of JDCurt.

Gerald Walters - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like JDCurt.

[GHIMShoes goes for a standing piledriver but JNSQ dodges the attack.
GHIMShoes and JNSQ go to the floor
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
JDCurt executes a split legged moonsault on to JNSQ.
JDCurt chants start.

Gerald Walters - Good split legged moonsault by JDCurt.

[JDCurt is back on his feet.
JNSQ stands up.

Mark Wong - This is quality sports entertainment!

[JDCurt hits JNSQ with the crotch slam.

Gerald Walters - Nice crotch slam by JDCurt.

[JDCurt and JNSQ move back into the ring.

Mark Wong - JDCurt is doing quite well at this point in the match. Is this a great match or not?

Gerald Walters - Yeah, you know it.

Spoiler [+]
[JDCurt slingshot elbow drops JNSQ.
JNSQ is up again.
JDCurt hits JNSQ with a baba chop.
JDCurt picks up JNSQ and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
JDCurt chants start.
JDCurt is back on his feet.
JNSQ is up again.
JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
JNSQ gets back to his feet.
JDCurt executes the Supper DDT on JNSQ!
JDCurt catches JNSQ in a backslide and goes for the pin.
Referee Harold Flipper makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Mark Wong - JDCurt has won the match!

Gerald Walters - The winner of this match, JDCurt!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

ok just got in the car with my TLC chair that i took from some dude and now let the real ppv begin

Better get real comfortable in that chair, your match is over.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by StillIn729

good match but that really can't be it; can it?
What more do you want?  It was a great main event.
Dudes are never satisfied man.

Originally Posted by Agthekid

I'm more shocked at the WWE going with a Cena-less PPV than Bryan winning the title
Absolutely. I never thought I'd see this day. It's like they're not even gonna bother giving him another feud until he faces Rock at Wrestlemania.

GHIMS vs. BrasilianMami vs. BKMac vs. JDCurt (Inserted VIA his win in the Previous 3 way) (Intercontinental Championship) gimmick (Ladder Match)

Gerald Walters - This match is a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds,, GHIMS!!! (crowd boos *****)

[GHIMS comes to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 204 pounds,, BrasilianMami!!! (crowd boos **********)

[BrasilianMami walks to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds,, BKMac!!!

[BKMac walks to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - And finally, weighing in at 260 pounds,, JDCurt!!! (crowd cheers **)

[JDCurt walks to the ring. Harold Flipper is the referee for this contest. GHIMS places BrasilianMami on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
BrasilianMami places BKMac on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
GHIMS gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from BKMac.
JDCurt drops BKMac with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(the bell rings) BKMac punches BrasilianMami repeatedly.
BrasilianMami hits BKMac with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Now BKMac standing.
BKMac grabs BrasilianMami's head and hites him in the face.

Mark Wong - BrasilianMami takes a face bite.

[BrasilianMami kicks BKMac in the groin.

Gerald Walters - BrasilianMami executes a kick to the groin.

[BrasilianMami gouges BKMac's eyes out.

Mark Wong - BrasilianMami with a eye gouge.

[BrasilianMami pokes BKMac in the eyes.
BKMac goes for a inverted DDT but BrasilianMami dodges the attack.
BKMac and BrasilianMami leave the ring.

Gerald Walters - BrasilianMami will have to watch out for weapons at ringside where the ladder is.

[BKMac executes a jawbreakeron BrasilianMami.

Mark Wong - BKMac executes a jawbreaker.

[BKMac moves back to his feet.
BrasilianMami gets back to his feet.
BrasilianMami hits BKMac with a heart punch.
BrasilianMami puts BKMac in an arm grapevine submission.

Gerald Walters - BrasilianMami with a arm grapevine.

[BKMac is up again.
BKMac chokes GHIMS.
BKMac and GHIMS move into the ring taking the ladder.
BKMac throws the Ladder at GHIMS.
GHIMS is bleeding as a result.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from BKMac.
GHIMS stands up.
GHIMS knifehand chops BKMac.
GHIMS uppercuts BKMac.
BKMac hits a kneeling headbutt to GHIMS's groin.

Mark Wong - BKMac executes a kneeling headbutt.

[Now GHIMS standing.
GHIMS short clothslines BKMac.
GHIMS rolls onto BKMac connecting with a knee.
BKMac gets up.
GHIMS gives BKMac a reverse neckbreaker.
GHIMS moves back to his feet.
BKMac gets up.
BrasilianMami throws JDCurt off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
BrasilianMami moves to the first step of the ladder.
BrasilianMami goes one step closer to the belt.
BrasilianMami moves closer to the top.
BrasilianMami climbs to the top step.
JDCurt knocks over the ladder with BrasilianMami on it.
BrasilianMami cuts JDCurt with a blade.
JDCurt is bleeding as a result.
GHIMS slingshot elbow drops JDCurt.
GHIMS sucks chants start in the crowd.
GHIMS moves to the first step of the ladder.
GHIMS goes one step closer to the belt.
GHIMS climbs to the fourth step.
GHIMS moves all the way to the top of the ladder.
GHIMS falls to the mat.

Mark Wong - JDCurt could use some help about now.

Gerald Walters - The the ladder is covered with blood from that injury.

[BKMac hits GHIMS with a slingshot bodyblock.
BKMac moves to the first step of the ladder.
GHIMS knocks BKMac off the ladder.
BKMac swings a Steel chair and hits GHIMS.
GHIMS is bleeding as a result.

Mark Wong - the ring with the ladder is covered with blood from these fighters.

[BKMac puts GHIMS in an arm grapevine submission.
BKMac measures GHIMS up and drops a closed fist.
BKMac puts GHIMS in an arm grapevine submission.

Gerald Walters - GHIMS takes a arm grapevine.

[GHIMS climbs to his feet.
BKMac rakes the face of GHIMS in attempt to make a come back.
BKMac throws GHIMS off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
GHIMS climbs to his feet.
BrasilianMami nails BKMac with a huge slingshot sommersault splash.
Now BrasilianMami standing.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BrasilianMami starts to climb the ladder.
BrasilianMami and BKMac move back to ringside.
BrasilianMami cuts BKMac with a blade.
BKMac is bleeding as a result.

Gerald Walters - This is how wrestling should be!

[BrasilianMami piledrives BKMac into the floor.

Mark Wong - If BrasilianMami keeps using moves like that standing piledriver he could win the match!

[BrasilianMami takes the ladder back into the ring.
Now BKMac standing.
BKMac hits GHIMS with a headbutt to the mid-section.
BKMac kicks GHIMS in the stomach.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by BKMac.
GHIMS gets up.
GHIMS hits a power slam on BKMac.
GHIMS sucks chants start in the crowd.
GHIMS goes up the ladder.
BKMac dropkicks the ladder sending GHIMS to the mat.

Gerald Walters - The the ladder is covered with blood from that injury.

[GHIMS measures BKMac up and drops a closed fist.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac bites GHIMS's arm out of desparation.
GHIMS legsweeps BKMac.

Mark Wong - GHIMS executes a legsweep.

[GHIMS applies an arm wrench to BKMac.
BKMac nails GHIMS with a double underhook suplex.

Gerald Walters - If BKMac keeps using moves like that double underhook suplex he could win the match!

[Now GHIMS standing.
BKMac starts to climb the ladder.
GHIMS knocks BKMac off the ladder.
BKMac with a high crossbody on GHIMS.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
GHIMS pins BKMac against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
BKMac hits a spinning leg lariat on GHIMS sending him to the the ladder.
Now GHIMS standing.
GHIMS nails the bridging back suplex on BKMac.

Mark Wong - That bridging back suplex was very good.

[BKMac climbs to his feet.
GHIMS goes up the ladder.
GHIMS goes one step closer to the belt.
GHIMS moves closer to the top.
BKMac knocks GHIMS off the top of the ladder.

Gerald Walters - the ring with the ladder is covered with blood from these fighters.

[GHIMS executes a huge gutbuster on BKMac.
BKMac stands up.
GHIMS gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BKMac hits a jumping elbow hrust on GHIMS.
BKMac fist drops GHIMS on the the ladder.
BKMac gets back to his feet.
GHIMS gets back to his feet.
GHIMS nails BKMac with a springboard dropkick.
GHIMS sucks chants start in the crowd.
GHIMS moves back to his feet.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
GHIMS starts to climb the ladder.
BKMac tips over the ladder knocking BKMac off.

Gerald Walters - The the ladder is covered with blood from that injury.
Spoiler [+]
[GHIMS knocks BKMac out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
GHIMS dives head first into BKMac.
GHIMS is up again.
Now BKMac standing.
GHIMS hits BKMac with a baba chop.
GHIMS drives a forearm into the head of BKMac.
GHIMS starts to climb the ladder.
GHIMS continues climbing the ladder.
GHIMS moves closer to the top.
GHIMS moves all the way to the top of the ladder.
GHIMS grabs the title!!

Mark Wong - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gerald Walters - The winner of this match, and new Intercontinental Championship champion, GHIMS!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i still think the Fly's have a shot of being this generations Too Cool

Too Cool was awesome back in the day, so I'll take that compliment.

Mister916 vs. TheDeek vs. JRATheGreat (United States Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gerald Walters - This match is a Standard Match for the United States Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 150 pounds,, Mister916!!! (crowd cheers *)

[Mister916 comes to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 177 pounds, from Sacramento, CA, TheDeek!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[TheDeek walks to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - And third, weighing in at 225 pounds,, JRATheGreat!!!

[JRATheGreat walks to the ring. Harold Flipper is the referee for this contest. Mister916 executes a pumphandle suplex on TheDeek.
TheDeek drops JRATheGreat with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
JRATheGreat drops Mister916 with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(the bell rings) JRATheGreat slaps the face of Mister916.
JRATheGreat climbs to his feet.
JRATheGreat gets hit with a dragon scerw from Mister916.

Mark Wong - Mister916 with a dragon screw.

[JRATheGreat stands up.
JRATheGreat short-arm clotheslines Mister916 to the mat.
Mister916 stands up.
Mister916 slaps JRATheGreat.
Mister916 gouges JRATheGreat's eyes out.
Mister916 slaps the face of JRATheGreat.
Mister916 is back on his feet.
JRATheGreat uses a cradle suplex on Mister916.
JRATheGreat is back on his feet.
Now Mister916 standing.
JRATheGreat gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Mister916.
JRATheGreat hits Mister916 with a heart punch.
Now Mister916 standing.
Mister916 hiptosses JRATheGreat.
Mister916 executes a corkscrew legdrop on JRATheGreat.

Gerald Walters - JRATheGreat takes a corkscrew legdrop.

[Mister916 rolls onto JRATheGreat connecting with a knee.
Mister916 applies an arm wrench to JRATheGreat.
Mister916 puts JRATheGreat in an arm grapevine submission.

Mark Wong - Mister916 with a arm grapevine.

[Mister916 puts JRATheGreat in an arm grapevine submission.
JRATheGreat get whipped into the corner and TheDeek follows himin with an avalanche.
TheDeek drags JRATheGreat to the floor.

Gerald Walters - TheDeek can't get a pin at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
TheDeek throws a chair at JRATheGreat.
TheDeek hits JRATheGreat with a double underhook piledrive right into the floor.

Gerald Walters - Are you enjoying this match?

Mark Wong - Yeah, you know it.

TheDeek punches JRATheGreat repeatedly.
TheDeek double underhook faceslams JRATheGreat hard to the JRATheGreat.
TheDeek and JRATheGreat move back into the ring.
TheDeek clotheslines JRATheGreat.
TheDeek executes a huge gutbuster on JRATheGreat.
JRATheGreat gets hit with the shooting star press from TheDeek.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
...1 ...2
JRATheGreat kicks out.

Gerald Walters - He should have just stayed on the attack.
Spoiler [+]
[TheDeek executes a headlock takedown.
JRATheGreat is back on his feet.
Mister916 executes a spinning DDT, planting JRATheGreat's head in the mat.
Mister916 gets back to his feet.
JRATheGreat gets back to his feet.
TheDeek executes a ropeflip hiptoss on JRATheGreat.
TheDeek clotheslines JRATheGreat.
JRATheGreat shoves Harold Flipper. TheDeek rolls JRATheGreat up! Ring, ring, ring! Harold Flipper calls for the bell. ]

Mark Wong - TheDeek has won the match!

Gerald Walters - The winner of this match, TheDeek!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
headbutt to JNSQ's groin.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
headbutt to JNSQ's groin.

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