20 Year Old With No Car = Failure??

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yungmatt failurematt or whatever u call urself I'm not gonna entertain u...

Ne who like

Rko wuts ur point I'm in school have a job and a car so not sure what ur gettin at???

Havin all that doesn't make u a success either but havin some type of ambition or will to succeed in life dude didnt eve mention havin any goals. Said he is just hittin school. He's 20 which means he took a yr or 2 off. What goals was he working toward doin that time??? Umm yea
Since you were going by your standards I compare my stats to yours to let him know some people are behind him so I'm just as much of a failureas he is then. He's not alone lol.

Thats what he meant by just hitting school? Didn't know that's what it meant. But he may have been getting his life together. I don't know but tolabel somebody with that is strong.
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yungmatt failurematt or whatever u call urself I'm not gonna entertain u...

Ne who like

Rko wuts ur point I'm in school have a job and a car so not sure what ur gettin at???

Havin all that doesn't make u a success either but havin some type of ambition or will to succeed in life dude didnt eve mention havin any goals. Said he is just hittin school. He's 20 which means he took a yr or 2 off. What goals was he working toward doin that time??? Umm yea
You sure spell good for a dentist
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yungmatt failurematt or whatever u call urself I'm not gonna entertain u...

Ne who like

Rko wuts ur point I'm in school have a job and a car so not sure what ur gettin at???

Havin all that doesn't make u a success either but havin some type of ambition or will to succeed in life dude didnt eve mention havin any goals. Said he is just hittin school. He's 20 which means he took a yr or 2 off. What goals was he working toward doin that time??? Umm yea
You gettin all mad at me for what??? All I asked from thebeginning was to show how you looked
. You seem to have high standardswhen it comes to guys and I just wanted to see if the way you look should allow you to
. I dont know you so I crossed out the rest of your story because I really justdidnt care about what you said but To tell a 20 year old hes a failure because he doesnt have a car is a joke to me. Then you bring up goals but according toyour first he should go get a car and apartment so that he doesnt have to sneak females into his mothers house
.Also,For a female that is so "successful" you sure seem kindabitter
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yungmatt failurematt or whatever u call urself I'm not gonna entertain u...

Ne who like

Rko wuts ur point I'm in school have a job and a car so not sure what ur gettin at???

Havin all that doesn't make u a success either but havin some type of ambition or will to succeed in life dude didnt eve mention havin any goals. Said he is just hittin school. He's 20 which means he took a yr or 2 off. What goals was he working toward doin that time??? Umm yea
You gettin all mad at me for what??? All I asked from the beginning was to show how you looked
. You seem to have high standards when it comes to guys and I just wanted to see if the way you look should allow you to
. I dont know you so I crossed out the rest of your story because I really just didnt care about what you said but To tell a 20 year old hes a failure because he doesnt have a car is a joke to me. Then you bring up goals but according to your first he should go get a car and apartment so that he doesnt have to sneak females into his mothers house
.Also,For a female that is so "successful" you sure seem kinda bitter
Don't mind her, she prolly looks like a Sasquatch.
Stop talking. You sound more ridiculous and shallow the more you post. The kid is 20 years old let him live.

As for the OP don't worry about the social standard society has set. You are no a failure if you dont have a car. at 20 years old.
Im 25 and whipless by choice tho'.. I had a 87 astro van for 2 yrs while out in cali...... I live in NYC so a whip would be a extra bill I dont need.......

Dont make material possesions GOALS they hold no true value besides getting attention( if thats what you need) , your life is not measured by your possesionbut by your accomplishments
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Im 25 and whipless by choice tho'.. I had a 87 astro van for 2 yrs while out in cali...... I live in NYC so a whip would be a extra bill I dont need.......

Dont make material possesions GOALS they hold no true value besides getting attention( if thats what you need) , your life is not measured by your possesion but by your accomplishments
i love those vans, they ran in our whole family
We can't hold you to our standards, only the standards you set for yourself.

If you think having a car makes you a winner, I know plenty of losers with whips, and alot of the time, a car is an unnecessary luxury.

In many countries, riding a bike is the most popular form of transportation, but over here, if you riding shotgun, you'se a "scrub".

Don't let society dictate your self worth. Do you.
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.

I'm calling ducktales on this... or at least embellishment. Going to school full time, working full time, paying for rent+food+utilities, and owning a"NICE" apartnment AND a car? And still have money left over to spend on kicks? No help? Really?

If you already have a "NICE" job, why are you going to school?
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

for those who are judging me because of my accomplishments ive posted. I am originally from the hood in tx west dallas. Crack heads killing ive seen it all. I grew up wit a molestin abusin step dad. and believe i was determined to not be a teenage mother ghetto broad that get pregnant at 15 have mad kids and wanna live off welfare and child support from my baby father. I wasnt given ne thing cuz u from the hood dont mean u gotta stay there. I'm now in school to be a dentist. Sorry u didnt get a decent job like myself and U chose minimum wage. he asked the question cuz h wanted our opinions and Yes like other who have said it I think he's a Failure.
I bet you dont even have a passport....
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.

I'm calling ducktales on this... or at least embellishment. Going to school full time, working full time, paying for rent+food+utilities, and owning a "NICE" apartnment AND a car? And still have money left over to spend on kicks? No help? Really?

If you already have a "NICE" job, why are you going to school?
To get a better job? best believe there's always something better and a job with a degree is easier than the ones with out
Wow. I didn't mean for it to come to this. I more so had a problem with the way she went at dude. It just seemed a-hole-lish
Originally Posted by BG BabyGlock26

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.

I'm calling ducktales on this... or at least embellishment. Going to school full time, working full time, paying for rent+food+utilities, and owning a "NICE" apartnment AND a car? And still have money left over to spend on kicks? No help? Really?

If you already have a "NICE" job, why are you going to school?
To get a better job? best believe there's always something better and a job with a degree is easier than the ones with out

Yea, I just peeped that she supposedly wants to be a dentist.

Point is that I just don't see how she can do everything that she says she's doing unless she's under a sizable amount of debt.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by BG BabyGlock26

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.

I'm calling ducktales on this... or at least embellishment. Going to school full time, working full time, paying for rent+food+utilities, and owning a "NICE" apartnment AND a car? And still have money left over to spend on kicks? No help? Really?

If you already have a "NICE" job, why are you going to school?
To get a better job? best believe there's always something better and a job with a degree is easier than the ones with out

Yea, I just peeped that she supposedly wants to be a dentist.

Point is that I just don't see how she can do everything that she says she's doing unless she's under a sizable amount of debt.

i agreed with everything you pointed out until that for the record
Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.

Originally Posted by KeeDaSneak23

Yea ur def a failure! By the time i was 20 I had my own car, nice apt, nice job and paying for my own education. With no parental help might I add. I would never talk nor date a dude thats wasnt equally yoked or has not accomplishd the same as me. We needa be on da same playing field cuz I dont sneak into nobody mothers house. Plus a 20 yr old havin to borrow their parents car is so pathetic.
please stop talking
Originally Posted by Fresh BOY DJ

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I'm 23 with no car, but i live in NYC so i use the train to get were i need to go. It would be nice if I had a car but some things i can do without at the moment.

As for your situation for 20 years old and not having a car isn't bad at all. It depends though if you need a car to get around. Just see what your real priorities are and stick to accomplishing them before worrying about the stuff at the bottom of that list.
i used to take the train everywhere in NYC.. sure its a + but riding that train mon- fri really gets anooying alot... so i had 2 cop a whip for the weekend... and plus when you have that whip... comes more play....

getting the 4 train between 4:30-7 =
pretty much. no cuz you live with your parents but cuz you have no car. unless you live in the city where there is public transportation
i dont have a car....i use public transportation

id rather take the train or bus than driving, i hate driving personally. lots of idiots on the road. its cheaper, safer, and im not emitting CO2 into the air.i wish that america was serious about public transportation but we live in a materialistic society where people need to live in subdivisions and drive theirSUVs.

most NTers are silver spoon privileged kids who've prolly never stepped foot on a bus in their life
Nope nothing wrong.

But I know of people locally that live with their parents in apartments no car don't donate any $$$$$ to rent, food, utilities but spend their paychequemax out their VISA to buy material high end designer %*@@ to be "in" and sometimes return items right after the purchase

That I think is totally wrong.
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