[:: 2013 New Years Resolutions...What's Yours? ::]

Dec 17, 2005
Happy Holidays NT bros. :D
What are your upcoming New Years Resolutions?

I personally want to read more. I have had a severe case of ADD in my life, which has caused me to avoid all types of reading. I personally don't even know how i got through high school and college because I avoided all readings, but I somehow did. :smh: :lol:

But honestly, I'm 25 years old and I've realized that i'm not a kid anymore. I listen to other people my age have sophisticated conversations about the government, the economy, the environment, and many things that I unfortunately don't know too much about because of inability to sit down and read some damn books. I watch movies and documentaries but those don't teach me enough. I don't want to use my ADD as the only excuse, some laziness has also been a factor. I graduated college and have a degree but I honestly don't feel very educated. /EndConfession

But anyways, recently I read "What color is your parachute?" (A great book on job hunting and finding a career that best fits who you are) and I enjoyed it. :smokin It was a great book, it's already given me a lot more confidence with interviews and job-hunting, and its inspired me to get some more books and learn more. After the holidays are done i honestly want to make it a goal to read more books in my spare time and watch less t.v. If anyone has any suggestions i'd love to hear them. Not interested in fiction, i want books that help me learn about relevant aspects of life (economy, environment, etc.) Things that I can have conversations about.

So how about you my NT brethren? What are your personal goals for the upcoming year? :nthat:
Very simple resolutions.

Get more in touch with the big guy.
Go get it and stay focused. (Covers everything really)
Don't let anyone hold me back. (For me this means trusting my instincts and self with more)

Good luck and God Bless all in the coming year with your ambitions and goals.
Become unfat
Get money
Work on my music a lot more
Get car

Think that's it....hopefully I actually do these things.
become less materialistic and save money para la futura
study more and find a purpose
Save more than I spend
Make money
Start studying for the cpa exam
Bulk up n keep at it
Deans list
Get an accounting internship/job
More action n less talk
Keeping my word
Start a business/side hustle
Just to continue on my path of being a better man, friend, student of life, son and citizen than I have been in the past. I want to be better for myself and others, I want to spread light and happiness to those around me..so I must do all that I can to achieve this. I've taken strides so far, but I'm still a work in progress. I just want to stay strong and focused on my goals of goodness and well being.
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Take the LSAT
Decide on what direction I'm going in next
Decide whether marriage is truly what I want
Love honestly if I decide it really is
Make A's in my last two classes
Be completely financially independent
Better relationship with my family
Make better threads :lol:
Be a better man than I was the day before
Eat better/start exercising more

Other than that, keep up the good work 
my new years resolution is to find a new years resolution
being a better student and taking opportunities as they come rather than hoping and picking.

Also trying to stay off the list of NT'ers attempting to commit suicide.
being a better student and taking opportunities as they come rather than hoping and picking.

what i view as my biggest weakness. things must change.... if anyone has ever struggled with this and overcame it, id love to hear your story.
Good luck with you resolutions guise.

Just some advice, make sure you word them positively. Ex. Instead of saying "Im going to stop eating junk food" say "Im going to start eating healthier." Its saying the same thing but one sounds like a punishment and the other one sounds like a lifestyle change. Your less likely to fall of the wagon that way.
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quitting cigs all together..I'm down to usually 3-4 cigs a day.
quitting the white..been sober for 2 months trying to keep it going.
To give up candy. To do (commit to training for) spartan race/warrior dash. To make better friends who I actually can stand being around. 

To have sex with someone new next year (getting out of a soul-sucking, LT relationship) and not really into casual sex 

To secure a place to live! 
Be a better father to my son.

Get my shi* together and make some serious progress in my life.

Stop banging so many females I barely know. (Dont know if self is srs)
@furiousstyle u should talk some sense to a guy that always on kobe threads. Guy bought a 300 dollar shoes but cantsupport his two kids smh
taking long term investments more seriously... 

... gonna be a challenge tho and will have to prolong something ive been wanting to do but itll be worth it since its for the distant future.

also take a vacation. havent taken more than a 3 day weekend in over 2 years. 
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