2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

yo, Pat Bev resigned with Houston for 4 yr/ 25 mil?!
we couldve paid him that right?

i think we need another big, and a defensive 1/2.
whos out there that we could grab for the low?
yes, but i'm 120% sure Houston would've matched.

a bench wing & big should be Phil's next target (Koufus & Gerald Green)
the Bargs trade is top 5 stupidest things we've ever done & we've done a lot of stupid things
Koufus would be a nice backup.
highlights pon highlights if Green played for NY. cant see him playing in the triangle tho.

we need that Lamar/Draymond, Swiss Army knife type player
@IanBegley: New #Knicks center Robin Lopez ranked 8th in offensive rebounding and 6th in pick & roll defense last season -- http://t.co/bzTBn8tcm8

man even tho we're gonna win like 30 games i'm so excited to watch Knicks basketball again :smokin
I'm happy a Plan B was/is in place, but Greg Monroe was better, younger and apparently a year less of a contract to boot. Can't sugarcoat that. And again, if they didn't offer him the max, then we essentially offered the same money to Lopez, which would be silly. (I think we did and Greg passed)

Didn't get him, and that's fine (well, not really..but still). I'm happy there was another direction to go. You had to add someone and Lopez was the next best option for a team that is caught in having to try to be respectable now but not give away the future. But those happy the Knicks didn't pay for Greg yesterday, I don't know how this would make you feel any better. That's all. 4/54 is a very long way from the idealistic 3/36 being thought of yesterday. I know right now we're thinking defense, defense, defense and I can't blame anyone for that...but we were also 29th in offense last year. ANYBODY with ability is a fit.

Lopez, Afflalo is not anything sexy, but it's solid. Can't build this thing overnight. It's the best medium between a total rebuild (Porzingis) and winning now with Melo - not overpaying but still getting veteran guys with good basketball ahead and contracts that won't restrict you too much moving forward. Phil is not in an easy spot, I don't believe he's helped himself much at all, but can't really fault him for these moves.

My preference now would be going after Beverely and another wing, would have been easier without Calderon hanging around but things happened. Make the best of it now.
Dude get over Monroe. Please

Dude ******* sucks at defense and isnt a center. He would have been a putrid fit here. Sometimes it isnt always about the best overall talent but rather the better overall fit.

Lopez is a much, much better defender than Monroe and he is also much better offensively than Monroe is defensively, and like you said we need defense from that spot first and foremost anyway.

Rolo fits the bill. I didnt like Monroe from the start and if you would have given me a preference of the 2 from the start I would have taken Rolo. But regardless Monroe is gone. Who gives a **** if he was offered or not or who was happy about it?
Im satisfied with what we have done so far, slowly but surely we are putting together a TEAM.  We don't need the flashy signings (even though i wouldn't mind a few)
I don't really want Gerald Green. Just asked Herring on Twitter how he felt about him and he didn't mind passing on him either.

Played fewer minutes this year, had a higher usage, and performed worse than he did the season prior. Think he's 29 or 30. Rather just find a young buck like KJ McDaniels or someone.
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only thing is McDaniels is restricted & i'm sure Houston would match anything in our budget
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