16 year old girl lost at sea

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Originally Posted by Jerry Hughes

shes cute, she prolly got picked up by pierits

This broad is a moron in the first place... who saw that ABC piece on her? Shorty got this million dollar yacht with auto pilot, Internet , tv and the whole 9 yards, ain't look to hard to drive that thing. The Australian kid did it in a beater boat and actually made it, she just in it for the fame, glad the sea put her in her place
Originally Posted by Senor Giles

This broad is a moron in the first place... who saw that ABC piece on her? Shorty got this million dollar yacht with auto pilot, Internet , tv and the whole 9 yards, ain't look to hard to drive that thing. The Australian kid did it in a beater boat and actually made it, she just in it for the fame, glad the sea put her in her place

lmao talk about being harsh on the broad
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

A comedian touched on this whole "youngest person to ___" craze. Basically said it's not worth it. Eventually we'll have parents attempting to force/influence their children to climb mountains when they're still in grade school.

It's crazy to me.

Spoiler [+]
And how old is 16 really?

yeah, i remember Wilbon touched on the youngest person to climb mt. everest...he was 16 i believe.
I just watched the video of her and her family talking about the journey and watching her ship off.

She also has a website http://www.abby16.com/ with all this merchandise..she even has several custom vans lol


Hope she's ok...her parents shouldn't have let her do it.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21


Seriously though....I was in a classroom at 16. Not sailing the world...Parents and whoever else involved should have never approved of this.

I hope if they rescue her, they make her pay for it. What a terrible waste of resources.
Why do parents let their children do this kind of stuff? Who honestly allows their child sail around the world on their own? These situations almost never end up well.
parents who let their kids do these such things just want the her name in the books and the $$
How do these parents justify allowing this girl to do this? I don't blame the girl - she is not old or mature enough to make this kind of decision or fully understand the risk. The blame falls squarely on the parents IMO.
Hope they find her...smh on the parents
man when i was 16 i was just tryin to get my drivers license and some cutty
 the hell traveling around the world solo in a boat
if she would have accomplished her goal, she would be praised and awarded.
but since she's lost, she's called dumb.

i still applaud her, this is the type of stuff people live for. she wanted to live a LIFE of adventure and make a memory that would mean something to her.

so i applaud her, and i hope she comes up found and safe.

sure its not my cup of tea, but i admire someone who chases their dream like that.
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