2014-15 Lakers Season Thread (21-61) KAT

This summer, if the chance comes, Love, Rondo, Neither, or Both?

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  • Rondo

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  • Neither

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I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:
I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:
what you posted is the best case ..your assuming the rookies have a immediate impact and that we're able to get decent FA which is a big if
I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:
what you posted is the best case ..your assuming the rookies have a immediate impact and that we're able to get decent FA which is a big if

Going thru FA is also best case scenario. And how often do you see best case work thru FA?
Randle lost an entire year. I'm mean think it's a bit unrealistic to assume he and say Okafor will have THAT great of an impact next year.

We were hoping he would at least get a chance to show something this year but he didn't.

We have to hit a homerun in the pick if we're able to keep it as well as hope Randle comes back and beasts and get somebody substantial in FA. All those tons have to take place to even have a shot at KD in 2016.

Even Kyrie and Waiters/Thompson to some extent had shown they could ball when LBJ went back to CLE. We're going to have 2 rookies and what else cause as shown last year just cause the money's there doesn't mean they'll come.
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I'm just curious as to whether they overpay/max out a player or build a supporting cast this summer with their cap space.
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I'm just curious as to whether they overpay/max out a player or build a supporting cast this summer with their cap space.

It's going to be a tricky play cause if they strike out on the big play not sure the pool is like lay summer where everybody is going to wait. Could end up empty handed.

I'm hoping they have contingency plans for everything, but not encouraged by what I saw last summer that's the case.
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"I'd want to play with a guy like that." — Kevin Durant on Kobe Bryant.


"Excuse my language, but that's (expletive)," said Durant, who congratulated Bryant via text message after he surpassed Jordan on Sunday. "I want to play with a winner every single night, especially somebody who wants to win that bad, who works that hard, who demands a lot, who raises up your level. I'd want to play with a guy like that every day. ... (His style) may make people uncomfortable, how he acts and just how he approaches the game, but I love that type of stuff. I think (the accusation) is BS."

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In a best case scenario.. We win 30-35 games, and get a Top 3 pick... See Cavs getting gifted a pick... AGAIN.

That would be the best case scenario because it says as is, your team was at worst a Star and another starter away from the playoffs. Now you can have a Top 3 pick which should add a few wins before you even hit Free Agency.

I think people are turned off by the draft pick because they do not want to wait 3-4 years for the pick to become a star, and add to the fact it may not even be a good player that you drafted. They want to win now. Which I get. I get the impatience. But it doesn't make it any less foolhardy.

I think if we keep this team as is the whole season, we probably hover around 28-32 wins, would put as 7th, according to Hollinger prediction

I think you have to trade Jordan Hill. It just makes too much sense. Yes, Mitch signed him for too much and turns out he was smarter than us all, and hit on a great value signing. But a problem is he's $9mil next year. Cuts into almost 1/3 of the cap space you have to start building a team. He also has a team option, so you could end up declining the option because you think you have a shot at someone better, and miss out and lose him for nothing. Also Ed Davis & Sacre getting 48 minutes will help the tank, and also free some minutes for Kelly when he is healthy for 48 hours sometime in February.

So you trade Hill, and get a 1st for him. Maybe you get lucky and get multiple picks for him. Remember Ramon Sessions got the Cavs 2- 1st Round Picks. Part of it was that, they had to eat a year of Luke Walton's contract, so that got them an extra 1st. Guy giving 12 & 8, 18PER, leading the league in Offensive Rebounds. That's worth a 1st & 2nd.

Now we go into the 2015 Draft. Hopefully with a Top 5 pick. But guarantee that we have a 1st from a playoff team, the Rockets pick (Hollinger prediction would be 19th or 20th), our 2nd (somewhere between 31-40), the 2nd for Jordan Hill.

This allows us, even if we goof, and miss our pick to take 2 firsts and a 2nd, to move into the late lottery. I.e. What the Bulls did to get Doug McDerrmott (16th, 19th, and 2015 2nd for the 11th pick). And we'd still get something out of all of this.

And if we keep our Top 5, even better, still move up. Draft someone you want to start, and someone who you view as a bench contributor.

Re-sign Ed Davis for $6mil a year (I refuse to believe he's getting more, even being a big). Hill got $9mil because we gave him basically a 1 year deal. Had it been 3, I think he would have been at $7mil-ish

?? / Kobe / ?? / Randle / ???
??/ ??? / Swaggy P / Kelly / Davis
Clarkson / Sacre

Kind of like the idea of Wes Johnson again... But where he belongs, as a backup. I'd like his athleticism with Ed Davis, with Swaggy & Kelly's ability to spread the floor. If you can find a good enough backup Point, you're golden.

Depending what our draft gives us, is what you chase. I honestly think Jimmy Butler should be #1. Dragic #2. (Marc Gasol is your LeBron chase of 2015). If Gasol is for it, get him.

I see in Jimmy Butler, what people started to see in Kobe in 1998-1999. No, he will not be as good as Kobe, but he's starting to get his stride, and has so much room to grow as a player. I max him out, tomorrow. Bulls likely match, they'd be stupid not to, but put the pressure on the Bulls who are notoriously cheap.

There's a few places to go if Butler is off the list. Like going after a few high priced Role Players. Then you could go into 2016 with Dragic, Randle, Top 5 pick. Top bench in the league. Like they could drop 50 on you any night, kind of good. And still have room for a max Kevin Durant, and I actually believe Kobe is playing 1 more year, maybe 2 years past this current contract.
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I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:

Youre right about GS that could happen here. Include OKC in there too since they got to the finals in KD's 4th season/ Russ's 3rd

Two top lottery picks having an impact right away. THAT would be the IDEAL scenario.

But we dont know what were getting. We dont know if those two kids can develop chemistry and if their game complement each other.

We dont know.

We could end up like Portland (Lamarcus/Roy/Oden), ATL ( Smith/Horford) and Sacramento( Tyreke/Cousins).

Teams with a promising young core that havent produced a meaningful run.

And now they've basically started over with Lamarcus/Lillard/Batum, Horford/Teague and Cousins/Mclemore/Stauskas.

Anthony Davis is a MVP candidate but his play has made no impact on his team so far despite the additions

So Yeah it does take time building through the draft.
I need someone to help me with this, why does everyone say Randle + Top 5 pick will take time?


Randle-Okafor-Kobe and sign 1 key free agent this summer and we'd suddenly be back in playoff hunt.

Sign 2 Free Agents, and we're suddenly pretty damn good. (health permitting)

Kobe leaves, and opens another 25 mil in space to spend, on top of the now very much improved Randle and Okafor (or whoever) and the 1-2 free agents, and we are just fine.

We don't have to tank in 2015, or 2016, or again for several more years (potentially) so why do I keep reading people say "Takes time"? No, it doesn't.

Golden State paired Klay with Steph, and the next year they won 47 games. And that was with Bogut playing in only 32 games. Steph, Klay, David Lee.

We're trying to pair Randle/Top 5, Kobe, and still 20 mil or so to spend on someone else. Gasol, Jordan, Asik, LMA, Rondo, Dragic, Love if he opts out (not likely).

Would they win the title in 2015? No, but they'd be back in the playoffs. And by 2016, they'd definitely be a hot topic, with the cap space + growth of these two youngins (provided we fire Scott immediately and get a real coach)

Please, no more "takes time" stuff with keeping one single pick we need. Buying free agents "takes time" too, since we didn't get jack **** this year or the year before. :lol:

Youre right about GS that could happen here. Include OKC in there too since they got to the finals in KD's 4th season/ Russ's 3rd

Two top lottery picks having an impact right away. THAT would be the IDEAL scenario.

But we dont know what were getting. We dont know if those two kids can develop chemistry and if their game complement each other.

We dont know.

We could end up like Portland (Lamarcus/Roy/Oden), ATL ( Smith/Horford) and Sacramento( Tyreke/Cousins).

Teams with a promising young core that havent produced a meaningful run.

And now they've basically started over with Lamarcus/Lillard/Batum, Horford/Teague and Cousins/Mclemore/Stauskas.

Anthony Davis is a MVP candidate but his play has made no impact on his team so far despite the additions

So Yeah it does take time building through the draft.

But I think why CP is so giddy about the draft. Is we are not Portland, ATL, Sacramento.

We're LA.

That's pretty important distinction.

He's not saying build only through the draft, and that's how we need to win. I.e. Spurs.

He's saying get your 3-4 meaningful pieces in the draft (Randle, Top 5, and anything of Kelly, the Rockets picks, our 2nd this year, or even Clarkson)

Then you reload. And you start the FA push.
Randle, Bari, embiid, Gordon all season ending injuries

I can imagine already lakers getting the number one pick and he has a season ending injury..

Kobe CANT play forever,,,we need an impact player to replace his aging *** :rofl: ,,,but the MANAGEMENT has all the answer to all our needs
Correct E.

WE, can supplement the draft via FA. I've said this for years.

FA brought Kareem. We sucked for 5 years. We won when we drafted Magic.
FA brought Shaq. We were pretenders for 3 years, always choking. We won when Kobe "graduated".

We use the draft to add elite talents, then supplement with FA, something other teams can't do.

Look at Minnesota. #1 Wiggins. Strong young talents in LaVine/Shabazz. Solid core parts in Rubio/Pek/Martin. If they had 30 mil in cap space to sign 2 nice FA's, look how nice they'd look. But they don't have that money.

We, do.

Get 2-3 nice picks. Bargain shop/find 2 "Mitch Projects" and sign 2 nice free agents, maybe even a third post Kobe, that's one helluva core. Then, you attrack ring chasers.

Get the picks first, then we can add the FA's.
I agree but i think what he's saying is that the F.O. is looking at Free Agency not the draft to turn this around quickly especially after Jeanie gave Jim a timeline/deadline to keep his position.

Again it all comes back to theTV deal imo. There's no time to go through rebuilding like the 6ers.

They've got Time Warner execs breathing down their necks.
Mostly this but I do mean "who depends or prolly ever will depend on the draft" as in we don't depend on it now or next year and when Kobe is gone we prolly won't until new management come around

How were we depending on the draft when we got Kobe when we had Eddie Jones and were about to get Shaq? He got good which wasn't a surprise considering dude was balling with men when he was a lil boy. And what team doesn't value the draft to the extent of not getting a good pick.

If you wanna be mad at the Lakers for knowing what they're getting instead of rolling the dice and betting on potential, I understand but tanking on purpose just doesn't make sense

I still find it hilarious that ya'll dudes went deep in the history books, picks from the 80s

I never said the draft didn't help, but the last Laker we got in the Top 5 was Worthy. I'm not in dept with what program the coaches run The last Laker we had the most patience with is Luke Walton. Ya'll should know by now that if he not getting the job within two to three years he's getting traded. 

Dudes out here twisting my words too
Even if the wolves had 30 mill in cap no good player is going there hence why love wanted out..and dudes acting like are front office isn't looking shaky right now ...like mamba said it's gonna take awhile to get back on track
..and dudes acting like are front office isn't looking shaky right now ...like mamba said it's gonna take awhile to get back on track
I felt the same way before we got Howard but we didn't get Phil and didnt treat him like royalty and expected him to stay and now they look foolsih.
Randle lost an entire year. I'm mean think it's a bit unrealistic to assume he and say Okafor will have THAT great of an impact next year.

We were hoping he would at least get a chance to show something this year but he didn't.

We have to hit a homerun in the pick if we're able to keep it as well as hope Randle comes back and beasts and get somebody substantial in FA. All those tons have to take place to even have a shot at KD in 2016.

Even Kyrie and Waiters/Thompson to some extent had shown they could ball when LBJ went back to CLE. We're going to have 2 rookies and what else cause as shown last year just cause the money's there doesn't mean they'll come.
I think Randle will have an impact no matter what. He's at the least a 12 and 8 guy
I think he needs to be better than 12 and 8. Jordan Hill is almost giving us that. KD isn't leaving to play with a Jordan Hill. We need Randle and and whoever to ball out of their minds next year only got one shot at this.
I think he needs to be better than 12 and 8. Jordan Hill is almost giving us that. KD isn't leaving to play with a Jordan Hill. We need Randle and and whoever to ball out of their minds next year only got one shot at this.

12&8 as a rookie is pretty intriguing.

Hill is who he is at this point. He's never going to give more than what he has right now, a rook gives you 12&8, easy money he's going to do Better than that in his career.
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