2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

didnt know thats what you meant about jr. he did provide the lulz here. i will admit he did have 1 really good year. at least its something lol
Believe me if Melo was talented enough to lead the Knicks to 60 wins I'll shut up and buy all you stans Melo jerseys. I'd buy an escort for you as well.

But there is a double standard when it comes to Melo in here. Is someone less of a Jets fan if they don't want Geno Smith and criticize him? Or less of a Yankees fan if I criticize Sabthia? Jesus man lol. I didn't even start it, it started with the joke that Melo never lost in the finals
Melo won a scoring title and led us to the 2nd best record in the East playing with JR Smith as his beta-dog. Get Melo a team, he'll get us the results.

And Knicks didnt trade the Trash Brothers (
) for "nothing." JR's trade value was at an all-time low, and nobody wanted to touch him. Shump wasnt coming back here anyway and isnt nearly enough of an asset for teams to give up any of their serious assets for, knowing that if they wanted to keep Shump in the long term, they they would have to pay him this summer.

Phil gave Shump a trial run and he failed to live up to expectations. The season was dead. It was time to go in to full on tank mode and Phil made up his mind that he wasnt going to pay Shump this summer in order to keep him. People fail to ever look at those semantics and strictly view these kind of trades from an immediate value stand point.

It's not like Shump is still a rookie or 2nd year player with 2-3 years left on his rookie contract (like THJR), people forget that. We werent using Shump for this season anymore, and he had no future here. So instead of keeping him for nothing, we decided to use him as leverage to get the cancer-that-is-JR-Smith and his long term contract off of our books, and we got a 2nd round pick out of it. I refuse to believe there was a better deal out there.

The Tyson trade, we could look at and over-analyze for days, and try to determine if we could have got more.There is no point in doing so now, but we can do that if we wanted to. Personally, I think we could have gotten a better deal, and I think Phil placed too much faith on Calderon in the triangle and also Cleanthony panning out a little bit too much (not saying he wont, its still very early...).

But as far as the Trash Brothers trade? Shump wasnt coming back and because of the trade, JR didnt need to come back.

That was the biggest part of the trade. Using Shump (who was out the door anyway) to get rid of JR, who might have extended his player option and ****** us this summer. It also contributed to the tank, as well know by now how JR has a tendency to turn on the jets the most when his team is already out of the picture, ******* mental ****** that he is (especially knowing he was playing for a new contract). So not making the trade could have ****** us in that regard as well. The positives that we gained from dumping JR Smith and his deal, made the trade not "for nothing."

It was the right deal for Phil to make. I would be saying that even if the Cavs had won the championship. It made no sense for US to keep either player this season. Move the **** on.
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how u gonna compare melo to geno smith? seriously? geno smith isn't even as good as chad pennigton. this type of thing I'm talking about. you take one guy who's a bonafide star in the nba, that's won a national title, that made a lottery team a perennial playoff team when he was drafted, and you're comparing him to a guy who can't throw a spiral or read a defense? cmon man.
We should find out what the Thunder want for Westbrook and give it to them.

Westbrook & Melo would be a treat.
We should find out what the Thunder want for Westbrook and give it to them.

Westbrook & Melo would be a treat.
i dont see the thunder trade westbrook. not yet at least, maybe at the deadline before his deal expires if he wholeheartedly tells them he's bolting.
i dont see the thunder trade westbrook. not yet at least, maybe at the deadline before his deal expires if he wholeheartedly tells them he's bolting.
Cue 3 years later when Westbrook gets ripped to shreds in this thread and by the media because the Knicks had to give up ******* Hardway Jr. to get him 
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It was satisfying watching those 2 bums be no shows the last 2 games for the most part :lol:

I knew all that praise JR and Shump were getting for playing ok in the wins wasn't gonna last, that other shoe had to drop.

Watching Bron lose in the finals, that's how it should be.
Man, I love this thread!!! Let me be the first to say that I have been a huge Melo supporter since Syracuse, but I do understand Knick fans who criticize him (just look at the track record and it's tough to dispute). Is Melo a capable enough superstar to bring a championship to the Knicks? Of course, but that is with the proper supporting cast which he really hasn't had. And who knows how much time he has to do that because the Knicks are in pure rebuilding mode at this point and I don't think Phil has time to put a team around him. Melo has also been in the league now like 12 years so safe to say he is outside his prime if not approaching it.
There are only three people I really want currently.


At the very least I'll call them Tier 1.
Coupeit is working his way back to my block list. Dude seems the most upset on the whole board about Lebron losing 
Melo > Knicks more most of y'all, that's the way it is in here.

Y'all will never learn. 5 years from now you may get it. As of right now y'all don't. The Melo pedestal is soooo real in here. It's not like this in the real world :lol:
Melo > Knicks more most of y'all, that's the way it is in here.

Y'all will never learn. 5 years from now you may get it. As of right now y'all don't. The Melo pedestal is soooo real in here. It's not like this in the real world
I was a Knicks fan before Melo and i'll be one after him. Don't sit here and act like your some die hard and your actually are a fan of the squad first and foremost. Is it a crime for us to appreciate him for what he is and the skill set he has ? Seems to me your too busy wishing we he was LeBron rather than appreciating him and what he brings to the table. All you do is ***** and moan about him and place Lebae on this pedestal as if he's god's gift to basketball.
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Regarding JR Smfh and Slumpert, you can take the _____ out of the Knicks, but you cant take the Knicks out of the _____
I was a Knicks fan before Melo and i'll be one after him. Don't sit here and act like your some die hard and your actually are a fan of the squad first and foremost. Is it a crime for us to appreciate him for what he is and the skill set he has ? Seems to me your too busy wishing we he was LeBron rather than appreciating him and what he brings to the table. All you do is ***** and moan about him and place Lebae on this pedestal as if he's god's gift to basketball.

Oh shut up, go block me or something fool :lol: . What I said about LeBron was its not funny to make fun of him losing these finals, they never had a shot. It was hilarious in 2011 and funny last year against the Spurs - but this year? I'm surprised the Cavs won two games with The ex-Knicks on the squad.

All these Melo stans still in full battle gear after the Knicks having the second worst record in the league. Living in some Melo Lala land (no pun intended) like he's the answer to our Prayers. Like he's actually accomplished anything meaningful for the Knicks and their future. But hey, he scores a lot :lol:

Once again I didn't start the Melo jokes, I just reacted.
On some real **** miss me with all that shut up nonsense. I'm quite sure non of that would be said in my face. If you in NYC I would LOVE to give you the opportunity to talk to me like that in real life
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