2 weeks from the US presidential election... who are YOU voting for? (do over)

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


i wish...
Originally Posted by seaner23

i know this probably doesn't need to be said, but since there are several "slow" nt'ers i feel it must be said...

you do know this isn't the real voting right? you still have to go out and "officially" cast your vote.

i hope 100% of us already knew that but i'm sure there are probably a few nt'ers who think that this is official and they don't need to vote anymore.

just saying...
Are you kidding me? That could have been the most ignorant thing I have ever heard! Who in their right mind would think this counts for a realvote? There are plenty of people on this site under the age of 18 so that just doesn't make much sense. I think you are the "slow" NTer.
no one likes sarah palin...everyone thinks mccain is going to be another bush...mccain just appointed palin for womens votes....mccain agreed with 90% of whatbush was doing but now claims he doesnt "agree"

some think if obama gets elected hes just going to sit in office for one term and thats it...obama hasnt been a senator that long as mccain...and he just cantpass bills by himself...

blah blah blah

sigh...hillary shouldn't have dropped out...
I just dont see how anyone can see Barack Obama being a good leader. He wants to try and ruin this country with his ridiculous ideas. He is going to tax theheck out of us. He is going to socialize this country. But dont blame me, I will be moving to Canada if he is elected.
If Obama gets elected this country is going to be in serious trouble. We will have a greater budget defecit, and be paying more taxes. Dont be fooled by his"tax cut" scheme. It started as a tax cut for anyone making less than 250,000... then it was stated as anyone making less than 200,000... Joe Bidensaid earlier this week that anyone making less than 150,00 would get relief. Who knows what the actual number is? Also, if he plans on raising taxes on thelarger corporations, what do you think those corporations are going to do? Just bite the bullet and pay the taxes and let it cut into their profit? No, theyare going to pass that tax along to the consumers by raising prices.

Dont get caught up in the hype... VOTE MCCAIN!
I already voted. I'm in the military, and have been to Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq three times and Afghanistan once. I've missed out on so manyreleases because I was deployed, so I'm voted for Obama. I wasn't just voting for him because I'm black, I just want what's best for thecountry and the military. Damn Bin Laden, got me paying online prices for shoes that I missed!
Originally Posted by 2TigerFan3

I just dont see how anyone can see Barack Obama being a good leader. He wants to try and ruin this country with his ridiculous ideas. He is going to tax the heck out of us. He is going to socialize this country. But dont blame me, I will be moving to Canada if he is elected.
send us post cards when u do..
Obama 08'
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