2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

Bruh. Just when I thought I GSW bandwagoners were bad this past season.... I might not make it through the next 
The NBA either needs to agree to block the Bogut trade or...

Fleece the warriors by overpaying all their bench players one by one.
Wow surprised he didn't sign 1+1 with okc.

They were so close and srs looked better this year than last (losing ibaka is tough but by getting oladipo and adams getting better and better, i felt they were going to be a better team).

Can't wait to see how the gsw will mesh up as a team. On paper, they are just unreal.

If lebron wins against them... I hate to admit it but he could def be GOAT even with "only" 4 chips. He def become top2 with Jordan.

Russ out for sure. Okc will do wtv it can to get some pieces, they will never get close to his value though.
Warriors vs Celtics in the Finals would've been lit.... :smh:

Oh well... I wanted Paul George anyways :lol:

Do it Bird :nerd:
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I'm not mad at KD for leaving, but it's just the fact that his previous team had them beat and gave the game away. Maybe he was doing some forward thinking and just figured that with Ibaka being traded, and maybe figured Russ would be gone the year after, he may as well leave now. Oh well, I'll I know is if you have Lebron that NaCl for teaming with Wade and Lebron yet having Carlos Arroyo, Mike Bibby, and Joel Anthony as some of your teammates playing heavy minutes, you better give it to KD 10000 times over :lol:
Wow surprised he didn't sign 1+1 with okc.

They were so close and srs looked better this year than last (losing ibaka is tough but by getting oladipo and adams getting better and better, i felt they were going to be a better team).

Can't wait to see how the gsw will mesh up as a team. On paper, they are just unreal.

If lebron wins against them... I hate to admit it but he could def be GOAT even with "only" 4 chips. He def become top2 with Jordan.

Russ out for sure. Okc will do wtv it can to get some pieces, they will never get close to his value though.
Sports, bruh.

I felt it going this direction in the last day or so, and I still can't wrap my head around it. Dis tew much chaos for my mind.

I ******* hate the fact that Joe Lightyears Lacob wins in all this. I hate that more than anything else.

You don't think it was all part of the plan to have a once in a lifetime player have chronic ankle issues that allowed the Warriors to keep him for a discount? Or that they planned for a 2nd round pick to turn into a top 10 player?

Lightyears Lacob had this planned for a decade.
They still need a center, Thompson will just feast on the boards again if they meet in the finals
Hell , love woke up in game 7 and had a lot of rebounds

Smart to do a 2 year x player option though , if they fall with this roster , just leave
Alright just woke up from a coma and heard the news..

KD is officially a ***** ...
Free agents on the warriors? Anyone know? There's like 6 of them. Festus, Barbosa, Livingston,Rush..forgetting the other two...
So say KD averages 55,15, and 11. Is he still just top 20 all time? Just wondering since players have preconceived ceilings before their careers are even started.
He's not going to average those numbers. Started? Durant isn't 22. It's obvious how good he's going to be. And he's obviously not going to average those numbers now. He'll never average anything close to that MVP season he had again. The highest he can average with these Warriors is 25-26.
OKC was bound to fall apart one day, no? Can't expect two young dudes with so much promise to want to waste away in middle America. Self interests and other things always effect that.
reading his essay on Players Tribune, I truly believe this was an easy decision for him.

No effort into that article.

More effort was put into letting a one night stand know you want nothing to do with her.
This looks bad for GS if Kd's foot acts up and he becomes injury prone like Beth Curry. They'll lose key pieces for an injury prone KD if his foot acts up. KD has a similar foot injury that ended Yao Mings career.
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