2 weeks from the US presidential election... who are YOU voting for? (do over)

Originally Posted by bradlasseigne

**$* obama hes trying to make guns compleatly completely illegal and tax ammunition 99%
Good. I'm tired of people getting shot and robbed in my neighborhood.

I just had to replace a window.
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Originally Posted by bradlasseigne

**$* obama hes trying to make guns compleatly completely illegal and tax ammunition 99%
Good. I'm tired of people getting shot and robbed in my neighborhood.

I just had to replace a window.
Word, leave guns to the law enforcement officers, and those that have guns make them go through strict laws, and regulations. I'm talkingretina scans, finger prints, fecal matter samples, the whole nine yards.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Originally Posted by bradlasseigne

**$* obama hes trying to make guns compleatly completely illegal and tax ammunition 99%
Good. I'm tired of people getting shot and robbed in my neighborhood.

I just had to replace a window.
Word, leave guns to the law enforcement officers, and those that have guns make them go through strict laws, and regulations. I'm talking retina scans, finger prints, fecal matter samples, the whole nine yards.
Guns don't kill people though.
voted here and in real life, I am stunned actually that anyone is REALLY supporting McCain and Palin.

p.s. I would be willing to call myself NT's resident gun nut, there are a few others but really none on my level and while I do not agree with Barack'sviews on gun issues, I do feel that restrictions need to be imposed and done intelligently. Beyond that if I had to turn in my guns and believed that doing so(or voting for a leader who asked me to do so) would really improve this country, in particular with regards to economics, education, employment, etc. I wouldgladly do what I needed to do.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Originally Posted by bradlasseigne

**$* obama hes trying to make guns compleatly completely illegal and tax ammunition 99%
Good. I'm tired of people getting shot and robbed in my neighborhood.

I just had to replace a window.
Word, leave guns to the law enforcement officers, and those that have guns make them go through strict laws, and regulations. I'm talking retina scans, finger prints, fecal matter samples, the whole nine yards.
Guns don't kill people though.
So take away the guns, so people don't kill people with guns. It would be cool to see people build homemade guns, that would be so funny.
People been killing each other since the beginning of time without guns though. Why all of a sudden its the guns fault?
people are also killing people in countries with no guns, but here in America I would argue that it is not the fault of the gun itself. It is a product of aviolent society, and I also believe that the anti gun movement is so ill prepared to deal with these issues that they would COMPLETELY screw things up giventhe chance and not make any significant or positive change. I recently saw a politician demanding that heat shrouds on guns be outlawed.

No heat shroud has ever killed anyone ever.
Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

people are also killing people in countries with no guns, but here in America I would argue that it is not the fault of the gun itself. It is a product of a violent society, and I also believe that the anti gun movement is so ill prepared to deal with these issues that they would COMPLETELY screw things up given the chance and not make any significant or positive change. I recently saw a politician demanding that heat shrouds on guns be outlawed.

No heat shroud has ever killed anyone ever.
probably wouldn't be as violent if we didn't take it upon ourself to police the entire planet and murder in the name of freedom.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

People been killing each other since the beginning of time without guns though. Why all of a sudden its the guns fault?
... guns are one the leading cause of violent deaths. When the last time you heard someone die by getting slapped or punch?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

People been killing each other since the beginning of time without guns though. Why all of a sudden its the guns fault?
... guns are one the leading cause of violent deaths. When the last time you heard someone die by getting slapped or punch?
before guns it was probably bows and arrows, before that swords, before the rocks, etc. etc.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

people are also killing people in countries with no guns, but here in America I would argue that it is not the fault of the gun itself. It is a product of a violent society, and I also believe that the anti gun movement is so ill prepared to deal with these issues that they would COMPLETELY screw things up given the chance and not make any significant or positive change. I recently saw a politician demanding that heat shrouds on guns be outlawed.

No heat shroud has ever killed anyone ever.
probably wouldn't be as violent if we didn't take it upon ourself to police the entire planet and murder in the name of freedom.

we are certainly trained to be violent from many different sources.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

People been killing each other since the beginning of time without guns though. Why all of a sudden its the guns fault?
... guns are one the leading cause of violent deaths. When the last time you heard someone die by getting slapped or punch?
before guns it was probably bows and arrows, before that swords, before the rocks, etc. etc.
When is the last time you heard someone killed by a bow and arrow, sword or rock? What are the likely chances (against guns) that some one can bekilled with one of those objects you said? Now when is the last time some one was killed by a gun? Hell, just yesterday a 12y/o trick or treater was killed bya gun.
Voted for Obama just like I did on Thursday after waiting 2 hours in Pembroke Pines Florida ... Obama FTW
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

No the trick or treater was killed by a person
BINGO!!!!!!! The gun is no deadlier than a toaster with out a killer behind it. A gun is actually inherintly safe, it is not even remotelydangerous until it is loaded and then is safe as long as it is handled safely. I have NEVER had a gun accidently discharge where as I did have a car completelyexplode due to a bad fuse once. Have also seen a motorcycle throttle cable get stuck and had we not had the back wheel jacked up it would have taken off withno rider at max RPM's.
I have a question to the single minded individuals who carry guns. What exactly are you carrying these guns for? because unless you are some sort of hunter orwhatever, i really do not see a reason why a gun should be in ones household. If guns were to stay in the hands of policemen and women and other forms ofsecurity personnel, gun violence would be at an all time low and there would be millions of children and people alive today. I dont give a damn about"protecting" my neighborhood/household. You do not need a gun for that, its 2008 I want someone to really give a good reason as to why guns areNEEDED.
You keep a gun for when someone tries to violate your domain, your sanctuary, the place where you are supposed to feel absolutely the safest. They kick in yourdoor and try to take your possessions waving a big gat in your face while you sit their teeth chattering with tears streaming down your face holding nothingbut your +@%$ in your hand, because you don't believe citizens should protect themselves and their household.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You keep a gun for when someone tries to violate your domain, your sanctuary, the place where you are supposed to feel absolutely the safest. They kick in your door and try to take your possessions waving a big gat in your face while you sit their teeth chattering with tears streaming down your face holding nothing but your +@%$ in your hand, because you don't believe citizens should protect themselves and their household.

...this is 2008 dude. secondly how did the criminal get ahold of this gun? if he didnt have access to guns in the first place then what? would he stillattempt to rob you with his bare hands? you are just further proving my point. yes citizens can protect themselves with guns but cant "citizens"also use these said guns to do harm also? we have police and alarm systems to prevent robberies in households. Do you know how many child deaths would beprevented if these citizens werent carrying guns in their home? God forbid he gets ahold of the weapon and shoots it. What about the Colombine massacre? howdid those kids get ahold of those weapons so easily? What about the asian dude at virginia tech?
Originally Posted by Black Milk

I have a question to the single minded individuals who carry guns. What exactly are you carrying these guns for? because unless you are some sort of hunter or whatever, i really do not see a reason why a gun should be in ones household. If guns were to stay in the hands of policemen and women and other forms of security personnel, gun violence would be at an all time low and there would be millions of children and people alive today. I dont give a damn about "protecting" my neighborhood/household. You do not need a gun for that, its 2008 I want someone to really give a good reason as to why guns are NEEDED.
So women and policemen need them? Are you joking? How can you possibly justify guns but only for women? Are women the only people that are victimsof a crime? Christ that is the most ridicuous thing I have ever heard in regards to this argument and believe I have heard what I thought was stupidity.

So if women have guns, and no men do so that we are all safe what would happen with the guns stolen from women by violent criminals?

Crimes are not commited by law abiding citizens, even law abiding citizens WITH guns. Crimes are commited by criminals, and gun crimes are commited bycriminals who have guns. Very few of these guns are legally purchased guns registered to the perp.

Make gun ownership a crime and you will only have criminals with guns. That is not better than what we have now. The answer HAS to start with extreme penaltiesfor crimes commited with guns, not punishing good people, who are also repsponsible gun owners.

next you will say that if guns were simply illegal then they wouldn't be available to criminals right?

Tell that to all the folks who have to make just one phone call to get ahold of cocaine, which for the record is also not legal in this country nor is itproduced here.
Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

Originally Posted by Black Milk

I have a question to the single minded individuals who carry guns. What exactly are you carrying these guns for? because unless you are some sort of hunter or whatever, i really do not see a reason why a gun should be in ones household. If guns were to stay in the hands of policemen and women and other forms of security personnel, gun violence would be at an all time low and there would be millions of children and people alive today. I dont give a damn about "protecting" my neighborhood/household. You do not need a gun for that, its 2008 I want someone to really give a good reason as to why guns are NEEDED.
So women and policemen need them? Are you joking? How can you possibly justify guns but only for women? Are women the only people that are victims of a crime? Christ that is the most ridicuous thing I have ever heard in regards to this argument and believe I have heard what I thought was stupidity.

So if women have guns, and no men do so that we are all safe what would happen with the guns stolen from women by violent criminals?

Crimes are not commited by law abiding citizens, even law abiding citizens WITH guns. Crimes are commited by criminals, and gun crimes are commited by criminals who have guns. Very few of these guns are legally purchased guns registered to the perp.

Make gun ownership a crime and you will only have criminals with guns. That is not better than what we have now. The answer HAS to start with extreme penalties for crimes co,,ited with guns, not punishing good people, who are also repsponsible gun owners.
when i said policemen and women i meant policemen and policewomen so there goes your whole arguement.
you say the answer has to start with extreme penalties for gun violence? does that stop people from commiting murder? last time i checked murder comes withharsh penalties. What exactly does a responsible gun owner mean? where do you live? why do you NEED a gun in your possession, sir?
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by BIG FAME ONE

Originally Posted by Black Milk

I have a question to the single minded individuals who carry guns. What exactly are you carrying these guns for? because unless you are some sort of hunter or whatever, i really do not see a reason why a gun should be in ones household. If guns were to stay in the hands of policemen and women and other forms of security personnel, gun violence would be at an all time low and there would be millions of children and people alive today. I dont give a damn about "protecting" my neighborhood/household. You do not need a gun for that, its 2008 I want someone to really give a good reason as to why guns are NEEDED.
So women and policemen need them? Are you joking? How can you possibly justify guns but only for women? Are women the only people that are victims of a crime? Christ that is the most ridicuous thing I have ever heard in regards to this argument and believe I have heard what I thought was stupidity.

So if women have guns, and no men do so that we are all safe what would happen with the guns stolen from women by violent criminals?

Crimes are not commited by law abiding citizens, even law abiding citizens WITH guns. Crimes are commited by criminals, and gun crimes are commited by criminals who have guns. Very few of these guns are legally purchased guns registered to the perp.

Make gun ownership a crime and you will only have criminals with guns. That is not better than what we have now. The answer HAS to start with extreme penalties for crimes co,,ited with guns, not punishing good people, who are also repsponsible gun owners.
when i said policemen and women i meant policemen and policewomen so there goes your whole arguement.
you say the answer has to start with extreme penalties for gun violence? does that stop people from commiting murder? last time i checked murder comes with harsh penalties. What exactly does a responsible gun owner mean? where do you live? why do you NEED a gun in your possession, sir?

You have no argument. at all. Nothing stops people from commiting murder, murder was commited before we invented guns, gunpowder, knives, or anything else thateven resembles a modern weapon. I can MAKE a gun out of a magazine and one bullet. So getting rid of guns is a joke.

What is a responsible gun owner? I am. I keep guns locked in a safe bolted to the foundation of my home, unless I am carrying. My guns are registered in myname, I am licensed to carry them concealed and do so. I am not interested in flashing weapons, nor do I want to ever NEED to use one to defend myself orsomeone else. I live in Seattle by the way, the scene of the Jewish Federation shootings a couple years back. One right minded civilian with a gun could haveended that right away. I carry a gun because there are reasons one would need to defend their own lives. I have been shot, and in fact stabbed twice. Theshooting was random, the stabbing was during a plain old fight. Violence =/= guns.

My point is that if your goal is to curb gun violence then make a robbery a 2-5 year offense, triple the years or MORE if the robbery is commited with a gun.

My point is strong, you have nothing to stand on we live in a violent society and it is not guns that caused that. Thinking murder will go away, or even thatguns will go away with an outright ban on guns is silly. Assault rifles and banned guns were not gone durinh the Brady ban, they were just more expensive.Liquor was not gone during prohibition, nor is it impossible to get drugs, kiddie porn or any other illegal vice you could want. Thinking a gun ban is going tosave us from the evils of guns is stupid.

p.s. I suggest if you want to have his argument we do it elsewhere out of respect for the spirit of the original post.
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