2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

heres who i want on the Knicks

DJ, lamarcus, love

2nd tier
lou will, bass, robin, aminu, danny green, milsap, thad young, asik, bellneli, amir
Remember when Lebron, Wade and Bosh were all supposed to come play here in NY?

Same ish is going to happen with this summer. Watch :lol:
Kevin love though? Some of yall dudes want the sawftest most herbavore like players b. That ain't NY. We want goons. Melo is the only player allowed to be the pretty boy. We want dudes that don't get shape-ups. We want fighters. We need soldiers man.
Kevin love though? Some of yall dudes want the sawftest most herbavore like players b. That ain't NY. We want goons. Melo is the only player allowed to be the pretty boy. We want dudes that don't get shape-ups. We want fighters. We need soldiers man.
Go to Iraq and see if anyone can ball.


:rofl: :lol: :rofl:

please no.
I mean that's just some bull **** rumor out there in the ether. I get the feeling Phil actually dislikes Wade's game and knows he offers nothing but experience at this point and that's not worth much when you're hurt 60% of the season.

Monroe has a Mike Sweetney aura.
I mean when Sweetney started he did play hard but if you're referring to the fat can't manage his weight or stay in the league Sweetney I do not see it at all. Monroe's game and body frame wouldn't allow for that down the line.

Quick question. Who DO you guys want?
In a dream world, Gasol and LMA.

I'm hoping for Green and Monroe.

What I'll be disappointed in?; West, Butler, Aminu, Lopez, Biyombo, and other bums.
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If we sign DJ I think that necessitates us moving Caldo so we can use the remaining 7 mil on our 2 guard spot. Wonder who we could sign there for just 7 mil
if we through a max at anyone, it should be middleton. he resolves all our 2 guard woes. he can shoot the 3, defend, hes young, and his max isnt as high as the rest.
You guys are missing the most vital part to Melo's success here: A damn POINT GUARD.

We can beef up the front court all we want and bring in shooters, but last time I checked when we did that--We couldn't get any sort of offense going and Melo paid ISO ball.

Bring in a damn point guard first, worry about the bigs later.
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id be willing to sign thomas robinson for the low too. hes actually productive when he gets playing time. with philly he averaged 8.8 points and 7.7 rebounds in 18.5min.
Zinger's "hip tightness" is a little concerning. He needs that Summer league experience bad.

This team could be a pleasant surprise or an Isiah level disaster. :lol:
Striking out swinging isnt the same as striking out looking :lol: :pimp:

Carlos Beltran knows best.

Phenomenal pitch by one of the best pitchers in the game.

Yeah, but the douche was never able to throw a curveball the same way ever again.
i dont see why they would though. they already have alphabet and jabari parker. unless parker starts at PF, but that would be a huge defensive liability.
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