2012-2013 NBA Media Day PHOTOS

Lamar looks like he can communicate with pigeons.
After everyone thought the Mavs were finished, they came out of no where and got real good on the DL. Probably had the best off-season of any team.
Can you imagine what Houston & Utah's media day will look like? Their squads are deep too!! :x :x :x
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Do players unlikely to make the team go through all the media day hoopla like even getting issued a number? The Thunder bought in the max number, 20, of people into camp.
Mavs team doesn't look deep to me at all.. Just a lot of players that don't compliment each other.
Mavs have a lot of folks that can play the 2
Roddy B
Where is DeLonte?

Delonte is a Maverick. He's backing up both Delonte and OJ. He's the first guard off the bench, unless Roddy jumps over him, which is very unlikely, Carlisle loves him. They waited to sign him last to get the rest of our free agents under our belt. I'm pretty sure Carlisle/Cuban both gave Delonte a commitment that they would sign him after things settled down and they got down to the last roster spots. A few of the Mavericks media that I keep up with on Twitter re-assured me that he would never leave. And, he didn't.

The 12-man rotation:


Crowder, James, DoJo, Cunningham will all battle for that twelfth man spot. I personally think Crowder or DoJo take the spot. DoJo has been very productive over the summer, and in stretches he's shown that he's actually much more competent on the floor, and more composed than Roddy.

The only place we're deep is 4/5. We haven't had the offensive versatility of Brand/Kaman ever. Brand is apparently in fantastic shape, and I expect better things out of him than I do from Kaman.

Cool story, OJ Mayo is mentored by Chauncey Billups, and he asked Chauncey on advice where he should sign, and he said go play under Rick Carlisle, who really brought Chauncey to bring out his potential.

It's pretty clear what this team is, and there are either two outcomes. Total failure, or it might just be crazy enough to work. As a fan, I hope it's the latter, and I love the pure talent we have on the team. Haven't been this young in ages.
Your best off-season get was Jae Crowder.

No one is a fan of Brand? He anchored that Philly defense, and stayed relatively healthy. I don't expect him to be Tyson Chandler by any means, but an extremely solid one-on-one defender, who isn't a liability of offense either.
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