2009: BUY GOLD. NOW.

Feb 28, 2008
Here is an article I just finished on gold and why you need to convert all of your dollar-denominated savings and holdings into it ASAP. It will bepublished on SeekingAlpha soon, currently pending approval.

2009: The Bull Market in Gold

With the massive monetary expansion experienced in recent months and the promise for unprecedented levels of money and credit supply increase in comingmonths, the United States Federal Reserve looks on paper to be sending America straight into hyperinflation. Germany's post-World War I Weimar Republic,post-World War II Hungary, 2001 Argentina, and present day Zimbabwe are all analogous examples of massive debt monetization, which all led to hyperinflationarydisaster. Never before has the entire world's economy been linked to one nation's, however, as is the case today with the United States. In a case ofeconomic mutually assured destruction, foreign creditor nations and their central banks can't afford to spark a run on the US Dollar, because it would killtheir own export-based economies, as well as devalue their debt repayments and foreign exchange reserves. But the United States has been financing consumptionthrough debt for decades and has resorted to monetary expansion to finance its debt and deficit spending, which is only going to increase with BarackObama's infrastructure and social programs. The Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) itself amounts to $700B, all of which will essentially be"printed." Foreign demand for US debt is all but gone, as creditor nations are now attempting to unwind their USD positions. Huge creditor nationslike China and Iran were net sellers of US Treasuries in recent months, attesting to the weakening of the American debt bubble. So where's all this excessliquidity go?

The answer is gold, and it is the only way to prevent the hyperinflationary scenarios referenced above from materializing in the United States.

The Fed has been on a money printing binge of unprecedented proportions, but has been able to thus far "trap" the excess liquidity from reaching theconsumer level, which is what causes price inflation. It started a massive foreign currency sale this summer through the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) thatled to a supply increase of Euros and suppression of dollar usage. It has been liquifying troubled banks by issuing them T-bills financed through monetizationin exchange for toxic assets by utilizing reverse repurchase agreements. And it has used the recent deleveraging and commodity collapse (partially caused bycredit defaults in many of the overleveraged institutions that were supporting the commodity bull) to supply the temporary demand for US Dollars and feedingits own foreign exchange reserves.

But the excess liquidity thus far is trapped in time-sensitive and manipulated instruments now, and without a demand for American debt, it has to go somewhere.As T-bills expire and the stock market descends further, actual currency is going to be released out of sequestration into the economy. The Fed cannot allowthe market to breach below its November lows, unless it wants widespread insolvency in insurers and banks, which are legally required to halt operations in theevent of insolvency. I've heard estimates of 7500 and 8000 in the Dow as being minimum support levels that, if broken for an extended time, would lead toeconomic collapse in America as financials would all go under. To prevent this and to finance Obama's deficit spending, actual dollars will have to beinjected into the system and they will be.

Weakness in the dollar causes strength in gold, which is something the Fed (through America's banks) has been suppressing for years. COMEX shorts dominatethis suppression of gold prices, but this act will be discontinued to prevent economic collapse. Allowing gold's price to rise to current fair levels (andthen rise further to represent gold's rising fundamentals) will soak up much of the excess liquidity, preventing hyperinflationary price increases inconsumer goods. Gold reached backwardation this month, signifying the big gold market manipulators are abandoning their short positions.

Ben Bernanke is a proponent of dollar devaluation against gold and is a staunch advocate of Frank D. Roosevelt's decision to do so in 1934 during the GreatDepression. Dollar devaluation is one of the government's most prized tools, as it allows debts to be paid back in devalued nominal terms, transferringrisk and purchasing power destruction to American taxpayers, who have no clue what is going on. Inflation is a tax on the people and with a fiat currency, apower-limitless Fed can (and has) tax the hell out of the American people.

The dollar, and fiat currency as a whole, faces collapse now, however, as the artificial wealth created and used in the past few decades is now showing itsnature as being just that-- artificial. The global monetary system will have to return to some sort of precious metal backing, directly or indirectly, andsurging gold prices is essential for this to occur.

Rising gold prices represents the excess liquidity being soaked up and also causes nominal equity values to rise without dramatic rises in consumer goods. Goldhas little utility outside of store of value, which is why its price hasn't collapsed at nearly the same rate other commodities, like oil and natural gas,have. As crude and steel suffered demand destruction from consumers losing wealth quickly, gold was barely touched at all and in fact probably would have showneven more strength hadn't it been for the aforementioned manipulations of the Fed and the global deleveraging of financial institutions.

Technically, gold appears poised to break out of its countertrend down move in its primary bull, leading to much higher prices soon. It broke out of its 50DMAon strong volume recently and is approaching a 200DMA breakout. With backwardation occuring this month, all indicators point to gold surging in the comingmonths.

Gold and gold miner stocks are also looking quite bullish. I recommend Royal Gold (RGLD), which recently broke out of a great long-term base, as well as ElDorado Gold (EGO), Goldcorp (GG), Iamgold Corp (IAG), Barrick Gold (ABX), Randgold Resources (GOLD), Jaguar Mining (JAG), Anglogold Ashanti (AU), Agnico-EagleMines (AEM), and Newpont Mining (NEM) for the coming year. Also, look into buying the gold ETF (GLD) and the Ultrashort 30-year Treasury Bond ETF (TBT) as theUS debt bubble collapses and debt monetization starts to show up in the Fed's balance sheets. I do suggest buying lots of bullion, however, as stock marketreturns are in nominal dollar-denominated terms.

The American total credit market debt to GDP ratio is at unprecedented highs, well above 350%, and this with ridiculously manipulated inflation numbersartificially deflated through hedonics. The government deficit could top $2 trillion next year. And the Fed is going to print money to pay for it all. The onlyway to prevent hyperinflation is to return to some sold of hard asset-backed monetary system and to allow gold's price to rise dramatically.

My prediction: gold breaks $2000/oz in 2009 and $10,000/oz by 2012.

It is currenctly about $850/oz. Save your financial future from collapse. BUY GOLD NOW.
call me gold member 2009! hahahahah
ive already pawned all of my moms gold....imma show her this article so she can buy some more and help me keep up with my green addiction.
if everyone does it, ill do the opposite.. thats why ill never understand these types of articles.

tell us one thing and if everyone follows it, its either ineffective 100% or less effective to the extent or not even being worth it. but i guess its all aboutspeculation. half the people may be like me thinking that the others will be doing it, so they dont.
stillmatic- the gold bull market of the last 4 year was impressive, but notthing compared to what's about to occur. that was in response to cyclicalinflation and commodity prices going up (like oil, nat gas, etc, which have all collapsed since then). the effects of the credit expansion of the last coupledecades has not been felt yet.

cissyfreshman- www.onlygold.com and the perth mint are good places

wallyhopp- judge the info on the merit of its argument, not just with some bs contrarian mindset. for every inflationist out there, there are twodeflationists. everyone is defintley not buying gold.
obviously gold was a great buy in 1971 when nixon took us off the gold standard. but keeping your savings in dollars right now is going to be disastrous foryour future for the first time in history, as the dollar's reserve fiat currency status is lost and a new global monetary order is reached.
smh... every investment can be considered an "old idea". csco at its IPO was a great investment, does that mean buying it in 95 was an "oldidea"?
do you honestly think the majority of the people on this board can invest the amount of money needed to make a profit from gold? they can barely afford onepack of the 11/12 packages....
can you shed light on the best sources (brokers, websites) to buy bullion?

edit: just saw what stocks you recommend. reading the entire article ftw
Peter Schiff has been saying the same thing regarding the collapse of the dollar, although recently he hasn't recommended gold as much as he did earlier inthe year. I'm def. looking to swap my dollars for metals, maybe a few 10oz. bars of gold bullion. btw.. what are your thoughts on silver, will theweakened dollar cause a similar rise in silver?
this is a natural reflex action anytime there is economic problems. gold won't skyrocket like he says. in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he'swriting articles like this just to up the demand of gold temporarily to sell his off.
Originally Posted by Rightguard

do you honestly think the majority of the people on this board can invest the amount of money needed to make a profit from gold? they can barely afford one pack of the 11/12 packages....
real talk no one has 800 plus dollars to throw away on gold i worry about this but then again ill let it happen as it comes i care but theresnothin most of us can do anyway enjoy the ride
read the full article. GLD FTW.

I just have a hard time believing this due to the faqct that even when the dollar kept declining gold kept falling at a faster pace.
After reading this it makes me wonder what happened to all the gold seized from Sadam's palaces

I've never understood why individuals that possess substantial savings, don't invest/use ~50 - 60 % of it in precious metals, stones and land'cause most if not all paper money is not backed

However, I question the true intentions of the article 'cause all of it finer pts. are held together around the main idea of Obama implementing majorspending programs.
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