2012 Summer Olympics Thread: London July 27 - August 12

This volleyball coverage sucks. They first showed them in the 1st set with the US dominating then cut to later when Brasil is 6 points from winning. WTF? :stoneface:

Jaque had hard nipples so that makes up for it :evil: :evil:.
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@Peep Game, I agree it was a great Olympic Games. So many great performances from all the different sports. I think this year I was able to watch and appreciate a lot more sports than I had been able to in the past (e.g. Handball, diving, beach volleyball, and weightlifting). Also the London Live Extra App allowed me to stay current and up to date with a lot of the events that I may have otherwise looked over in the past because of broadcast coverage and time differences 8)
^I think the multitude of sports is a huge reason why I enjoyed this one like no other as well. I think from 2004 and back, I was solely watching track, basketball, and certain diving events. This year on top of those and the ones you listed, I even watched rhythmic gymnastics, race-walking, judo, and fencing. Only thing I hated was certain events being delayed, then spoiled on here or twitter before I actually watched it. Fantastic show all the way around though :pimp:
Was reading this recap about the mens 4x100:

From that point on Bolt blew past Bailey, hitting a speed that is almost unspeakable, causing Olympic Stadium to nearly come unglued and eventually charging through the finish line with a world record despite cool and windy conditions. No one who witnessed it will ever forget.

The Americans ran 37.04, which tied the old world record. So no team ever, in the history of earth, ran faster than the United States did Saturday. And they still lost by about five meters.

“He was basically the difference in the team,” said American Justin Gatlin. “We were even through three. When he got the stick there was nothing we could do about it.
You want a legend? Here’s a legend.

It's Tyson Gay weeping after finishing fourth in the 100-meter to Bolt, realizing that no matter what he does, he can’t really compete. “I tried man,” Gay said. “I tried my best.”

It's Bailey, shrugging at the helpless feeling of watching Bolt just run away from him in the relay? “He’s a monster,” Bailey said.

It's the look on Yohan Blake’s face when in both the 100 and 200 he watched his countryman just toy with him despite running a personal best in one and a season’s best in the other. Blake is the second fastest man on the planet and he isn’t in Bolt’s category.

...and i just couldn't help but think of this:

It really just hit me just how unreal this dude Bolt is.

Like if you told me his ability was tied to some Matrix conspiracy type ishhh, I honestly wouldn't doubt you. Crazy!!!!

NBC has been deplorable this year tv/online. I don't remember ever being this frustrated. They handled it poorly, and need to not have it again.
NBC has been deplorable this year tv/online. I don't remember ever being this frustrated. They handled it poorly, and need to not have it again.
It was all on purpose...they way overpaid for the Olympics, cuz they let every major sports except SNF go, so now they have to squeeze every last penny out of it, no matter what type of foul, jingoistic **** they have to pull to do it. :smh:
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Was reading this recap about the mens 4x100:
From that point on Bolt blew past Bailey, hitting a speed that is almost unspeakable, causing Olympic Stadium to nearly come unglued and eventually charging through the finish line with a world record despite cool and windy conditions. No one who witnessed it will ever forget.

The Americans ran 37.04, which tied the old world record. So no team ever, in the history of earth, ran faster than the United States did Saturday. And they still lost by about five meters.

“He was basically the difference in the team,” said American Justin Gatlin. “We were even through three. When he got the stick there was nothing we could do about it.
You want a legend? Here’s a legend.

It's Tyson Gay weeping after finishing fourth in the 100-meter to Bolt, realizing that no matter what he does, he can’t really compete. “I tried man,” Gay said. “I tried my best.”

It's Bailey, shrugging at the helpless feeling of watching Bolt just run away from him in the relay? “He’s a monster,” Bailey said.

It's the look on Yohan Blake’s face when in both the 100 and 200 he watched his countryman just toy with him despite running a personal best in one and a season’s best in the other. Blake is the second fastest man on the planet and he isn’t in Bolt’s category.

...and i just couldn't help but think of this:

It really just hit me just how unreal this dude Bolt is.

Like if you told me his ability was tied to some Matrix conspiracy type ishhh, I honestly wouldn't doubt you. Crazy!!!!

Yo Tyson gay ran the 5th fastest time ever and still couldn't win. Dude was HURT. 
They said Carl Lewis was talking crap saying the drug testing in Jamaica isn't efficient. Bolt hates him now.
How does the branding work?

What if an athlete who has a deal with another brand wears Nike? 
They said Carl Lewis was talking crap saying the drug testing in Jamaica isn't efficient. Bolt hates him now.
Actually Lewis might have a point.
  • 5 members of the Jamaican team tested positive in prior years.
  • Most new drugs are REALLY hard to find.
  • Lewis is familiar with the culture of drug use. 
  • most uncovered events of drug use aren't even caught in the tests, but in court cases or official inquiries in which the athletes reveal their association to people who dealt drugs. 
I support the Jamaican team (family) but his accusations aren't that far off. 
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I wondered that when I was watching and the rule says that it is only an infraction if it can be seen by the human eye - so basically the fastest technique is to just have both feet off the ground for a tiny fraction. When you're watching in slomo they always look like they're cheating but the judges can't see it as they walk past.
Brutal though, makes my knees hurt thinking about it.

I noticed in the Men's 50K the judges were disqualifying a lot of them but even the 3 medalists were "cheating." That sport is a joke if the judges decides who wins.
^ the rules are a actually okay. The judge has to see the infraction and then they get a warning - and the warnings go up on a board the athletes can see. 3 warnings and you're out - but each independent official can only warn you once - and they're not supposed to know how many you have already. The chief official is the one who makes the final decision but they're not allowed to give warnings.

Fair as it can be I think. They definitely look like they're cheating more than they are - but the officials were pretty sharp.
Actually Lewis might have a point.

  • 5 members of the Jamaican team tested positive in prior years.
  • Most new drugs are REALLY hard to find.
  • Lewis is familiar with the culture of drug use. 
  • most uncovered events of drug use aren't even caught in the tests, but in court cases or official inquiries in which the athletes reveal their association to people who dealt drugs. 

I support the Jamaican team (family) but his accusations aren't that far off. 

It's hard to take seriously because we all know Carl Lewis has a history of being jealous about sprinters who've ran faster than him. He was like this with Mo Greene as well.
Before the olympoics he said the true mark of a champion is someone who can defend their olympic title like he did and as soon as Bolt did it, in style, he's now talking about them not testing the jamaicain athletes well enough. It's just plain sour grapes
Major props to BBC for their coverage of these games.  They have been fantastic over the last 2 weeks.  This Olympic review they are showing right now is amazing cinematography. 
BBC have been too good. They're the king of montages and I've never seen so much coverage for all sports. 24 channels plus online
I know I'm probably late on this, but did that commentator really say "For the USA, it was gold or bust *****"?
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Overall it was a great Olympics despite NBC's botched coverages and all the spoilers being leaked out way too easily over social networks/websites.

For 2016 hopefully they come up with a better way to handle tape delays and getting things available live for people more easily. TV is probably going to change quite a bit in 4 years so we'll see what they'll do.
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