2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Bradley Beal will seek a maximum contract from the Washington Wizards as widely expected.

Beal is a restricted free agent at the age of 22, which means he could sign a four-year deal with a rival team.

“I want to be valued the right way,” Beal said. “I feel like I’m a max player and that’s what I’m looking for. If Washington can’t meet that requirement then I may be thinking elsewhere. I’m pretty sure that they probably won’t [let me go]. At the end of the day, that’s where I want to be. I think a deal will probably get done but you just never know.”

As a four-year veteran, Beal could earn up to 25 percent of the cap. If the cap is $92 million then a max deal would pay him $23 million next season.
I like Beal but any team willing to pay him 23 mil is crazy. It could work out if he stays injury free but it's a huge risk. We'll see what the Wizards offer
Take a look at Beal's minutes the two weeks prior to being shut down in November-December. Wittman should've been fired for that alone.
He wasn't the only Coach he abused his players this way.

Gentry rode all his inured players @30+ right after  coming back from injury, Tyreke got super abused.

MKG played like 38 minutes in his first game back from injury and 30something the following game.

The cat in Phoenix, that Mil gave up for MCW, him too.

It's all over the League though
Crazy how Coach Donovan is rallying these guys man 1st yr HC
^ Methinks it's how different his in-game adjustments, rotations, and use of timeouts differ DRASTICALLY from Brooks.
Bro was a trash coach on NT not too long ago
Not by me.

But yeah, winning will change that.

And Westbrook; whole lotta Westbrook. And KD debetafying himself.
klove was a looter in a riot. overrated as hell. not worth 100 mil. dmc is the new klove. 
Nah. Put DMC in the Playoffs where the game slows down and nobody really has good big men anymore and dude is going to feast in the paint. Hope he has a couple of good shooters around him cause they're gonna be triple teaming him down low
Nah. Put DMC in the Playoffs where the game slows down and nobody really has good big men anymore and dude is going to feast in the paint. Hope he has a couple of good shooters around him cause they're gonna be triple teaming him down low

Luke is gonna bring out the best in him. Can't wait
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