14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

People like this need to be dropped off into communist Korea. I hate how the news justifies what he did by saying he was "sick" or "depressed". F all that. Death is too easy for this boy who killed a 3 month old child because he was basically board. Cut his hands and feet off, throw him into a room that's too small too stand and too narrow to lay down and come back every 28 days to give him rotten food to eat and ransid water to drink.
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This is exactly why it should be easier for the non-crazies to be able to concealed carry, IMO.

:rolleyes Yeah, that's the answer: MORE guns. Matter of fact, make it into a law that everyone must carry guns. What a wonderful utopia that would be. The pinnacle of humanity and civilization.
Also this stuff had me do research today on mental illnesses especially sociopaths. Sociopaths feel no remorse at all. Maybe this guy was one of them. They also mentioned that genetics MAY play a role in this, so it may not have anything to do with the way he was brought up. It did mention that all sociopaths aren't murderers though which is something that I recently thought. Watching too many of them criminal shows. Anyway the truth about will be coming out in a matter of no time.

I used to be a psyche major and took classes on biopsychology and abnormal psychology. Some people's brains are wired differently and their brain chemicals or parts of their brain don't work like "normal" people's. Researchers have been scanning brains to find this kind of stuff out. Or he could simply be a normal guy and made a choice to do something terrible.
People like this need to be dropped off into communist Korea. I hate how the news justifies what he did by saying he was "sick" or "depressed". F all that. Death is too easy for this boy who killed a 3 month old child because he was basically board. Cut his hands and feet off, throw him into a room that's too small too stand and too narrow to lay down and come back every 28 days to give him rotten food to eat and ransid water to drink.
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Such a shame... the shooter went to a high school my friends went to and went to the same college I went to. I could have sworn I've seen this dude around at school during my first two years at UCR. My friends who lived in the same neighborhood say his family was friendly and pretty well-off. 
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Cocaine is illegal and it doesn't stop anybody from getting access to it.
Banning guns won't stop crazy !@# people from gaining access to them.
It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

RIP to everybody that lost their lives there. Such a damn tragedy

true, but if things are harder to acquire, the majority of people will not pursue it.. you're right when you said it is better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it.. but that only applies to people with common sense.. idiots and people that have mental issues should not have guns. and perhaps the purchase of guns shouldnt be so easy. maybe add some requirements or they need to take a test.. cause if you dont, you're gonna have another movie theater shooter, or a virginia tech shooter or colombine
I used to be a psyche major and took classes on biopsychology and abnormal psychology. Some people's brains are wired differently and their brain chemicals or parts of their brain don't work like "normal" people's. Researchers have been scanning brains to find this kind of stuff out. Or he could simply be a normal guy and made a choice to do something terrible.
Exactly, and that's even more messed up if there is nothing mentally wrong with him.
Exactly, and that's even more messed up if there is nothing mentally wrong with him.

Simply put. Some people are evil. May not have started that way. But this guy very well may have chose it as a way to cement his name in history.
Simply put. Some people are evil. May not have started that way. But this guy very well may have chose it as a way to cement his name in history.

exactly, so how do you figure out who is evil and who is not, when they purchase a gun?
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Simply put. Some people are evil. May not have started that way. But this guy very well may have chose it as a way to cement his name in history.

exactly, so how do you figure out who is evil and who is not, when they purchase a gun?

Yup. You can't, only way is doing psych analysis on everybody but thats obviously unreasonable and ridiculous....they could at bare minimum put caps and limits on how many guns and how much ammo one individual can buy in a certain month or a calender yr...I saw Germany does like random home searches for gun owners but that wouldn't go down in the States, they also have a mandated electronic national firearm registry too. I saw he bought these legally but in CO you don't have to register your weapons or anything, maybe make that required so they can keep better tabs on who has what type of gun or something? The problem is there's soooo many guns here that almost anything now would be reactionary and not truly have an impact on the problem, its sad man :smh:
Yup. You can't, only way is doing psych analysis on everybody but thats obviously unreasonable and ridiculous....they could at bare minimum put caps and limits on how many guns and how much ammo one individual can buy in a certain month or a calender yr...I saw Germany does like random home searches for gun owners but that wouldn't go down in the States, they also have a mandated electronic national firearm registry too. I saw he bought these legally but in CO you don't have to register your weapons or anything, maybe make that required so they can keep better tabs on who has what type of gun or something? The problem is there's soooo many guns here that almost anything now would be reactionary and not truly have an impact on the problem, its sad man :smh:

maybe they should do that, a psych analysis. i mean if you are of sound mind and you want a gun, it is not a problem. the only people that will make an issue are people that have issues or want it for a specific reason, most likely for bad things. the harder it is to get, the less people will be interested in acquiring a gun. if you collect or really want it, it should be a problem. once you have been denied once, they should put you on a list not to be able to get a gun or ammo.

some people might see it is an invasion of their privacy, but they'll have to get over it, because it is for the safety of yourself, your family/loved ones and the people in the community. if they dont do it, the chances that a virginia tech or movie theater shooting are far more greater, than when responsible people own guns. so many people die at the hands of others, for no apparent reason.

besides in germany, they have the same laws as the netherlands and guns are not something you can buy in any stores. you really have to know the right people.
Still in awe over this. Getting shot should be one of the last things on your mind when going into a movie theater :smh:

R.I.P. to the victims.
I want to know the conditions and positions of the military personnel that was present.

No record not even a traffic ticket, not one social media account, neuroscience smart ...

let's all blame guns. let's all blame the parents.

no one can ever accept that some people are just plain crazy.

if it was flaming nerf, there'd be no wimps crying for the eradication of nerf.
Recently released inmates at Arapahoe Detention Center in Colorado are saying the only thing the inmates still inside can talk about ... is killing James Holmes  ... this according to a new report.

Wayne Medley told the NY Daily News,  "All the inmates were talking about killing him. Everyone was looking for an opportunity. It's all they could talk about." 

The paper says Holmes is in solitary confinement and was placed on suicide watch. Another inmate, Dima Damalov, told the paper that if Holmes was released into the general population he wouldn't "live to see Monday's court appearance." 

A jail employee said Holmes "hasn't shown any remorse" while an unidentified inmate told the paper, "He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards. He's spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy." 

Holmes is due in court for the first time on Monday. He could face the death penalty if convicted.
Source : TMZ
As if the US needed more reasons to track everything we do And take away any kind of privacy we do have. Watch as this somehow becomes a spearhead for more restrictive laws within this presidential election
:rolleyes Yeah, that's the answer: MORE guns. Matter of fact, make it into a law that everyone must carry guns. What a wonderful utopia that would be. The pinnacle of humanity and civilization.

Your avy tho and reading this in Nic Cages voice :lol:

But what a tragic event. My condolences.
I would be surprised if some sort of change didn't come from this
As if the US needed more reasons to track everything we do And take away any kind of privacy we do have. Watch as this somehow becomes a spearhead for more restrictive laws within this presidential election

dont you think this is kinda important? do you want your kids to be raised in a world where even a crazy person can have a gun? good luck..
No i also wouldnt want to live in a world where my children are considered targets by those who are their to protect them but ummmmmmmmm

I digress RIP to those who lost their lives... I just hope the media won't turn this into months of gun debates
Why do people feel it could be a conspiracy? Only big business (gun industry) has the means to carry out a conspiracy, and this just makes them look bad.
i just wonder, why would parents take their kids to a midnight screening? 6-year-old died in the shooting, a baby was hurt in the shooting.. why would you wanna take your kids to a movie, at midnight?:smh:
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