2016 Houston Rockets Pre-Season Thread - Preseason Finale vs Spurs

Yea unless Dwight takes some type of discount that would still allow you to sign two max deals, no way you give him the max. He stands to make a killing somewhere else, and both him and the Rockets know that this would be his last contract.
Harrison Barnes would fit very well with this Rockets team but GSW won't be foolish enough to let him walk. Dwight wants a max deal, IMO no way HOU should pay him. You gotta rebuild this minus Dwight in this new small ball league.

Please no to Harrison Barnes. He seems like a waste of money and like a product of that GSW system.

Yeah you def right Dwight is good as gone.
Please no to Harrison Barnes. He seems like a waste of money and like a product of that GSW system.

I thought that last year...but I think he's really developed his game. Of all the role players on that GSW team I think he's the only guy who's game isn't a product of that system.

I think his mid-range and post up game could work well with James in a Dwight less system, plus he has the confidence to take and make shots. It'd give the Rocket another scoring threat late in the shot clock. He gets overlooked because of Curry, Klay, and Green...but I think he could be the second best player on a good team.
I thought that last year...but I think he's really developed his game. Of all the role players on that GSW team I think he's the only guy who's game isn't a product of that system.

I think his mid-range and post up game could work well with James in a Dwight less system, plus he has the confidence to take and make shots. It'd give the Rocket another scoring threat late in the shot clock. He gets overlooked because of Curry, Klay, and Green...but I think he could be the second best player on a good team.

Good insight and ill def tune in to more GSW games.

His mid game and post up game are good and he does shoot it well when he has to its just that number he is going to command is kind of outrageous but I guess this is the league we are going to be in next year.

:lol: at this http://www.papercitymag.com/culture/jeremy-lin-haunts-no-heart-houston-rockets-nba-trade-deadline/
Good insight and ill def tune in to more GSW games.

His mid game and post up game are good and he does shoot it well when he has to its just that number he is going to command is kind of outrageous but I guess this is the league we are going to be in next year.

Exactly...but with Curry, Klay and Draymond under contract GSW will pay it anyway.

:rofl: |I :smh:

The writer is trippin...yes that Lin, Howard, Parsons, Harden team had great chemistry on and off the court...that chemistry couldn't get them out of the first round. Does anybody seriously believe that team would have gotten to the WCF last year and/or be challenging GSW now...*****

Don't know who Chris Baldwin is but he obviously never watched Jeremy play in crunch time. Lin was a good player until it mattered...then he'd make a bonehead play to lose a game or make it closer than it needed to be.
People's revisionist history on the previous Harden Rockets teams in relation to this one that's currently in shambles is always comical. The worst offenders are the ones who were barely watching Rockets games in the first place. You would think the Howard/Harden/Lin/Parsons team had made the Finals or something the way they get talked about, and the Howard/Harden/Ariza/Smith team lost in the first round.
I've been hearing the Harden, Parsons, and Lin chemistry stuff so much on the radio.

It really blew my mind the first time I heard it :lol:
It's amazing right :lol:? Seems like people totally forgot how maddening it was watching Lin turn it over at a rapid fire rate, run into the paint with 3 defenders and waiting to the very last minute to pass it out (often leading to a turnover), and air balling or bricking 3s.

Suns tonight. After all this rest and trade talk, I'm very curious to see how this team plays. I'm hoping they simply show the effort and intensity that's mostly been absent all season. They need to grow a pair and get the ball rolling. We're in 8th place, and not too far from 5-6. With some effort and pride, this team should be able to rattle off some wins. FA is next year, and the Rockets need to out something together than would me too FAs want to come here.

This should also be the time for KJ and Harrell to get significant minutes. They're on the roster, so they should be seeing playing time.
12 home games and 15 road games left. Yikes. Suns, Jazz, Blazers, Spurs, and Bucks the next games
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It was only the Suns, but I liked the effort and intensity the TE played with for most of the game. Bev and Ariza were definitely the studs tonight, with Harden warming up midway through. Liked Harrell and KJ actually seeing time too. Hope that wasn't only cause it was the Suns.

More good news, Mavs lost.

Bad news, the dumbass Warriors lost to the dumbass Blazers, and Utah is up right now.
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Looks like DMo byke.

Horry and Bullard all over again :lol:

You know Detroit had the best docs money can buy looking at his back...makes me wonder if his back is a lot worse than the Rockets have been saying. I hope not because he could be huge for the Rockets especially when Dwight leaves.
rockets fans were pissed when we traded dmo, i wonder how the group feels now. morey clearly knew something was wrong and almost got a 1st for it. maybe he's not incompetent...
DMo had just recently played in Rio Grand Valley. Saw something that said SVG wasn't worried about his short-term usage, but more his long-term health. All this means to me is if the Rockets can play last games defense with Thornton adding back to the offense, we should be able to make some type of run. Need to start moving up.
DMo had just recently played in Rio Grand Valley. Saw something that said SVG wasn't worried about his short-term usage, but more his long-term health. All this means to me is if the Rockets can play last games defense with Thornton adding back to the offense, we should be able to make some type of run. Need to start moving up.

i wonder if it means we'll be able to resign him for cheaper than once expected. unless morey is also concerned about long term
rockets fans were pissed when we traded dmo, i wonder how the group feels now. morey clearly knew something was wrong and almost got a 1st for it. maybe he's not incompetent...

correlation =/= causation 

Right. He just decided to trade him with no real basis. He woke up and said, I feel like trading DMo today, instead of "maybe his back is ******, so we might not want to keep him long term. Let's see if we can get anything on the open market."
On 790 this morning DM more or less said the Pistons doctors didn't see DMo's back holding up over time.
Now that the trade was voided and the news is out on DMos back i see what Morey did and it almost worked for a 1st. DMo is def getting a lowball contract if we decide to keep him next year for sure.

Akward *** locker room right now :lol:. Damn near 4-6 players were to be traded and clearly were on the block with bags packed but are still on the squad.
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rockets fans were pissed when we traded dmo, i wonder how the group feels now. morey clearly knew something was wrong and almost got a 1st for it. maybe he's not incompetent...
This whole situation stinks to high heaven.  If Morey knew Donatas' back was not going to hold up long term then that looks terrible for the Rockets.  Other GMs will not soon forget that Daryl tried to knowingly screw them over, and will refuse to deal w/ Houston going forward.  That type of stained reputation does not quickly go away either.  Poor Motiejunas didn't even see this coming which is sad considering he's one of the nicest guys in the organization and a hard nosed worker so I don't see him resigning on the cheap.  What I could see is DET offering him in the summer and in doing so having kept their lottery pick and also plundering our post scorer they coveted all along.  Took them 22 years to get exact their revenge so hats off for biding their time.
DMo had just recently played in Rio Grand Valley. Saw something that said SVG wasn't worried about his short-term usage, but more his long-term health. All this means to me is if the Rockets can play last games defense with Thornton adding back to the offense, we should be able to make some type of run. Need to start moving up.
Thornton should never see another minute of run going forward.  The guy's game is way too hot and cold.  I want all of his minutes going to KJ.  Marcus is a below average chucker w/ crap percentages, zero defense and a locker room cancer to boot.  He's making next to nothing this year and I'd honestly prefer to cut ties with him all together at this point rather than keep him around the squad. 
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I've never at all heard anything about Thornton being a lockerroom cancer :lol: it's already been proven multiple times here that the more Thornton plays, the better he plays, so there's not too much else to say about that. I do agree KJ needs to see more playing time, no reason him and Harrell shouldn't be seeing minutes at this point. Brewer is the one who needs his minutes cut.
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