2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Lol no one really cares about the Spurs

TNT game and no one is posting
lol. its seems like its been kind of dead around here lately .... 
Kobe hasnt played at all. Hes there for PR purpoes. No sense seeing him put on that fake lullaby smile like he had a great legacy. Dude was robin for the first 3 and mutually won 2 with Gasol.

Stop worshiping him like he is an idol.

Watching Huertis and James Deen and Russell act bad hard is more entertaining than Kobe.
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Kobe hasnt played at all. Hes there for PR purpoaes. No sense seeing him put on that fake lullaby smile like he had a great legacy. Dude was robin for the first 3 and mutually won 2 with Gasol.

Stop worshiping him like he is an idol.
Speak on it Route
Ben.Simmons really over rated. Wiggins just mentally weak and gulper sized mouth.

To say we would see some young buck rise up and challenge kobe this season is unlikely. These guys wont iso 1 block post Kobe, nor embarass him.

Sad we will have to wait till god knows when for another star. The NBA era is coming to an end.

No longer fun..
Originally Posted by FirstClass
Originally Posted by lakersman3000

lol. its seems like its been kind of dead around here lately .... 
Just wait till 1030
Even at the bottom, we draw crowds. 

(I know, I know, let's pretend the conversations will increase because it's all Lebby. 
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