2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

She farted, so does that counted
Swagger" Let me holla at you playa"
i read that theres a possible swerve in the cena/kane match.

not really a shocker though
The Great White still seems extremely racist to me.
The crowd doesn't care about Sheamus 1/10th as much as they did about Santino
Originally Posted by StillIn729

and WWE will learn nothing and send Santino back to comical jobber


Santino can keep the comedy routine (tone it down a bit) and actually be a good wrestler who can get over with the crowd.

He needs a legit finisher though.

@ this Natalya gimmick.

And since when does Sheamus do the Celtic Cross?
Now we're going to have a Teddy Long vs. John Laurianntioiskl;sis in an "election year" angle?..WoooooooHoooooooo, can't wait..
I would have rather seen Orton/Barrett at WM28 for the chip in an ironman or 2 of 3 falls. And I also would be willing to roll the dice on Laurinaitis/Teddy Long at WM28 for control of both shows
Looks like they're setting up a match at Mania for GM control of both shows. Laurinaitis will have Henry, Del Rio, Christian, and Swagger. No idea who Teddy Long will have on his side.
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan1

that fart was just a recording that was played. It wasnt Natalya so I dont think that should count against here since she didn't fart

Leave and never come back..
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan1

that fart was just a recording that was played. It wasnt Natalya so I dont think that should count against here since she didn't fart

that's the gimmick though..fake farts..
Originally Posted by PrinceLaney

I would have rather seen Orton/Barrett at WM28 for the chip in an ironman or 2 of 3 falls. And I also would be willing to roll the dice on Laurinaitis/Teddy Long at WM28 for control of both shows

Orton may not even be able to go at WM.  He's having follow up tests done next week to see how his concussion is.
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