16 year old black girl identifies as white

South Asians too. 'Doctor' Phil a few decades late on this though. Self-hate is prevalent in our communities.

what, south asians also? :rolleyes :smh:
what, south asians also? :rolleyes :smh:

Just take a look at the US government. Nikki Haley, Dinesh D'Souza, Ajit Pai have done their best to cape for white supremacists

Unfortunately all ethnicities in the US have Uncle Toms, Taj, Tan, Tomas, etc. in their midst that make the rest of them look bad

These guys and people like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, etc. are the worst of the worst. I expect their behavior from white people, but it's so much worse when it's coming from minorities that have gone through so much @#$@ in this country.
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I can understand the self hate and propaganda spread by the British when they tried to run India. In addition to the colorism, It left its marks especially with religious conflicts among muslims and hindus. :smh:
You know I was thinking about something else today..
Whenever an African American person attempt to trade their lineage, the tribes of Africa have very distinct features.

Yet even after all these years you still can’t clearly say “well that person looks like someone from Michigan” or that person looks like someone from Minnesota.

The best you can hope for is that they sound like they’re from those places.. Essentially what we actually say is well that person looks part white, that person looks part Indian, that person looks part brown
Just take a look at the US government. Nikki Haley, Dinesh D'Souza, Ajit Pai have done their best to cape for white supremacists

Unfortunately all ethnicities in the US have Uncle Toms, Taj, Tan, Tomas, etc. in their midst that make the rest of them look bad

These guys and people like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, etc. are the worst of the worst. I expect their behavior from white people, but it's so much worse when it's coming from minorities that have gone through so much @#$@ in this country.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are white. There is no indio or negro in them :lol:

That's not to say non-white Latinos aren't capable of this foolishness because they definitely are, but there is a reason why SFL Cubans are seen as the “good ones” by the GOP.
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You know I was thinking about something else today..
Whenever an African American person attempt to trade their lineage, the tribes of Africa have very distinct features.

Yet even after all these years you still can’t clearly say “well that person looks like someone from Michigan” or that person looks like someone from Minnesota.

The best you can hope for is that they sound like they’re from those places.. Essentially what we actually say is well that person looks part white, that person looks part Indian, that person looks part brown

I hope you didn't spend much time racking your brain on this... We're talking about tens of thousands of years of evolution vs. 500 years at best. Migration and geographic movement wasn't even comparable to what it is today. We move across the country multiple times within a generation here so it's a complete mix.
I hope you didn't spend much time racking your brain on this... We're talking about tens of thousands of years of evolution vs. 500 years at best. Migration and geographic movement wasn't even comparable to what it is today. We move across the country multiple times within a generation here so it's a complete mix.

I could actually tell a white person from those regions immediately.. so..

I don’t know if y’all quite understand what I’m getting at yet..
I finally heard this. This **** sounds like she reading from a script. She probably is a bed wench but a lot of this stuff was so over the top. It sounds like something a old white racist man wrote.

And it's real funny how Dr. Phil and that network put this on air. They would never air somebody saying a bunch of foul stuff about white people, jews, asians, arabs.
1. Some words cannot be co-opted. They've been around for too long, used in too many different languages to induce one thing and one thing only fear...
2. The identification of Caucasians in the US is so entrenched that you can physically identify them by region ie a southern white looks a certain way, a northern white looks a certain way, a mid-western white looks a certain way.
3. There actually is such a thing as a black person with caucasian features
a. Black people that are physically identified by region is typically due to either their caucasian features or lack there of.. hardly if ever its because "this is what a northern black man looks like"
b. To be able to differentiate a black person by region you typically have to trace them back to their African roots

That girl in the video might sound foolish and absurd but this is the world she lives in.. where she is solely judged by her Caucasian features...
If might be completely counter culture but why isn't saying you're black right up there with being called the N word
. The identification of Caucasians in the US is so entrenched that you can physically identify them by region ie a southern white looks a certain way, a northern white looks a certain way, a mid-western white looks a certain way.

Please explain the differences
I love that this is happening. She’s allowed to do this. It’s no different from these clowns “identifying” as whatever’s convenient for them.
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