2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

i dont get how you could give lebron a pass for losing with the guys he played with then kill melo for losing with the guys he played with when melo played with guys on the same talent level or worse as lebron did.
^^^ um because he's in the finals and Melo never brought us even close. I'd throw a parade for a trip to the finals.

:lol: at Foam!!! This dude wants to fight face to face over Carmelo Anthony. Don't you have kids bro? Just block me dude, you'll be better off. Grow up.
Nah on some real **** this _ is BUGGIN I don't disrespect nobody on this board especially my Knick brethren because online tough talk is corny but this gump *** dude is doing too much. Hate dudes who feel validated to talk **** behind keystrokes cause they feel it's impossible to get caught out there in real life. I don't do disrespect at all
^^^ um because he's in the finals and Melo never brought us even close. I'd throw a parade for a trip to the finals.

:lol: at Foam!!! This dude wants to fight face to face over Carmelo Anthony. Don't you have kids bro? Just block me dude, you'll be better off. Grow up.

Still doing too much
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Your the **** head troll calling people out of there name and telling people to shut up but I'm the person that needs to grow up :rofl: you crossed the line my guy
This is really your argument Storm? You really want to do this? After having second worst record in the league?

Put your Melo fanship aside right now. Be objective. I'm serious, what exactly are you saying just so it's clear.
^^^ um because he's in the finals and Melo never brought us even close. I'd throw a parade for a trip to the finals.

at Foam!!! This dude wants to fight face to face over Carmelo Anthony. Don't you have kids bro? Just block me dude, you'll be better off. Grow up.
The one year I think Carmelo had a legitimate team/coach around him was in 2009. He was able to bring that team to the WCF, but lost to the better team. Ironically that was also a season where Melo's usage was very low. He only took around 18 shots per game. So one could argue, if you put guys around him, he will adapt. 

I'm still surprised to this day that the 2013 Knicks won 54 games or whatever. I give Melo major props for that. That team definitely overachieved heavily. 

Melo needs a leader next to him. Someone like a Billups or Kidd, along with talent and he should be fine. Also hopefully Phil allows Fisher to adjust this prehistoric offense. 
This is really your argument Storm? You really want to do this? After having second worst record in the league?

Put your Melo fanship aside right now. Be objective. I'm serious, what exactly are you saying just so it's clear.
I'm very objective. The 1 year he had a complete team around him and a competent offense we won 54 games and would've beaten Indiana if Tyson Chandler didn't get abused by Hibbert. But all you can say is the guy's a loser and he's a worthless player. Meanwhile he's literally the best player this franchise has had since Ewing. You just hate the dude. Put a legitimate team around him and he can make a finals run in the east. Who do you expect to win with schmucks like Jr Smith and Shump as your No. 2 and 3 options? Who do you expect to win with the team he played with this past year? I don't need to be objective, I already am objective, you are the one that needs to be objective and put your hate aside. The guy is one of the best scorers in this league, but guess what, not even the best player in the world can win games when he's playing with schmucks. But go ahead, keep chastising Melo. Melo wasn't the problem and hasn't been the problem in NY, it's the guys around him that are incompetent and pathetic basketball players.
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Nah on some real **** this _ is BUGGIN I don't disrespect nobody on this board especially my Knick brethren because online tough talk is corny but this gump *** dude is doing too much. Hate dudes who feel validated to talk **** behind keystrokes cause they feel it's impossible to get caught out there in real life. I don't do disrespect at all

Okayyyyy Foam. I'm sorry I told you to shut up.
Oh shut up, go block me or something fool :lol: . What I said about LeBron was its not funny to make fun of him losing these finals, they never had a shot. It was hilarious in 2011 and funny last year against the Spurs - but this year? I'm surprised the Cavs won two games with The ex-Knicks on the squad.

All these Melo stans still in full battle gear after the Knicks having the second worst record in the league. Living in some Melo Lala land (no pun intended) like he's the answer to our Prayers. Like he's actually accomplished anything meaningful for the Knicks and their future. But hey, he scores a lot :lol:

Once again I didn't start the Melo jokes, I just reacted.

On some real **** miss me with all that shut up nonsense. I'm quite sure non of that would be said in my face. If you in NYC I would LOVE to give you the opportunity to talk to me like that in real life
if my bro gon pop, im gon pop. idc who it is. i put money ol boy aint sayin dat in ur face
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@ShamsCharania: RealGM Sources: Lou Williams expected to give Toronto strong free-agent competition, including California/NY teams. http://t.co/kks7y7KxzQ

to break up the argument: Nah i def don't want Lou Williams on the team.
It's one thing if we were an established team like let's say the Clippers or Blazers and we needed 1 more scorer and could use our MLE, that's a fine addition, but we need to do better than Lou Will. Solid player, but not worth the money when your roster as a whole needs to be rebuilt.
@NBADraftWass: Whether it's real or not, positive Porzingis buzz can only help NY. Can raise value of No. 4 pick. And if he goes top 3, NY gets JO/Russell.
All this extra Zinger hype has me feeling uneasy about him :lol: Reminding me more and more of Darko and Vesley with the way he's being overhyped. Skill set is solid, could definitely grow into his frame, but I'm good on a 3 year project.
Storm you're putting words in my mouth, I never called him worthless and I never called him a loser.

He's the most talented player since Ewing, I agree. But that's not saying much. We've been in shambles since Ewing left.

He's just not as good as he was advertised. He's not the superstar we all want him to be. I'm not going to be head over heels appreciative of him because he's a good scorer. Melos been in the league 10 years now, he is what he is.

I don't think he can lead us to the finals, I don't think he can lead us into the ECF - I do think if he were to humble himself a bit, he'd be a great second star. I just don't think he can be the main one. His game almost doesn't allow it to be.

Does this really sound that crazy?
Let the guy play with a supporting cast that isn't JR and Shump before judging him in NY. If he can't win with better players, fine, he deserves the criticism, but for now, I can't give the guy flack for what the Knicks have done fielding a god awful coach in Sn and miserable role players.
Let the guy play with a supporting cast that isn't JR and Shump before judging him in NY. If he can't win with better players, fine, he deserves the criticism, but for now, I can't give the guy flack for what the Knicks have done fielding a god awful coach in Sn and miserable role players.

Okay that's fair, but he's not 25 anymore. He's 31 and he's been on the league for 10 years now. How long can you give him the benefit of the doubt?

I'm not as patient as you are. But I never, ever thought this past February Melo could be the star of a team in the NBA and at the same time have the worst record. I don't care who his role players are, I don't care who the coach is - that was straight up the final straw (for me).

If we don't land better players or another star, I think it's time to part ways. Get it while he still has years left.

That's me tho, I know many wouldn't want to see him leave.
time out, the argument that lebron went to the finals with shump and JR while melo didn't is a wild stretch. Lebron did play with Love and Kyrie for the entire season and a good portion of the playoffs. and Smith and Shump did well when their roles were really small.
time out, the argument that lebron went to the finals with shump and JR while melo didn't is a wild stretch. Lebron did play with Love and Kyrie for the entire season and a good portion of the playoffs. and Smith and Shump did well when their roles were really small.

That was conveniently forgotten
It's one thing if we were an established team like let's say the Clippers or Blazers and we needed 1 more scorer and could use our MLE, that's a fine addition, but we need to do better than Lou Will. Solid player, but not worth the money when your roster as a whole needs to be rebuilt.

Couldn't agree more.
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