2011 New Years Resolutions

pass astb
work on relationship with god
lose weight
pay off car
spend more time with family
go out the country
try to enjoy life more and be open to new things
pass astb
work on relationship with god
lose weight
pay off car
spend more time with family
go out the country
try to enjoy life more and be open to new things
i wouldn't call it a resolution per se since i've been planning it for a minute, but my only goal is to excel in school.
i wouldn't call it a resolution per se since i've been planning it for a minute, but my only goal is to excel in school.
Do what I know I should, be the best I can in all aspects, make the right choice, do the right thing.
Do what I know I should, be the best I can in all aspects, make the right choice, do the right thing.
Get back into a normal workout regimen, and stop slacking on DJing, I'm passing up extra money and opportunities to make connections and meet wimminz.
Get back into a normal workout regimen, and stop slacking on DJing, I'm passing up extra money and opportunities to make connections and meet wimminz.
Get into school
Get my own apartment
Get into out of my car and into a lease
Take a cruise
Get my life together over all , cant keep doing what im doing ( just a whole bunch of nothing )
Get into school
Get my own apartment
Get into out of my car and into a lease
Take a cruise
Get my life together over all , cant keep doing what im doing ( just a whole bunch of nothing )
Continue saving money
drop the lb's
drop some bad habits (junk food, late night snacking)
travel more, weekend trips
buy my truck.
Knockout my Masters coursework
hang out with friends and fam more often.
Enjoy life to the fullest
find more bike riding trails.
No more bumming on weekends
hoop it up more on campus.

Not really resolutions, I already have the ball rolling on a few of those.
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