2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Damn Jojo Nicolas

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Obviously UCLA
March 20th though?

Means either he has something set up with UCLA i.e. a big visit announcement, or he has something set up with another school behind the scenes.  Because if it's just gonna be a tweet saying "hi gaiz i r ucal" then there's no reason to wait a month.
Why not? He should announce however he likes regardless of where people think he ends up.
I want him to go to UCLA.  I just think if he's putting it off til March 20th it's because he's not absolutely set on there yet and is giving the other schools a time frame to squeeze in their pitches/get their **** together (Stanford.)
Maybe that's true, but as of right now he and Stanford have a terrible relationship. From what I've read, he got agitated at a camp Stanford hosted because they offered Ricky Town in front of Rosen and didn't offer him, which led to him talking a little **** and the Stanford coaches getting wind of what was said (again from what I've read, so obviously there's no real way to vouch for this story, though it fits in with the idea that he's not very mature). Stanford has Hogan for another year and their golden boy Keller Chryst ready to go right from their backyard. They could always offer last minute, but at this point I doubt it's likely he's going to consider going there.
All it took was one official visit for this kid to pick up on the age old Kentucky tradition?
Incest is a crime? A felony at that? Or is the 17-14 difference what is causing this? The wording "Lewd conduct" is whats throwing me off, because I feel like if it was a statutory rape thing, woudlnt they have just used that term? 

That crash omg, I hope dude lives
Yeah, I'm pretty sure incest is entirely illegal, but penalties vary from state to state.
All it took was one official visit for this kid to pick up on the age old Kentucky tradition?
Incest is a crime? A felony at that? Or is the 17-14 difference what is causing this? The wording "Lewd conduct" is whats throwing me off, because I feel like if it was a statutory rape thing, woudlnt they have just used that term? 

That crash omg, I hope dude lives
Coincidentally I explained this in a thread earlier today (weird hat NT is so interested in incest all of a sudden) but it's not illegal to sleep with/marry your first cousin in most states.  That's not what incest is usually defined as.  In fact I don't even think it's illegal in Florida.

The Florida law is:
Whoever knowingly marries or has sexual intercourse with a person to whom he or she is related by lineal consanguinity, or a brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece, commits incest, which constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.775.083, or s. 775.084. "Sexual intercourse" is the penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, however slight; emission of semen is not required.
Lineal consanguinity means descended in a straight line.  I don't think cousins constitute that... So it probably had to do with the age difference.

Florida lewd and lascivious behavior statutes:
  • Fl. Stat. 800.04  indicates that a person who engages in sexual activity with someone between ages 12 and 16 is guilty of a second-degree felony. Second-degree felony charges can result in up to fifteen years of jail time.
  • Fl. Stat. 800.04  also indicates that a person who touches the genital area, breasts or buttocks of someone under 16 or who entices someone under 16 to touch him in these areas is guilty of a felony. If the offender is over 18 and the victim is younger than 12, the offender faces life felony charges. If the offender is under 18 and the victim under 12, or if the offender is over 18 but the victim between age 12 and 16, then the offender is guilty of a second-degree felony. If the offender is under 18 and the victim between 12 and 16, then the offender is guilty of a third degree felony and faces up to five years of incarceration.
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Just saw a pic of Iman Marshall wearing UCLA gear. These recruits will do/wear/say anything before they commit to where they actually want to go :lol:
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