18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

I remember dudes tried to pull that bull **** with me in a previous argument. Get so mad they gotta attack the poster instead of the posts.

Of course in my case the IG link didn't belong to me just used to insult but it always brought the lulz.

Lets see if that actually is him before you guys continue to make offensive comments about him and break the ROC.

Dude its him. What are the freakin odds i randomly get followed by a sneakerhead named Marcus at the exact time im arguing with a dude named Marcus in this thread while he makes a comment on here about my IG avatar being a car.....

[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] yall are so god damn sad!!

Why the hell I wanna follow you? Don't flatter yourself Mr Shepard
As much as I disagree with Mr Marcus racist ideologies, he doesn't deserve these personal attacks
We see our fair share of white violence, but white people are also not spending resources and energy marching against what's not really killing them. When white people have a meth violence problem they address it in the midwest, they don't pretend like the 1 or 2 police shootings are the cause of all their problems. I single out black folks cause it's an EPIDEMIC.

I'm not sure what ur rant is about Africans, sounds like you've been watching too many Hebrew Isrealite vids. Amadou dialo was a tragedy but immigrant and first and second gen Africans are rarely on the news for this crap.

I do understand what you're trying to say but I think you're exaggerating the point just a little. Regardless if the percentage of deaths at the hands of officers were even under 1 percent, the abusive repressive nature of the police shouldn't be tolerated or enabled with such excuses.

Some may actually see it as a epidemic, and I can see the plight with that. I think it's more so of a pull for equality, and now that people are getting a breath of the racial climate around, the level of tolerance for this behavior has marginally decreased. I can't lie about some brothers suffering from some oppression psychosis and the effect that some of this news might have on them but this isn't about them. I also think the " black people blame all their problems on white people" thing is a bit overblown as well but that's not the point, so I digress...
Gotcha. But why even single out black folks?

Head to any ER in a larger city and you'll see the worst or the worst from all races. Around here, you'll see the meth head, opiate-addicted, white hillbilly crowd the most. And yes, they fight, stab and shoot each other a lot just like their black counterparts.

I don't know man....you just have this agenda against black folks that is painfully obvious. No need to single out black violence when this country is full of violence period. Then again, a lot of dudes with direct African ties place themselves on a different tier than American blacks. The funny **** though is that you're still a ****** to a large portion of the U.S., no matter where your parents are from or what your occupation is. Had a grip of African friends in college and they learned that the hard way when the cops showed up. :lol:

We see our fair share of white violence, but white people are also not spending resources and energy marching against what's not really killing them. When white people have a meth violence problem they address it in the midwest, they don't pretend like the 1 or 2 police shootings are the cause of all their problems. I single out black folks cause it's an EPIDEMIC.

I'm not sure what ur rant is about Africans, sounds like you've been watching too many Hebrew Isrealite vids. Amadou dialo was a tragedy but immigrant and first and second gen Africans are rarely on the news for this crap.

Yeah, you sidestepped that effortlessly. Carry on.
As much as I disagree with Mr Marcus racist ideologies, he doesn't deserve these personal attacks

Nah it ain't personal because that account isn't me. I actually found it funny :lol: I mean if that kid was behind my post I would've hollered

lil dude got the heaven filter on his pics
Scanning through this thread and just saw this comment.

Dude you need to read over what you just wrote. If you wait til the person shoots first, what if they hit you and you get killed immediately, are you just supposed to take it for the team. Hell no, if a person threatens you buy pulling a weapon, especially a gun, you would try and get your shot off first. And also talking about pulling a taser on a dude with a gun, *****

These threads really bring out some of the worst in members of this forum, pretty sad ****.

Edit: did not see the text at the end :smh: haha

:lol: took the bait on that one

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Most shooting or stabbing victims in chi-town are NOT from the police.

What does this have to do with police not being punished for murders though? Is there anyone out there saying that cops are responsible for most of the violence?

It's backwards to say that because a place like Chicago didn't accidentally turn into a murder capital. It was years of purposeful negligence in police presence, school systems, funding, welfare, etc. Chicago is the perfect storm of irresponsibility. It's the same exact system that lets cops kill black men unpunished. The same system that built highways to let white people avoid the black people in Chicago.

It's all connected.
What does this have to do with police not being punished for murders though? Is there anyone out there saying that cops are responsible for most of the violence?

It's backwards to say that because a place like Chicago didn't accidentally turn into a murder capital. It was years of purposeful negligence in police presence, school systems, funding, welfare, etc. Chicago is the perfect storm of irresponsibility. It's the same exact system that lets cops kill black men unpunished. The same system that built highways to let white people avoid the black people in Chicago.

It's all connected.
So the epidemic of black on black crime in Chicago is not the responsibility of blacks, but whites? Interesting.
So the epidemic of black on black crime in Chicago is not the responsibility of blacks, but whites? Interesting.

There are tons of majority black communities that aren't even close to chitown. Why is that? There are more factors at work when a place gets that bad. History. Do research.
Most black people dont die at the hands of the PIGS, black people just stab and kill each other and the cops show up 15 minutes later and bring them to and emergency room.

Is there anyone saying most black people are killed by cops? No one is saying that. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. That we should ignore this very important issue because there are other different issues?

That fake outrage :smh: :lol:
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