2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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if you don't think LeBron is a top 10 player all time than i don't know what to tell you...
Winning an mvp but not a championship the same year just means you're a failure that wasn't able to step up when it mattered most
I'm honestly surprised to see people coming around on Porzingis so quickly. It seems like another obvious case of people being anti-foreign players and fighting against the Chad Ford's of the world who rank some of these guys so high.

If he went to college in America, I doubt most would have been so anti-Porzingis around draft time. He's 7'2", he can hit 3's, and he just grabbed a double double with some blocks and steals to boot against the Spurs. I feel a little vindicated already 
 Or it was the same thing we hear EVERY draft. "He's too skinny, he'll get bullied, he has to put on weight". Give me a break, people always like to cite that as a concern for young guys. Anthony Randolph isn't out of the league because he was too skinny, he's out of the league cause he's a bum. Being skinny at a young age is not an indicator of skill or potential.

If he develops and pans out, he will be a monster. 7'2" 3 point shooter who could put it on the floor, block shots, rebound, I'm glad he's already showing those flashes of his potential. That's what the Knicks had to do with the 4 pick.. go for broke on the kid with high upside.
I'm honestly surprised to see people coming around on Porzingis so quickly. It seems like another obvious case of people being anti-foreign players and fighting against the Chad Ford's of the world who rank some of these guys so high.

If he went to college in America, I doubt most would have been so anti-Porzingis around draft time. He's 7'2", he can hit 3's, and he just grabbed a double double with some blocks and steals to boot against the Spurs. I feel a little vindicated already 
 Or it was the same thing we hear EVERY draft. "He's too skinny, he'll get bullied, he has to put on weight". Give me a break, people always like to cite that as a concern for young guys. Anthony Randolph isn't out of the league because he was too skinny, he's out of the league cause he's a bum. Being skinny at a young age is not an indicator of skill or potential.

If he develops and pans out, he will be a monster. 7'2" 3 point shooter who could put it on the floor, block shots, rebound, I'm glad he's already showing those flashes of his potential. That's what the Knicks had to do with the 4 pick.. go for broke on the kid with high upside.
The target of attacks have moved to DLo
The common complaint was Porzingis would need too much time and our window with Melo would close. The fact is, no rookie we were getting at 4 is making the difference with Melo's window.. let's be real. 

It's not like Mudiay in year 2-3 would be LIGHTYEARS ahead of Kristaps. Or that WCS or Winslow will be all-stars and challenging for All-NBA teams while Porzingis is learning how to dribble. 
Chad Ford is horrible. The way he pumps foreign players is disgusting.

That being said, Kristaps is fun to watch. I enjoy him because he's truly not scared of the moment. Idk if he has "limitless potential" like some make it seem....but he truly belongs...and should be an impact player in this league.
on draft night i was livid :lol:

but as i watched him in the Summer League, Preseason, & now vs the best players in the world he's proven that he belongs in the league for a long time. shoutout to Clarence Gaines for finding KP & Galloway for us.
I was rooting for Kristap since the draft.. the way that young man got disrespected by Knicks fans at the draft 
I was rooting for Kristap since the draft.. the way that young man got disrespected by Knicks fans at the draft :smh:

Knicks fans booing at the draft is a tradition though. Like when people booed David Stern every year. It's not that serious.
Winning an mvp but not a championship the same year just means you're a failure that wasn't able to step up when it mattered most
LeBron did that in 2013. So he isn't a failure according to this.
yes and it was an incredible season just like 2014 and he deserves all the credit in the world for it

he isnt a failure, no borderline top 10 all time player can be considered a failure but all the years where he didnt win championships were failures 
I was rooting for Kristap since the draft.. the way that young man got disrespected by Knicks fans at the draft 
Knicks fans booing at the draft is a tradition though. Like when people booed David Stern every year. It's not that serious.
I was rooting for Kristap since the draft.. the way that young man was disrespected by Knicks fans outside of the draft 
the 4-5 page thread jump when the knicks drafted gallo will always be a top 10 NT NBA moment 
I liked Kristaps self-awareness during the interview after he got picked. Talking about soft euro that have bust before. I was impressed.
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