2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Trautwig has that perennial garlic breath.

If Al Trautwig bit you, you'd probably die of some unknown disease.

Trautwig brushes his teeth in his hand with steel wool ....

Trautwig rinses his mouth with dirty mop water

[thread="605554"]al trautwig rinses his mouth out with the ebola virus[/thread]

Dude uses Ajax for tooth paste
View media item 1375274

smell like skoal and hot dog meat ....

hemorrhoids on his face

He literally has diarrhea of the mouth

Trout mouth Trautwig

crying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Al Fishair! Yall did dude dirty! LOL I'm not gonna like anything about Galloway because everytime I do they start slacking...
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Whoa whoa woooah. Who the eff is still trying to pump up shump? Lance Thomas is better than shump! LOL
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I can't front. I thought he was gonna be better during his rookie year, but last season was the writing on the wall. Kinda like THJ. Liked him his rookie season, so far this year I'm not seeing improvement.
Liked THJr last season, hasn't shown much improvement this season tho.

I'd definitely send him packing if the right offer comes in.
A lot of us thought he would improve, even myself. But you could see he was mentally weak. You could be in the gym for hours taking jumpers, but without the mental part of the game none of the matters.

Timmy is a different issue. He has the mental make-up but he hasnt really improved this year. I would like to see him improve becayse uf he does, he can be a really good player.
I just want to start off by saying, please let's not look too far ahead and start thinking Durant. It would be awesome, but to me we already have a Durant type player in Melo. I think we'd be better suited with Tier B type players. It would cost a lot of scratch to land Durant, maybe not right away, but down the line we could end up being in the same salary position. I say let's get some solid Tier B all-star caliber players and stay under the cap for emergency situations. Now, with that out of the way, the winning has got to stop. The players that needed to be signed for now are signed, we see what they can do, now they have to stop doing it. As far as THJr is concerned, I think he is content with having done enough to prove that he belongs on the team, but that seems that is all he is good with at times. I wish he would expand his game some more, but if not, he is at least tradeable, and likely would flourish else where, most former Knicks do, at least Earl and Shump have.
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