2014-15 Lakers Season Thread (21-61) KAT

This summer, if the chance comes, Love, Rondo, Neither, or Both?

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  • Rondo

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  • Neither

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  • Both

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In this case its an exception cuz this franchise has been screwing themselves lately

If we lose that pick just gonna be anither case of screwing themselves

Right now all we have is randle for the future and hes donezo for the season

Our future not looking bright

And the warriors the only team dominating? Check the standings. None of the top 7 teams gonna faulter. The suns at 12 and 13 are placeholders for the thunder or the 6th and 7th seed for when the thunder get back on track

The west is crazy
What do you define as screwing ourselves? You would we gain that we know immediately would make the team good now?

We just arent a team who depends or prolly ever will depend on the draft for talent besides Randle and Bynum idk the last person we drafted and it doesn't matter. As much as I wanna love Clarkson dude just aint hitting his strides when Byron let him play so I'm pretty sure he's gone this year or next year. Unless they're are any no-brainers it's not even worth it

Speaking of draft picks

Rest in Turkish League (RITL)           Mini Mamba

We kinda never been a bright future team seeing as Kobe is the only player who had a long-term contract basically letting the players decide if they wanna stay or go w/o us getting something in return.

I meant that as in the Warriors hardly play defense and win games by 20 on a nightly basis. Just like on Friday (even tho the Spurs had ppl hurt) any of these teams in the West is liable to have a team come in their house and beat em.
We just arent a team who depends or prolly ever will depend on the draft for talent besides Randle and Bynum idk the last person we drafted and it doesn't matter.

The Lakers looked to the draft in 1996. Traded for a lottery pick to grab some dude who was far from a no-brainer. And they've relied pretty heavily on him even to this day.
theres also that magic johnson guy who we drafted who was a pretty big reason we have as many championships as we have today 
"The Lakers can't depend on the draft" is the biggest garbage since "Byron knows what it means to be a Laker".

And the Warriors are the best defensive team so far this season. :rolleyes


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James Worthy was a pretty good draft pick.

Eddie Jones. Van Exel. Byron Scott. AC Green. Vlade.

Jerry West mastered the draft. Mitch ignores it. Mitch better fix that, quick.
"The Lakers can't depend on the draft" is the biggest garbage since "Byron knows what it means to be a Laker".

And the Warriors are the best defensive team so far this season. :rolleyes



he had hella offensive fouls in that vid by nba standards.

I think you guys are investing too much into him, something about him just doesnt seem longterm to me. Like his body won't hold up.
well of course we had few 'good' picks :lol:

More than a few.

Maybe recently it seems like the Lakers don't value the draft, but that's because they've had Kobe or Shaq to build around.

But the Lakers have valued and depended on the draft like any other team when they were in position to.
(Kobe having) scott playing kobe as if it were a close game
I'm saying.
How did you even come to that conclusion? 
We just arent a team who depends or prolly ever will depend on the draft for talent besides Randle and Bynum idk the last person we drafted and it doesn't matter.

The Lakers looked to the draft in 1996. Traded for a lottery pick to grab some dude who was far from a no-brainer. And they've relied pretty heavily on him even to this day.

That was a result of Shaq's free agency. Vlade became expendable. I doubt Kobe would be here if it wasnt for that.

I believe Randle is the highest player we drafted since '77 from a pick we own.

The Magic and James picks were from trades acquired years before their draft. Pure luck we got the # 1.

So technically most of our big names were acquired through trades and free agency.
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So technically most of our big names were acquired through trades and free agency.

That's true, but how they got some of those picks is beside the point. The Lakers aren't a team that 'who depends or prolly ever will depend on the draft.' They have depended on the draft process (sometimes by trading into it) to add talent, including some of the best talent in franchise history. Even when they aren't sure things or just a product of the situation.

Not trying to turn this into a "draft is the way to go" or "tank" thing, just that it's false to say the Lakers have never depended on the draft before like the guy above.
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Not trying to turn this into a "draft is the way to go" or "tank" thing, just that it's false to say the Lakers have never depended on the draft before like the guy above.

I agree but i think what he's saying is that the F.O. is looking at Free Agency not the draft to turn this around quickly especially after Jeanie gave Jim a timeline/deadline to keep his position.

Again it all comes back to theTV deal imo. There's no time to go through rebuilding like the 6ers.

They've got Time Warner execs breathing down their necks. :lol:
Not trying to turn this into a "draft is the way to go" or "tank" thing, just that it's false to say the Lakers have never depended on the draft before like the guy above.

I agree but i think what he's saying is that the F.O. is looking at Free Agency not the draft to turn this around quickly especially after Jeanie gave Jim a timeline/deadline to keep his position.

Again it all comes back to theTV deal imo. There's no time to go through rebuilding like the 6ers.

They've got Time Warner execs breathing down their necks. :lol:

And while that may be true, this era, is not like prior eras where you can just throw money around and have it work. There are now severe penalties for spending, which is EXACTLY why the draft becomes so important, you can add hugely talented players, on low contracts, and when they come up for extensions, you can pay more to keep them, lessening the financial penalties. The exact situation you want to be in. Add talent via the draft, THEN pay for a free agent or two.

If Mitch/Jim think they can just buy up talent and ignore their picks, we are going to be royally, completely, totally ******. For a LONG time.
8-17, I mentioned us being 8-24 by year end.

Our upcoming schedule.....

Sun At Sac
Tues GS
Thur At Chi
Fri At Dal
Sun Pho
Tues At Den
Fri Memphis (First game of the new year)

That's a very possible 8-25/9-24 record in the first week of 2015. I hope on everything that Mitch and Jim pull the parachute at some point.
8-17, I mentioned us being 8-24 by year end.

Our upcoming schedule.....

Sun At Sac
Tues GS
Thur At Chi
Fri At Dal
Sun Pho
Tues At Den
Fri Memphis (First game of the new year)

That's a very possible 8-25/9-24 record in the first week of 2015. I hope on everything that Mitch and Jim pull the parachute at some point.

8-17, I mentioned us being 8-24 by year end.

Our upcoming schedule.....

Sun At Sac
Tues GS
Thur At Chi
Fri At Dal
Sun Pho
Tues At Den
Fri Memphis (First game of the new year)

That's a very possible 8-25/9-24 record in the first week of 2015. I hope on everything that Mitch and Jim pull the parachute at some point.


Unfortunately this sounds about right.
If Mitch/Jim think they can just buy up talent and ignore their picks, we are going to be royally, completely, totally ******. For a LONG time.

That's exactly what i think they'll do to be honest - buy talent. Or trade for it ( if possible)

I said it before


is an easy TOP 5 pick team to assemble...easy. We probably only have 2 accidental wins at this point :lol:

Instead they bring vets on 1 year deals. That shows theyre not going for that Randle + 2015 top 5 rebuilding which will take time.

Theyre going for a big name/s on this " 3 year plan".
We can only afford 12-14 more wins the entire season to keep this pick I believe.
If Durant and/or Westbrook are the end game (which I think they are), they're sorely mistaken they'll leave OKC just because of the abundant cap space and Jesus Randle.
Lol Julius is a national treasure. We have to hope OKC doesn't win this year or next year or we're really screwed until AD becomes a FA.
Russ more so than KD but we'll have to show some type of improvement roster and team wise before then and don't have much time to do it. Summer of KD is only 2 years away.
I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:
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