2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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If you had to win 1 big game, as of right now who would you choose?  Bumgarner or Kershaw?

The answer to that can obviously change over the next few years, but going off a track record of solid postseason starts as of right now if I need to win 1 game, i'm taking Bumgarner. Over the course of 3 separate World Series he has been lights out. 

This is no diss on Kershaw either, i'm a fan of his. He's a better regular season pitcher, but I would prefer Bumgarner in the playoffs until further notice, epecially in a road playoff game.

i grew up a dodger fan. always hated the giants, but their post season play is something i truly admire. they're just so clutch and get contributions from any player at any given time while la is just not built like that.

anyway, i would 110% choose madbum over kershaw when it counts. kershaw is amazing without a doubt, but madbum is just that guy imo. what he does on that stage is just awesome and it's wack to say, but as long as STL makes it and LA has to face them, that's a hurdle i just don't see the dodgers clearing, meaning that kershaw is not even seeing WS games.
Just heard about Taveras.

He just hit a homer against us a couple weeks ago ...

22 years old man :smh:

Those numbers are unbelievable, right?



edit: this dude got me with the ninja edit :smh:
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Regular season means nothing if you cant get it done in the playoffs. Ask Peyton Manning.

Sorry, keep your regular season accolades. Teams pay players to play big in the playoffs. Dodgers paid Kershaw to win playoff games and he hasn't got it done.
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Not only is bum better than kershaw, but he'd beat the living **** out him too. Not to mention bum repaired the team bus when it broke down in the middle of nowhere. I love that guy. :pimp:

The imaginary fight scenario. Go on Giant fans. :lol:

Bumgarner is having a post season for the ages, nails. He isn't better than kershaw, and the only *** he should be kicking is his agent for telling him to sign that awful deal.

Elite pitcher, country strong, country dumb.
Regular season means nothing if you cant get it done in the playoffs. Ask Peyton Manning.

Sorry, keep your regular season accolades. Teams pay players to play big in the playoffs. Dodgers paid Kershaw to win playoff games and he hasn't got it done.
yeah? tell me more. 

right, all great players in every sport who never won a championship are bad. This isn't an argument i'm going to get into. 

from a personal stand point, Bagwell and Biggio were pathetic in the playoffs, but that doesn't change how great either player were. Brandon Backe was awesome in several post season games, but he ******* sucks and had a career ERA of over 5. 

Kershaw has has had historic regular seasons that few have matched, but I guess 51 post season innings takes away from everything he's done. (sarcasm) 
yeah? tell me more. 

right, all great players in every sport who never won a championship are bad. This isn't an argument i'm going to get into. :lol:

from a personal stand point, Bagwell and Biggio were pathetic in the playoffs, but that doesn't change how great either player were. Brandon Backe was awesome in several post season games, but he ******* sucks and had a career ERA of over 5. 

Kershaw has has had historic regular seasons that few have matched, but I guess 51 post season innings takes away from everything he's done. (sarcasm) 

I never said players who never won a chip are bad players. Its a team game, all great players aren't going to win chips.

And, I'm not taking anything away from what Kershaw has done in the regular season. He is probably the best regular season pitcher in the game right now.

Bum is in the conversation for being one of games best pitchers in the regular season, but his post-season resume makes a strong argument for him being the game's best pitcher. No way anyone can deny that.
I said something similar about Peyton Manning. I'm not a big fan of the guy but I've grown to appreciate everything he's accomplished. I've been critical about his lack of playoff success though.

When your considered the best in the game at what you do, and in the case of Peyton arguments have been made for best of all time in your position, your expected to step up most the time and perform well come playoff time.

A bad post season track record doesn't take away from regular season accomplishments but at the same time it can be ignored with someone like Kershaw as well.

Its an odd numbered year next season though, so the Giants should have a down year and we'll either see the cardinals back in the World Series or the Doyers finally get over the hump :lol:

My view on guys like Kershaw in regards to the playoffs is pure opinion though.
Kershaw is definitely more entertaining

Not often you see a soon to be triple Cy Young pitcher getting pounded so easily in the playoffs :lol:
I seen kershaw's high moment this season, the no hitter in June live in person and I seen his low moment this season, the 7th inning of game 1 live as well.

I never seen doyer stadium so lively as I did I June and as silent and as depressing as it was during that 7th inning run :lol:

The thing about postseason reputation is this, if Kershaw goes out, wins a game 7 or a huge clinching game and looks great while doing so, it quiets a bunch of his critics and he's fully capable of doing so.

Im done.
4 amazing world series starts, nor 83 postseason innings make him the best pitcher in baseball. 

sample size isn't discrediting what he has done, it just isn't large enough to draw any sig conclusions from. 

I don't know of your educational background, but the advanced stats classes I had to take really changed my viewpoints on this kind of stuff. 
Kershaw is only 27. Plenty of time to get those signature wins.

Called it all year. Don't know why so many had the Dodgers pegged for the World Series when the team was poorly built. Literally shocking how many people were picking a team with a terrible bullpen, terrible catcher, no true center fielder and horrible defensive shortstop in the starting lineup.

Oh yeah we need to stop playing the Cards.
The Dodgers are like the mid 2000's Yankees minus the recent titles to fall back on.

I read that book that came out recently on the 88 team about how from day 1 Kirk Gibson provided that leadership presence in the lockerroom, holding guy accountable. This team is lacking a type of guy like that. I see talented players on that roster, but I don't see no intense type of guy or just someone who could embrace that leadership role.

That doesn't change the bullpen issues, but it does seem like they go about things in a lethargic unemotional way at times in my opinion.
opening night gonna take a back seat with gm6 and possibly gm7

hope peavy is relaxed and doesnt get too hype by the moment. dont want to burn the bullpen and possibly have nothing left for gm7
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