18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

The very fact that you're in here complaining about Affirmative Action is evidence of what I just said. The fact that you're in here talking about grants and scholarships and your disadvantages is ridiculous. Like bringing it up was just dumb all under the guise of this is my personal story and this is how I overcame it. Save it for an afterschool special.

You should've stopped typing after "I don't pretend to know what it's like to be a young Black male growing up in America today"

Also, I'm not selectively reading anything. I actually refrained from posting earlier so I could read all of your posts and here you out given you've been on some similar **** in other threads. Only difference here now is you think you're saying something new about this don't live in the past, overcome your situation to achieve your goals rhetoric as if this is the first time a black person has been told that. Like I said I can't tell if it's extreme naivety on your part or insanely glaring ignorance.

Did you see this post that I responded to?

When you live in a lower socioeconomic area, you are less likely to finish school. Numbers don't lie. A lot of it has nothing to do with level of motivation, it has a lot to do with access.


I grew up in a lower socioeconomic area and went to the same schools as many blacks growing up.  I wasn't complaining about affirmative action,  I was merely pointing out that "access" isn't the end all be all to whether someone finishes school.  Education isn't and shouldn't be limited to what's taught in class, it begins at home.  If I'm the one being naive or ignorant, why don't you educate me and explain how racism plays a role in whether someone finishes school or not.
I told you I read the posts. My previous reply still stands.

You almost 40 bruh if you seriously want to be educated on that specific point a convo on NT won't suffice. Just asking alone makes me think you don't know what institutionalized racism is. You over here talking about the minority grants and scholarships you didn't get, sorry I aint gonna be that guy to entertain that like I said I can see this is leaning more towards ignorance than naivety. I'd suggest you take the time to join a big brother program in a lower socioeconomic area or perhaps ask your former peers that you went to school with growing up so you can maybe open your eyes on how it was different for them. What you're being naive or ignorant about is your response in general. Perhaps you didn't get that in my previous replies where I said that and why.
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Lol Asians have benefitted the most from affirmative action
Became the "model minority" to the point where government now tryna find ways to cut down the yellow man enrollment rates in college :smh:
Too late though, they can't disenfranchise us like how they tried to do to the black population
Education is power though, only way to stick it to the system.
Also let me mention that majority of Asians supported the Black Panthers back in 60s/70s, since we both faced similar segregation and racial discrimination tactics. This all fell apart when the CIA started targeting the Black Panthers and the programs that were designed to improve the black community. So even though some Asian groups still have a good portion living in the poverty scale (Laotian, Cambodian), we don't face as many barriers as the black community still does.
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PEOPLE are COMPLAINING in the USA about 'OPPORTUNITIES'?  Said it before, said it again, this is the land where they give you hand outs for not working!!!!!!

Guys like to 'blame' something.  Always blaming 'unfairness', and all that kind of crap, but the fact is, there are systems in everything.  You can't make it into the NBA?  Well, better study hard elsewhere.  ETC ETC

Quit complaining and start working hard.

PEOPLE are COMPLAINING in the USA about 'OPPORTUNITIES'?  Said it before, said it again, this is the land where they give you hand outs for not working!!!!!!

Guys like to 'blame' something.  Always blaming 'unfairness', and all that kind of crap, but the fact is, there are systems in everything.  You can't make it into the NBA?  Well, better study hard elsewhere.  ETC ETC

Quit complaining and start working hard.

Well said. I work in a company where we have people of all races working in all kinds of jobs, from the entry level hourly worker to corporate VP's. There's absolutely nothing stopping someone from starting at the bottom, working hard, and progressing within the company. Our top level employees are very diverse racially, the thing that got them there was hard work and no one stopped them.
PEOPLE are COMPLAINING in the USA about 'OPPORTUNITIES'?  Said it before, said it again, this is the land where they give you hand outs for not working!!!!!!

Guys like to 'blame' something.  Always blaming 'unfairness', and all that kind of crap, but the fact is, there are systems in everything.  You can't make it into the NBA?  Well, better study hard elsewhere.  ETC ETC

Quit complaining and start working hard.
I don't think people in this thread are complaining about the opportunity to have a great life in America
People are complaining about how the government has tried tooth and nail to bring down the black community. Have you recognized that they have cut down education funding in the poor communities and would rather increase funding in welfare and the prison-industrial complex that seeks to make a profit off incarcerated individuals? Yes people should strive to be the best regardless, but people still need to be aware of the corruptness and flaws that the country has and seek to improve it to allow more people to prosper and develop less criminals.
For starters, there was never any scholarships or grants for Asians like Blacks and Latinos had when I was growing up.  Secondly, schools never adjusted their admissions criteria to allow for the inclusion of more Asians. 

In that regard, read the following article.  


In NYC, there are a number of specialized highschools which you need to take an entrance examination to get into.  Despite the fact that the majority of students in these schools are Asian, who come from lower income immigrant families, Mayor DeBlasio now wants to change the admission criteria because he feels that there are a disproportionate number of Black and Latino students, which he attributes to better preparation opportunities afford to white students, which is complete BS.

I don't pretend to know what it's like to be a young Black male growing up in America today, but I'm sharing with you my own personal experiences growing up Asian in America.  At the end of the day, I believe that people should be striving to overcome whatever adversities they face and make the most of their lives.  That's not to say you ignore that racism still exists today, but I think some people use it as an excuse for the shortcomings in their life.

Chinese exclusion act

Well said. I work in a company where we have people of all races working in all kinds of jobs, from the entry level hourly worker to corporate VP's. There's absolutely nothing stopping someone from starting at the bottom, working hard, and progressing within the company. Our top level employees are very diverse racially, the thing that got them there was hard work and no one stopped them.

What's the racial make up of your board of directors, CEO, and other C level employees?

I will give someone $100 of they can find a company with more than $1M on revenue ANNUALLY that c level managers reflect the racial percentages of america.
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I don't think people in this thread are complaining about the opportunity to have a great life in America
People are complaining about how the government has tried tooth and nail to bring down the black community. Have you recognized that they have cut down education funding in the poor communities and would rather increase funding in welfare and the prison-industrial complex that seeks to make a profit off incarcerated individuals? Yes people should strive to be the best regardless, but people still need to be aware of the corruptness and flaws that the country has and seek to improve it to allow more people to prosper and develop less criminals.
Education begins inside the home, not at school.  You can have the best schools, best teachers, and best teaching materials available, but if you don't have students who want to actually learn anything, all that is pointless.  
Being aware =/= being a failure.

There are plenty of VERY successful minorities, that are also "aware".
Just because being successful doesn't mean that we can just sit back and be ignorant and let our less fortunate brothers suffer.
Just 40 years ago, the "model minority" was still stuck in segregated Chinatowns, and 70 years ago, Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps stripped from their homes and land by the US government. One major event involving Asia can revert us back to those times.
Figured you wasn't competent enough to at least give a 5th grade level response. I asked just to :lol: at your *** :smile:

"72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders."

This is the real story here. Looking at these numbers, is it any coincidence that many Blacks are having so many issues and Asians are the most educated and highest grossing race in America? It all starts at home.
Education begins inside the home, not at school.  You can have the best schools, best teachers, and best teaching materials available, but if you don't have students who want to actually learn anything, all that is pointless.  
How is it pointless to have more education facilities and opportunities for disadvantaged minorities to learn? In L.A., they set up more after school educational and sports programs in cities like Compton, Inglewood, and South Central, and in recent years, crime has gone down while more businesses are returning to those areas since land value has slightly increased. Of course those neighborhoods are still not the most desirable places, but if you don't work to improve a bad situation, it will just get worse.
Locking up blacks/Latinos to keep the prison system flowing

Government programs put in place decades ago to break up the black home.

Two topics you could have easily touched on

Your parent migrating here from what ever Latin country does not equal to the story of african Americans

If you don't understand that then I don't know what to say
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I don't blame the governemnt for people getting caught breaking the law, though.

Nor do I blame them for passing on negative values on to their children's children's children.

That's the difference.

But the cops are locking people up for no reason thought you knew that fam.
How is it pointless to have more education facilities and opportunities for disadvantaged minorities to learn? In L.A., they set up more after school educational and sports programs in cities like Compton, Inglewood, and South Central, and in recent years, crime has gone down while more businesses are returning to those areas since land value has slightly increased. Of course those neighborhoods are still not the most desirable places, but if you don't work to improve a bad situation, it will just get worse.
Did I say it was pointless to have better education facilities or opportunities? I said it was pointless if you didn't have any students who wanted to actually learn something.  There's no denying that certain people, depending on their race or the area they live in, are afforded better opportunities growing up.  However, that's not, and shouldn't be, the end all be all as to whether someone can succeed in life.

"72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders."

This is the real story here. Looking at these numbers, is it any coincidence that many Blacks are having so many issues and Asians are the most educated and highest grossing race in America? It all starts at home.

Again with the Asian comparison.

Chinese exclusion act prohibited Asians from immigrating over..

.businesses and schools were allowed to directly PULL the cream of the crop from those countries...

Stop trying to compare minorities where one has many of its people pulled directly for over achieving in their home country within the last 40 years... to 200 years of oppression, slavery, systemic denial of rights, and denial of an education
Done going back and forth with someone who lives in a country and don't even know it's history. Impossible for you to understand :lol:

Personally wouldn't move somewhere and not learn some history but that's me.
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I don't blame the governemnt for people getting caught breaking the law, though.

Nor do I blame them for passing on negative values on to their children's children's children.

That's the difference.
Then why must the feds get involved everytime the black man is starting to succeed
Why did the CIA have to bring down the Black Panthers and the programs that were designed to better their own community? Why did they have to introduce crack to them in the 80s? Why did after slavery were they still subject to voting tests that basically were illegal? You think after 150 years of abuse they can simply one day just form a cohesive community.....

For the sake of this thread, the guy who pointed the gun at the cops deserved to get shot and deserves all the blame. A crime is a crime.
But to say the black community caused all their dysfunction is simply scratching on the edge of the real problems.
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