20 years ago today....the Sega Genesis debuts

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

[h1]Vote For The Next Xbox Live Genesis Game[/h1]
By Mike Fahey, 2:00 PM on Fri Aug 14 2009, 11,420 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp)
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Sega is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Genesis by letting fans vote for the next Genesis title to appear on Xbox Live Arcade. Earthworm Jim fans unite!

Oh that's right. I just used Kotaku to further my own agenda. I wouldn't begrudge you a vote for Toejam & Earl either. Hell, just vote for both on alternating days, see if we can't pull off a tie.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Sega Genesis, we're putting the power back in the fans' hands and letting you determine the next title we'll release on Xbox LIVE Arcade! Just pick from the Genesis classics below and cast your vote between August 14th and August 21st

Other titles being voted upon include The Revenge of Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Shining Force, Golden Axe II, and Wonder Boy, none of which are anywhere near besting Jim and Toejam, currently dominating with 37 and 20 percent of the vote respectively.

So really, using Kotaku to further my agenda wasn't necessary, as my agenda is apparently yours as well. Go team!

but most of those games are already available on this


list of games

Never owned this but always remembermy cousin sneaking it over even though his mom said he couldn't, I remember him gettin a beaten by my Aunt too
I'll never forget the first time I saw Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega Saturn..that was a defining moment almost
unfortunately that system eluded me. Seganeeds to get their mind right and make a new system.
i've conceded that i'm old

I had both systems by 93 the genesis since 90. Everytime I played something new on the SNES , the Genesis brought be back would something great as well. TheSNES was superior, but there was something about the inferior Genesis that kept calling my name....ah this was it....


one of the greatest games known to man, and I'll put money onthat. Wow, what a freakin game.
It was a game on steroids. Probablythe best game if not one of the best games in not only Genesis, but Sega history. This and the first EA NHL game with all that fighting, were the only twogames that I played most of the time. and imo the best games on the genesis. SOR was decent, with 2 being the best, but being a Final Fight copy. I played andliked all the Sonic series, but never cared for it that much. However, Mortal Kombat was horrible, but I fell victim to getting the true fatalities, eventhough the SNES was so much better visually. (Cages finishing move on SNES, FTL

Saturn was a decent console. Guardian Heroes.
sometimes I wonder what if Sega was still making consoles...

oh well, rest in peace to sega consoles
20 Years?
this was the very first console i had...Christmas of '91
i remember having the PM kindergarden session, so i would wake up mad early and play Sonic, then turn the TV off but keep the system on and pause it for when igot back.
Once i got to the space level for the first time, i did my thing and left. Came back and the system was off. I was crushed

I used to put in work i Street Fighter 2. Champiohnship edition is still the best incarnation.
However, the best game hands down goes to Spider-man vs. The Kingpin. Marvel games wouldnt exist anymore if it wasn't for this
According to developer Randel B. Reiss, this version was a huge commercial success: two thirds of all Megadrives owners at the time also bought the game, and single-handedly convinced Marvel Comics not to cancel the licensing deal they had with Sega.

maaaaaaaaan i till remember to this day when i woke up christmas morning to mortal kombat
me and my bro stayed up for ah week straight
the good oldays
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