2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

the nba can be a harsh place for a player trying to find a spot so good for those two guys especially amundson

in a case with thjr as has ben the case with many other fresh prospects who appear to have potential, he just hasn't been developed properly 

 also slumpert and jr haven't really flourished at all. they're just playing on better teams. slumpert straight up sucks. he hasn't done anything of note on cleveland while jr smith has been putting up the same numbers and percentages with cleveland as he has during his time with the knicks. look it up
Yeah Shump and JR are hardly flourishing, unless my def of the word is wrong. LOL Location may benefit them but we know JR gon JR. Didn't realize JR and Thomas were both gray bees until last night. Smoove...
The Knicks have expressed interest in Jackson, but for what it’s worth, the word coming out of the Thunder locker room is that Durant is not a big fan of the free-agent-to-be guard. And depending on whom you talk to, there are also whispers that Durant is growing increasingly frustrated with Westbrook, one of the league’s most dynamic players and whose style is shoot first, ask questions later

Look at Frankie Ice stirring that pot.
I wont even entertain KD coming here, but if we got him and like a second tier PG say Brandon Knight, that would be a pretty dope squad. Especially if we landed Okafor.
that was quick
Tank is back babyyyyy 
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