2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Hold up Teague only got one year left ?? Ain't eem know that , n they giving up Covington who could be buckets off the bench
;( ...stauskas sucks so ain't worried bout him , but sixers really bout to rent Teague for one year giving up all that ?

idiots...nobody is resigning with Philly. 
If that rumored trade holds up, that's a hell of a deal for Atlanta. Wow. They probably gotta throw in some minor assets, but hands down it's worth it.

BEYOND stupid. It annoys me how they're turning weirdo *** Hinkie into a damn martyr.
Hol' up...it's the SIXERS throwing in assets.

Philly shopping both okafor and Noel

I just can't agree with the this. Number one either of these guys could be all stars. Number two embiids health is no sure thing and number three we have no idea how saric will look

No patience at all smh
Philly has 0 leverage, been saying this forever. Diminishing returns is real. it was Hinkie who put them in this **** hole in the first place. He never really showed any aptitude outside of knowing how to lose and draft redundant players. I'll never forget how he really thought he was doing it with that stauskas trade
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Amazing how every one of you believe every bit of detail going on about this random *** Noel-Teague trade rumor. They offered Ish Smith and Stauskas for Schroder at the deadline......you really think they're trying to give up Noel now plus Stauskas and one of their only other good players in Covington for a guy with probably less value than Schroder on the last year of his deal.....?
Philly has 0 leverage, been saying this forever. Diminishing returns is real. it was Hinkie who put them in this **** hole in the first place. He never really showed any aptitude outside of knowing how to lose and draft redundant players. I'll never forget how he really thought he was doing it with that stauskas trade

Philly won the Stauskus trade though. If Sac wins the lotto next year, Philly gets to swaps picks lmao (same stipulation as this year but Philly got the 1 pick). Plus they picked up a Sacramento first rounder that's only top 10 protected for 1 year and then it becomes unprotected. So Hinkie pulled an unprotected future first round pick from a Sac team that'll be fresh off losing Boogie to free agency. That's a coup. All for taking on Stauskus lol
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Not exactly.

According to Zach Lowe, the 1st round pick the Sixers receive is top-10 protected in 2018. If the pick isn’t conveyed in 2018 it then becomes top-10 protected in 2019. If the pick is still not conveyed at the 2019 draft, the pick then becomes unprotected in 2020.
Because of league rules, dubbed the Stepien rule, the pick Sacramento trades to Philadelphia must be 2 years after when the Kings either send the pick to Chicago or the pick can no longer be conveyed.

They either get a 2020 unprotected pick, after the Kings beef up their roster with two top 10 picks and whatever free agents to improve the team and lower the pick, or a pick outside the top 10. A decent trade but nowhere near the blockbuster it was made out to be. Plus hinkie was acting like he got a player in stauskas

Edit - nevermind, you're right. I just read that it's gonna be an unprotected 2019 pick. That would be the year after boogie signs with the Lakers so a decent chance it could be a lotto pick. Still too early to tell tho
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'I don't know what kind of curse you put on KD, but I think I want that curse cuz he about to sign for 200 million dollars'

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