2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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He's never been a very good player
Two 21 PER seasons, another two 19 PER seaons. He's a constant for 16/8/3 with 2 blocks & a steal nightly. Peaked at 19/10/4 with nearly 2 blocks & a steal per game.

Very good, fringe all star guy.
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Rudy Gay and Josh Smith are very close friends with Rondo 
I talked about having Josh Smith and Rondo with Rudy in Memphis when management was deciding on who to keep between Zbo and Rudy. I always felt like that trio would be great with Gasol. I'm thinking it could be the same with Cousins.
The original trade rumors from last month were Jason Thompson and either Jason Terry or Derrick Williams for Josh Smith.   Certainly not giving up much from the Kings perspective. Terry has never even played a game here and probably never will 
The original trade rumors from last month were Jason Thompson and either Jason Terry or Derrick Williams for Josh Smith.   Certainly not giving up much from the Kings perspective. Terry has never even played a game here and probably never will 
plus cap flexibility isn't much of an issue after having locked up DMC and deciding to let IT go.

A small market like us ain't ever gonna make a splash with huge cap space..... unless you're Cleveland 

might as well use that cap space in take gambles on buy low players.
Two 21 PER seasons, another two 19 PER seaons. He's a constant for 16/8/3 with 2 blocks & a steal nightly. Peaked at 19/10/4 with nearly 2 blocks & a steal per game.

Very good, fringe all star guy.
Again, classic stats misleading. Defense overrated IMO, always has been. How do you view his man to man defense?
The original trade rumors from last month were Jason Thompson and either Jason Terry or Derrick Williams for Josh Smith.   Certainly not giving up much from the Kings perspective. Terry has never even played a game here and probably never will 
Again, 13.5 next year, the year after and the year after. Rather have the other guys and trade for someone else
I heard JET was coming home somehow. Yall about to cut him?
only way he's let loose is via buy out.

We are too close to the hard cap to be waiving a player with that big of a contract and still have him count against the cap.
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I think Josh Smith on the Kings is so money.
They drafted good with Stauskas so he replaces some things they give up in that supposed trade for Smith.

Plus the best Center in the game, If I'm a Kings fan, dope pup if they can get him.
The original trade rumors from last month were Jason Thompson and either Jason Terry or Derrick Williams for Josh Smith.   Certainly not giving up much from the Kings perspective. Terry has never even played a game here and probably never will 
Again, 13.5 next year, the year after and the year after. Rather have the other guys and trade for someone else
it's a low risk high reward thing.  Like RCK said, small markets have to try to improve by making trades like this (and of course through the draft). Can't land a big free agent no matter how much cap space they have.  if Smith doesn't work out i'm sure they can trade him for some pieces that couldn't be any worse than Jason Thompson and Derrick Williams
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I honestly think Josh Smith would be a great fit next to Cousins IF he quits with the jumpers and sticks to dunks, layups and tip-ins and plays All-NBA Defense like he's done before.

Collison-Stauskas-Gay-JSmoove-Cousins is solid to me. I don't think they'd have the assets to get Rondo though. Celtics have no reason to want anybody but Cousins in exchange for him.
it's a low risk high reward thing.  Like RCK said, small markets have to try to improve by making trades like this (and of course through the draft). Can't land a big free agent no matter how much cap space they have.  if Smith doesn't work out i'm sure they can trade him for some pieces that couldn't be any worse than Jason Thompson and Derrick Williams
I understand that but to go with the likes of Gay and Smith just because you're a small market is a losing strategy. You guys can paint a picture as bright as you want about how Gay played so well on the Kings or point to how it's "better than players x, y and z" but damn, there's a reason nobody wants Gay or Smith.
I honestly think Josh Smith would be a great fit next to Cousins IF he quits with the jumpers and sticks to dunks, layups and tip-ins and plays All-NBA Defense like he's done before.

Collison-Stauskas-Gay-JSmoove-Cousins is solid to me. I don't think they'd have the assets to get Rondo though. Celtics have no reason to want anybody but Cousins in exchange for him.

He won't feel the need to take those jump shots if Stauskas sees any type of decent minutes.
He's worth an automatic pass from even the worst ballhogs.
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