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Dude don't go ever again :lol:

My overall record is great at the Q, was at Bron's first ever playoff game/win, also was at his first home game playoff winner too, along with a few other playoff wins along the way lol

But year before Bron got there, parents got me a 11 game package, may of went like 2-9 :smh:
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Dec is when I think this team will make a run, but they need to go on 3-4 game win streak to get this pressure off them
It's just frustrating to watch - for brief spells they look great and then they look at best mediocre. Still early though, plenty of time.
We got some serious issues and idk how long we can keep using it's early excuse

Yeah....i think the head coach failed to find the right setting during the off season and pre - season.
There is no consistency especially their transition defense is often bad and cause wide open shots for the opponents.
With that defense they cannot survive the playoffs at all.
Good W, but the real test comes in the next game IMO. Can Cavs show that they can actually beat a team that they could potentially meet in the playoff? It will be pretty interesting.
I have a good feeling about tomorrow night, Wizards coming off the 2nd night of a back to back and no NENE

my real concern this season thus far is on the defensive end. I just don't hear them talking. I turn the TV all the way up and while we're competing and even after we're down there's no one talking.
Well, Cavs pulled off another sound W today. I'm really satisfied with today's result. Team Defense was great, as well as Irving's effort on Wall.

On another note, NBA season thread is sooo much slower when Cavs win lol
Feeling good about the squad guys. Think the gel process has started.

We taking over . #soon

yeah, this Squad has potential. What they need to do is knowing each other better on the court, play tougher defense and the head coach needs
more experience to coach them when a game is tight.

At the moment, the Cavs are usually doing well in the first quarter but then squander their lead in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
It would be great if they can do something similar like the 1996 Bulls did, where they were often trailing by a few points during half time
and then crush the opponent in the 2nd half time.

I think next year they will be a really great team. Now they are still in the learning process.
They definitely seem to have longer spells where everything works. The only problem right now is the massive minutes and scoring load of the starters. Up until garbage time the bench only had 1 FG last night.

There have been a few moments each of the last few games where I've seen someone throw a pass that looked like it was going into space until the player it was meant for arrived. It's a thing of beauty seeing players know each other like that.
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