20 Year Old With No Car = Failure??

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

59 Piffy wrote:
most NTers are silver spoon privileged kids who've prolly never stepped foot on a bus in their life

Gotta love the stereotypes

Tell me bout it dude .. " Stop thinkin bout what you don't got and be thankful for what you do got"

Live your life!
I'm 20 with no car and have never thought for a second that I was a failure because of that. My bike can get me to class and back fine. I'll worryabout a car in a year and a half when college is over
It depends if you can get around with no problems without one. I probably could but I have a car lol but still sucks not having one but I don't know howthat is because I had one pretty much since I was 16.
I caught the DUI at 22
...that =failure. Cars only get you where you need to be quicker, whether it be school work or in trouble,oh and of course the fembotstoo!
But just have patience...youll get yours when the time is right

What kind of job did you or are you doing?? Can a male perform as good as you do in the same job

I still call ducktales
I'm 20 and don't have a car. Always wanted one but now I'm starting to realize I really don't need one. I can ride the bus (for free no less)to campus and get there in like 2 minutes and not have to worry about parking, and I don't have to pay for gas.
If you don't plan on buying a car anytime soon you should at least get your license. B/c when do buy a car your insurance payment is going to beoutrageous if your a inexperience driver. I learned the hard way.
Im 20, with no car, and i have my own apt, twas my bday yesterday actually
. But i live in NYC, so trains and buses and dollar vans get me around just fineright now, still would like a car though.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Fresh BOY DJ

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I'm 23 with no car, but i live in NYC so i use the train to get were i need to go. It would be nice if I had a car but some things i can do without at the moment.

As for your situation for 20 years old and not having a car isn't bad at all. It depends though if you need a car to get around. Just see what your real priorities are and stick to accomplishing them before worrying about the stuff at the bottom of that list.
i used to take the train everywhere in NYC.. sure its a + but riding that train mon- fri really gets anooying alot... so i had 2 cop a whip for the weekend... and plus when you have that whip... comes more play....

getting the 4 train between 4:30-7 =
I hear what your saying Fresh, public transportation isnt the best but for me personally i try to look at it in the best light.

To the OP and the rest of us bums that dont have a car or dont live in their own place or isnt attending a dentistry program, we'll eventually have cars tolook forward too but if it isn't necessary at this point in time to have a car then worry about more important things that would eventually lead up to yougetting that car.

"Don't let what you don't have, stop you from using what you do have"
if you go to school it aint half bad. **** is expensive.

im 19 and dont have a car either. maybe thats why im home on a friday night
Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.
I'm 20, live at home, go to school full time, and have a job, and my car got stolen 2 weeks ago. Having a car isn't absolutely necessary if you live ina city with good public transportation.
Originally Posted by Starkey Luv

I'm 20, live at home, go to school full time, and have a job, and my car got stolen 2 weeks ago. Having a car isn't absolutely necessary if you live in a city with good public transportation.
aka NYC.

If I ever lived there all I would use is a bike or the Subway there is no need for a car there IMO.
Realtalk though, I can't imagine going on a date without a car.

How yall do that? you ask the girl to ride the train/bus with you?
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