2010 NFL Draft Completed! T-MINUS 362 DAY Till 2011 NFL DRAFT (1st page update w/all pick)

pic request of spiller holding up the bills jersey??
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

We seriously passed up on Thomas for a dime a dozen DE.

if you talkin bout BG then you wont feel that way at the end of the season when he's DROY (barring injury).
As a diehard Giants fan, I really don't understand the pick. We have 1 great DE, 1 solid, and 1 decent in Kiwanuka. I don't understand why the NEED to trade Osi. One off year, and hes gone? I don't get it. Very upset with the pick. The guy played 1 year in college. SMH
Originally Posted by toine2983

Keep dropping Dez.
I don't want him on the Bengals.

if the Patriots miss out on their WR by ONE pick in two consecutive years.

They were drafting Percy Harvin last year until the Vikings took him...
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