2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Demarcus is a great player but man it's extremely cringe worthy how he complains about everything

Agreed. Dude hasn't really changed personality wise or matured since coming into the league :lol:,remember seeing the same stuff from him all the time at UK
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Russ: 25-11-20
Durant: 30-12-7

i really hate that the rest of the team sucks. get these guys some damn help.
kings are awful 
Russ: 25-11-20
Durant: 30-12-7

i really hate that the rest of the team sucks. get these guys some damn help.

They'll be alright.

This League, these teams? Everybody sucks except GSW so, no other worries. They(if they are blessed enough T to touch the same floor) only have to beat GSW.

The Road is slim, but impossibly tough. Lord help the NBA
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