2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th

[QUOTE name="nickmaz96"]
Originally Posted by nickmaz96

Toy Story :smokin
My girl don't like it, yo.

Been together 2 years and every time she mentions getting married, I can't bring myself to letting her know how big of a deal this is.

Not like Toy Story?

How does one... you can't... not like Toy Story.

never met anyone that doesn't like Toy Story :lol:

you might have to reconsider your future together, srs
Ironic he's singing this while 50 shades was like the worst movie of the year lmao
never does live

Nah, saw him in concert in November and sounded just as good on wax. Seems like he just doesn't wanna do the high notes for whatever reason.

Dude sounded awful live when he was starting out but I saw him again about 2 years ago and it couldn't even compare to the first time. He's gotten way way better
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