2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Or when you want a grilled cheese sandwich :lol:  Grilled cheese with bacon :pimp:  

Was eating them ***** daily and my doc was like "Yeah no this has to stop" :lol:  


My little bro went through something similar. Went lo-carb diet and was eating bacon for damn near every meal. Lost a lot of weight, but started feeling not right.

Homemade sir. That combination was made for each other.

You're a trendsetter, man. Been noticing a lot of quality restaurants in LA offering that combo over the last year or two. (For those in LA, the Westside Tavern in West LA is really good for that. I recommend).
Nobody in the history of the NBA has taken 19 shots while playing less than 15 minutes..until Beasley did it today :pimp:
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Can't stand this OKC color commentator. He's completely biased and always wrong. :lol:

The other guy at least balances him out a bit by calling it how it is.
Can't stand this OKC color commentator. He's completely biased and always wrong.

The other guy at least balances him out a bit by calling it how it is.
Jim Petersen >>
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