2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Chalmers with a ruptured Achilles, out for the season, waived by Grizzlies.

Sucks for Mario.

Lance about to take the reigns, though.

Didnt he sit several games when he was still with the heat this year because of achilles sorness? Hope he has a full recovery.
Vertical Sources: Free-agent guard Ray McCallum will meet with the Memphis Grizzlies and likely sign a deal. yhoo.it/1pjyGxZ

I was a fan of Ray when he was in the Horizon League, he got really into long 2's this year. Plus this:

In 11 games in Feb. - 1.1 ppg, 0.5 apg, 1 TO, 1 3PA, FG% .267, TS% .388

As many three-point (1) makes as turnovers (1) in those 11 games in Feb. What was this dude just swinging the ball around EVERY time he was catching it in those 11 gms? :lol: He's played 85% PG this year how is that even possible. :x :lol:
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Not gonna lie...I thought Hoiberg was gonna be great. I didn't think the situation was ideal, but to look like this?! Nah.
WOAH.....that's hoiberg first T of the season??? that's a lot of gms before he got T'd up?
Taj blew an open dunk :rofl:

I'm done here

Lemme watch the latest CW trailer over and over again to make myself happy
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bulls are a disappointment. rose doesnt deserve pau gasol as his number 2 with jimmy out.
Basketball Insiders: You mentioned you’re in a better place, which leads to the big question that everyone is asking. Do you see yourself making an NBA comeback anytime soon?

Larry Sanders: “I could see myself coming back to the NBA and… I mean, I’ll just leave it at that. I can’t say too much. (laughs) I can see myself coming back there.”

Basketball Insiders: Your name gets mentioned in rumors whenever a team needs a big man or is looking to make a free agency signing. Have teams been calling you or your camp to express interest?

Larry Sanders: “I’ll say this: I understand who I am as a player and I know what I can bring to any team. Now that I’ve gotten the chance to watch a lot of basketball, I just know what I would do on that court. Even from an effort standpoint, I know I can [play harder than a lot of players]. With the kind of player that I am, I just don’t see a team that couldn’t use my services. But I will say, I think it would have to be a very good fit for the both of us. And I think it goes outside of what’s happening on the court – there has to be a connection there. Maybe I’m asking for too much. (laughs) But I just won’t go back to the situation I was in before.”

Basketball Insiders: How much do you miss basketball? You mentioned that you love the game and once you’re in that culture, it’s hard to just completely remove yourself from it. Do you watch games and still play at all?

Larry Sanders: “Oh, I do miss it. I have season tickets for the Los Angeles Lakers and I love watching and dissecting the game. I mean, I love this game. I really do. I love to play it, and I do still play a lot here in L.A. But there were some things about it, some situations, that I didn’t love. But I feel like I’m in a much better place right now and I’m equipped to be able to put myself in that situation again.”
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bulls are a disappointment. rose doesnt deserve pau gasol as his number 2 with jimmy out.

Their defense is so lost out there. They miss Thibs. And their mistakes are untimely. Not that any mistake can come at the right time, but everytime they pull close, they give up something easy, turn it over, blown assignment, you name it.

Haven't watched a lot of them this season though, just what I observed today. Playing the Spurs probably made it easier for me to see their deficiencies. Exploitative mofo's :lol:
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LETS GO LAY-KURZ!!! Let's shock the world again! 16 banners! Everyone else sucks. Yeah!

(Just trying it on. Doesn't feel right)
lebron scouting these young lakers to see if he will join them next season

kobe's last gm vs lebron, unless bean gets waived and picked up by a contender, right?
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