2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

2-3 year project when his offense is nba ready?

fish is gonna throw him out there and give him valuable mins

yall expecting too much out of rookies, its rare for rookies to turn a franchise around their rookie season
Read the first two lines of your post, then read your last line. Little contradictory, no?

The guy isn't physically ready to compete. People are saying he needs to gain 40 pounds. So knowing that, how is he going to get valuable minutes? How? He's going to be destroyed by grown men.
I had 5 guys who I wanted more than Zinger.

I'm mad we had the worst year in franchise history and are taking a 2-3 year project. If you can't see why someone has a gripe with a 3 year project with a 31 year old player making max money on the roster, I don't know what to tell you.

yep same here..not gonna call him a bust or stop being a fan but if we would've came out of last night with WCS/Winslow & Grant that'd be a hell of a start to the summer
Agreed. That's a team with 25-30 wins under its belt without adding free agents. Make the right moves, 50 win team potentially.
I honestly wanted Okafor once he fell past the Lakers, I got really excited at that point :lol:

I know a lot don't feel to strongly about him but hell, I wanted that to happen bad.
I had 5 guys who I wanted more than Zinger.

I'm mad we had the worst year in franchise history and are taking a 2-3 year project. If you can't see why someone has a gripe with a 3 year project with a 31 year old player making max money on the roster, I don't know what to tell you.
I 100% agree with you. I just disagree that Zinger is as much of a project as you are making him out to be. At least not more of a project than any of these other guys are. He has contributed effectively at a higher level than any of them have.

I think out of all the players available, he might even be the most NBA ready, and I think he has a very solid rookie season.
Agreed. That's a team with 25-30 wins under its belt without adding free agents. Make the right moves, 50 win team potentially.
There is just no way you could possibly convince me that WCS would have been a better draft pick than Zinger. None. Older. No offense. Questionable desire/work ethic. HARD pass at 4.

Justice? Like him. Dont love him. IMO a much lower upside than people give him credit for. I have liked SJ more than him from day 1 and I think it is very telling that SJ ended up being picked ahead of him.

The only players I wanted at #4 were Mudiay or Zinger at that point. Nobody else was worth that much of an investment. Once Russell/Towns were gone I wanted Zinger, Mudiay, or a trade back.

If we had drafted Mudiay I would be sitting right in the ******* front seat to your bandwagon.

But we went with Zinger. Who I personally liked slightly more anyway. My major concern with drafting Zinger, which made me uneasy about passing up on Muddy, was what I kept saying all along, that it would be extremely tough for me to walk out of draft night staring a franchise PG in the face and walking away with ******* Calderon.

So I was happy when we drafted Zinger, I have liked him all along, but I was still slightly uneasy about passing up on a potential franchise PG whom I really liked. But JG was the icing on the cake for me. Phil took the available prospect that he liked the most and still got himself a reliable NBA ready franchise PG who could potentially be starter in this league from day 1 for a long time coming. He is also a better triangle fit than Mudiay is and more NBA ready, if you want to use that whole NBA ready argument.

IMO walking away with Grant/Zinger is better than anything we could have done with Mudiay. I keep saying this because I wholeheartedly believe it to be the truth. Zinger is worth taking a gamble on and we got our franchise triangle young PG without having to overspend. If we picked Mudiay, we would still need a center. We arent going to sign any of these big fish center targets this summer. There were no centers available to us in a trade for Hardaway that would be nearly as effective for us than Jerian Grant likely will be as a PG.

Walking out of this draft filling our 2 biggest holes in Grant/Zinger, gaining NBA ready production as well as upside, is MUCH more fulfilling to me than leaving this draft with Mudiay/Hardaway.

Now we have a 1 set, a forward set, and a 5 set. This free agency class is more than capable of producing a solid fitting 2 and another forward who can come cheap and fit this roster. If you want to talk about 50 wins this season (I definitely think that is a little generous, but still) this was the way to do it. Not with ******* WCS or Justice Winslow. I think Zinger is going to torch those 2 in the long run. I really do.
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Gr8est calling in like is to be a motivational speaker

Son can speak forever, and if he can have an optimistic outlook on this bum franchise, he can make anyone think their lives will be ok.
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WCS is gonna be a future DPOY. Fills a huge need of ours. And I think he can become better offensively than people believe.

They say Zinger needs 40-50 pounds. That's not gonna be easy. And if he does gain that much weight, how does that translate to the way he moves?

If we were an actual rebuilding team, I wouldn't care about the pick. But this draft pick conflicts with keeping Melo.
I had 5 guys who I wanted more than Zinger.

I'm mad we had the worst year in franchise history and are taking a 2-3 year project. If you can't see why someone has a gripe with a 3 year project with a 31 year old player making max money on the roster, I don't know what to tell you.

The reason isn't that difficult. Our ceiling with Melo is not winning a title in the short term. Phil thought he could attract FAs if we weren't bad last season, but instead the team turned out to be a big turd. Nobody is going to want to come here, so time to look toward the future.
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I had 5 guys who I wanted more than Zinger.

I'm mad we had the worst year in franchise history and are taking a 2-3 year project. If you can't see why someone has a gripe with a 3 year project with a 31 year old player making max money on the roster, I don't know what to tell you.

The reason isn't that difficult. Our ceiling with Melo is not winning a title in the short term. Phil thought he could attract FAs if we weren't bad last season, but instead the team turned out to be a big turd. Nobody is going to want to come here, so time to look toward the future.
Why is Melo here then?
Gr8est calling in like is to be a motivational speaker

Son can speak forever, and if he can have an optimistic outlook on this bum franchise, he can make anyone think their lives will be ok.
Trust me, I am not usually so optimistic. Quite the opposite actually. Yall remember me during the Eddy Curry years 

If the Knicks would have taken Okafor, I would have been the one pessimistic mother ****** in this ***** while the rest of yall would be in celebration mode. If we had drafted Okafor, you would have seen a part of me much closer resembling the GR8 you saw during the Eddy Curry years than you do right now 

No, I am optimistic because I truly believe in Phil Jackson and I think i am starting to see the team that he has in mind. And unlike a lot of yall, I am able to keep an open mind about a European prospect without generalizing/stereotyping him with other different players. Instead, I usie my own personal research/insight to judge him for who he is and what he brings to the table. I didnt like Zinger from the start, I didnt ******* know him, but he won me over the more I looked into him. Never read a thing I didnt like about him. My hope is that he will be able to do the same to a lot of the current haters out there/in here.

I keep it real always. I form my own point of view. I am far from a blind believer and I am also never a blind hater. I am never optimistic unless I actually see a product that I can get behind.

I remain optimistic about Melo-related issues because I wholeheartedly believe in Carmelo. I was always pessimistic with Eddy Curry, even when he was averaging 20 PPG and starting to win Knicks fans over, because I never believed in him for a second and we werent winning. And those are only 2 examples, it is not like I have always been right. Far from it. I was optimistic about JR Smith LONG after I should have been, to name one of many of my previous errors in judgement.

Right now i am optimistic about Phil's vision for this teams future and I am optimistic about Zinger. I believe in him. That is my opinion. I think the Knicks had a great draft night. I have never really felt that way in my lifetime, despite being an avid follower of the NBA Draft every year. Even when the Knicks dont have a ******* pick. I still always try to know every little thing I can about every prospect. The NBA Draft is my ******* Christmas. One of my favorite nights of the year, year in and year out, even throughout all of the disappointment it has caused me.

So yeah, I feel pretty good/optimistic today, but it is not always that way, and who knows how long it will last. Like I said, I have been wrong before and will be wrong again. But I got a good feeling.

I have a belief-fueled optimism, not optimism-fueled beliefs. There is a major difference in the 2. I am just a passionate dude, obviously. So when I feel one way, it will stand out, whether it is optimism or pessimism.
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Nice little interview w Zinger. Let's hope for the best. Seems like a good kid, close to his family.

Says he models his game after Kevin Garnett. Idk if he's drunk or not but who knows.
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