2011 New Years Resolutions

Continue saving money
drop the lb's
drop some bad habits (junk food, late night snacking)
travel more, weekend trips
buy my truck.
Knockout my Masters coursework
hang out with friends and fam more often.
Enjoy life to the fullest
find more bike riding trails.
No more bumming on weekends
hoop it up more on campus.

Not really resolutions, I already have the ball rolling on a few of those.
Get my driver's license before going to college
Start working out
No more buying shoes or denim
Try not to slack even though I'm going to be a 2nd term senior soon
Get my driver's license before going to college
Start working out
No more buying shoes or denim
Try not to slack even though I'm going to be a 2nd term senior soon
I have one goal for the new year, dominate my board exam in June. Nothing else matters.
I have one goal for the new year, dominate my board exam in June. Nothing else matters.
to those making a resolution to lose weight/work out more: stick with it or stay home

tired of the same people cluttering the gym for the first 2 weeks of the year only to disappear til the next year.
to those making a resolution to lose weight/work out more: stick with it or stay home

tired of the same people cluttering the gym for the first 2 weeks of the year only to disappear til the next year.
waste less time

straight a's except maybe math

land internship at hedge fund or bb ibank or something along those lines for the summer

go on cycle in feb and finish by spring break so i am shredded for the beach

plan at least one trip to vegas before summer

learn more about technical analysis
waste less time

straight a's except maybe math

land internship at hedge fund or bb ibank or something along those lines for the summer

go on cycle in feb and finish by spring break so i am shredded for the beach

plan at least one trip to vegas before summer

learn more about technical analysis
-Get a job.
-Learn to play piano.
-Get in shape.

These aren't really resolutions, because I've already been working on them/
-Get a job.
-Learn to play piano.
-Get in shape.

These aren't really resolutions, because I've already been working on them/
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